Proper nutrition and exercise is the key to staying fit. What should you eat to lose weight? Why healthy eating is so important and how to choose the right diet for every day What to eat to eat right

The systematic use of excessively fatty and high-calorie foods has an extremely negative impact on health, causing obesity and related problems.

Phosphogliv is a modern combination drug for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases:

  • optimal composition of active ingredients;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • favorable safety profile;
  • over-the-counter dispensing from pharmacies.
Some sports diets and drugs used to increase the effectiveness of training have a detrimental effect on the condition of the liver. How to protect this vital organ? In order not to overpay for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, choose drugs that have a fixed affordable price.

Why healthy eating is so important and how to choose the right diet for every day

The ancients said: you are what you eat. Modern research confirms this statement. Not only health and longevity, but also mood depend on the diet. Alas, in recent years, people are less likely to distinguish proper nutrition from weight loss diets. However, many of the latter not only have nothing to do with healthy eating, but can also seriously harm health. While a balanced menu will help not only bring weight back to normal, but also significantly improve well-being.

Healthy eating is the key to well-being and longevity

Why is it so important to eat right, even if your weight is normal? Biologically, a person is not able to consume such an abundance of food as we have now. When nature "designed" us, she assumed that we would walk for long kilometers in search of each root or piece of meat, eat small portions, most of our diet would be fruits and vegetables, and meat and honey would come across to us much less often. But civilization has changed everything - today even people with a small income can easily afford high-calorie, fatty, salty and sweet food. And you don't even have to move to do it! But in the natural habitat, the average Homo sapiens must pass at least 10-20 kilometers a day. As a result, almost all people of the civilized world move little and overeat, but do not get enough vitamins and minerals.

The consequences of malnutrition can be not only overweight and obesity. An unbalanced menu is the cause of lethargy and constant fatigue (even if you get enough calories), diseases of the liver, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, skin problems, various types of allergies, brittle and sparse hair, irritability and low performance, as well as such formidable diseases such as diabetes, ulcers, gastritis, stroke, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis. More than 70% of all modern diseases are the result of malnutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, overeating or, conversely, diets that are destructive to health.

The principles of proper nutrition

Healthy eating can solve many health problems, and the sooner you begin to adhere to the principles of a rational diet, the better. When we say “diet,” we don’t mean a short-term hunger strike that supposedly solves all health problems. The right diet is not just eating lettuce leaves, but a way of life. Here are the basic principles of a healthy diet:

  1. Eat only when you are hungry. The availability of food has led to the fact that we often sit down at the table without the slightest desire to eat, “seize” sadness or nibble on high-calorie chips and popcorn at the movies just to keep our hands busy.
  2. Favor minimally processed foods. Minced meat, mashed potatoes, mousses, all kinds of smoothies are too soft food. Chewing is a very important part of digestion. Eating such food, we spend much less calories than we should.
  3. Watch your calories. On average, a person needs 1800-2200 calories per day, these figures vary depending on weight, gender, age, health status, level of stress and period of life. With age, the need for calories decreases, but it is not the consumption of proteins that should be cut, but fats and simple carbohydrates (bread, pasta, sweets).
  4. Eat small meals. Our digestive system is designed for 5-6 meals in small quantities, and not 2-3, as we are used to. Each serving of food should be the size of a fist or less. If you only eat once or twice a day, your body will begin to store fat.
  5. Watch the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 50% carbs, 25% fat, and 25% protein is a formula that works for most.
  6. Bring variety. A week on rice or salad alone will not make you healthy - it will make you irritable. Food should be varied and tasty - firstly, it's good for your mood, and secondly, it will provide you with all the vitamins you need.
  7. Avoid ready meals and fast food. Frozen pizza, dumplings or a hamburger may not seem that high in calories, but the production technology of such dishes involves a very high percentage of "hidden" fat, preservatives and salt.
  8. Don't eat in the evening. At night, your stomach also sleeps and cannot cope with the digestion of a heavy dinner. You should eat at least 2 hours before going to bed.

This is interesting
Not only the calorie content of dishes is growing, but also their volume. Even at McDonald's in 1950, the standard serving of soda was 225 grams. Today in these cafes, the smallest portion of cola is 340 grams, and the largest is 900. This is about 310 kcal.

Products for a healthy diet

How to eat right? When we hear the words "healthy food", we often imagine a pile of lettuce leaves. Needless to say, leafy vegetables are very useful, but few people have an appetite for them. Fortunately, healthy foods are not just about greens. Here is a list of ingredients for proper nutrition for every day.

A fish. Especially ocean varieties - fish oil is very good for health, it lowers cholesterol levels, clearing plaque from blood vessels and reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke by almost half. The predominance of fish in the diet is the key to good skin and hair condition. In addition, fish activates brain activity and contains vitamin E, which is essential for liver health.

Eggs. They should not get carried away - 4-5 eggs per week is enough to prevent stomach and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis and disorders of the nervous system.

Berries. Any berries are rich in antioxidants that slow down the aging process - this applies not only to appearance, but to all body systems. Berries must be present on the table of those who are obese and diabetic.

beans. Legumes are almost an ideal dietary product. Dishes from beans and lentils quickly saturate, give us the necessary supply of protein and fiber for good digestion. They are useful for people suffering from obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases, as well as for everyone who has a weakened immune system.

Whole grain bread and pasta. These are “good” carbohydrates that saturate for a long time. The body spends a lot of energy to digest them, and they are not as dangerous for our figure as buns and cakes. Plus, whole grains can help you lose weight. Wholemeal flour dishes help to overcome obesity, diabetes, beriberi, depression, heart and vascular diseases. They are rich in B vitamins.

Dairy products. Choose full-fat - they have a lot of protein and calcium, necessary for teeth, bones and metabolic processes. They also contain lipoic acid, which helps to improve the liver. Fat-free foods lose most of their beneficial properties and taste. In view of the latter, manufacturers often add a huge amount of sugar to them.

Vegetables. A real storehouse of vitamins and fiber, and there are very few calories in them. Any bright orange and red vegetables are especially useful - they contain a lot of vitamin A, which is necessary for vision, beautiful skin and a healthy liver. Green vegetables contain the entire complex of B vitamins, as well as potassium and calcium.

Olive oil. This is a "magic" product that lowers cholesterol, cleanses the liver and removes toxins.

By the way
Psychologists have calculated that we think about food about 100 times a day.

Prohibited Products

Some foods are incompatible with a healthy diet. Here is just a partial list of them.

Canned food. In order for canned vegetables, meat, fruits or fish to retain their taste and presentation for many months, dyes, preservatives, a huge amount of sugar and salt are often added to them. In addition, there are very few useful substances in them - for example, omega-3 fatty acids, which make tuna such a useful variety of fish, are completely destroyed during canning.

Ready-made fatty sauces. For example, mayonnaise, so beloved by many. Homemade mayonnaise, made from fresh country eggs and olive oil, is occasionally affordable. But the oil used to make the finished sauce is far from the best quality, it contains a lot of preservatives, vinegar, and besides, it is a very high-calorie dressing that negates all the benefits of dishes, for example, vegetable salads.

Smoked products. There is a lot of salt in smoked meat and fish, such snacks are a colossal burden on the kidneys. In addition, it has long been proven that processed meat contains carcinogens. In other words, everything that can be bought and eaten right away (sausages, hams, sausages, bacon, brisket and other similar products) is not only not healthy, but also dangerous to health.

Watch out meat!
According to the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, processed meat is one of the causes of bowel cancer. So, eating 50 grams of bacon or other processed meat increases the risk of developing cancer by 18%!

Roast. French fries, battered foods, pies and pasties - all these dishes are as popular as they are dangerous. They contain a lot of fat - and are often prepared using low-quality oils. Excess fat is generally undesirable - it leads to excess weight, and liver cells under its influence degenerate into fat and cease to perform their functions.

Sweet drinks. Our brains don't use calories from juices and sodas. Meanwhile, both lemonades and packaged juices contain a lot of sugar - one glass can contain up to 170 or more calories!

Baking and sweets. These are the so-called fast carbohydrates - the energy received from them must be consumed immediately. Otherwise, excess carbohydrates cause the deposition of adipose tissue.

The right diet for every day

Before reviewing your diet, you need to talk with your doctor. There are products that are contraindicated in certain diseases. Healthy people, on the other hand, may well create their own menu based on our example of proper nutrition for every day of the week.


Breakfast: oatmeal in water with milk, one boiled egg, whole grain toast, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: vegetable puree soup, sandwich with whole grain bread and low-fat cheese.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with dried fruits.

Dinner: chicken breast baked with vegetables.


Breakfast: millet porridge with raisins, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: green cabbage soup, broccoli casserole.

Afternoon snack: vegetable salad.

Dinner: chicken baked in the oven with boiled potatoes.


Breakfast: natural yogurt with a handful of berries, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: chicken soup with vermicelli, cottage cheese casserole.

Afternoon snack: fruit salad.

Dinner: steamed fish cakes with vegetable garnish.


Breakfast: poached egg on whole grain toast, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: okroshka with chicken, whole grain bread.

Afternoon snack: a glass of ryazhenka.

Dinner: baked fish, boiled rice.


Breakfast: muesli with fruits and nuts, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: mushroom soup, lazy cabbage rolls from lean chicken.

Afternoon snack: rice casserole with dried fruits.

Dinner: vegetable stew, squid salad.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: zucchini puree soup with chicken breast, vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: curd cheesecakes.

Dinner: durum wheat pasta with vegetable sauce.


Breakfast: 2 egg omelet, tea or coffee without sugar.

Afternoon snack: fruit salad dressed with yogurt.

Dinner: wow, vinaigrette.

Dinner: bean stew

As you can see, a healthy diet is very far from a hunger strike. But it makes no sense to take it as a diet - in order to maintain beauty and health, you need to eat like this always, occasionally allowing yourself to deviate from the rules - after all, we are all people.

Helpers in the fight for health

The life of an average city dweller cannot be called healthy in any way - stress, bad ecology, lack of time and, as a result, a large share of fast food in the diet. Some people use alcohol to relieve tension, and this also does not add health. The liver is the first to suffer - it is this organ that removes toxins and breaks down fats. A 30-year-old man with a diseased liver is not uncommon. But can such a situation be called normal? Of course not.

For most of us, a healthy diet is no longer enough to feel good - the liver needs additional support. This is the reason for the popularity of hepatoprotective drugs to protect the liver.

The most common active component of hepatoprotectors is essential phospholipids - plant substances that strengthen cell membranes. Phospholipids contribute to the rapid recovery of damaged liver cells. They are good on their own, but phospholipids work most effectively in combination with glycyrrhizic acid. This is a substance found naturally in licorice root, a well-known remedy for liver diseases. Scientists have been studying these substances for decades and have proven that such a tandem is effective in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic and drug-induced liver diseases and other diseases. Phospholipids and glycyrrhizic acid strengthen liver cells, accelerate their regeneration, have anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic and antioxidant effects. Since 2010, the combination of these substances has been included in the List of Vital and Essential Medicines, annually approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and it is also included in the standards for the treatment of liver diseases. This confirms the clinical efficacy and favorable safety profile of this complex.

Thursday, 01.03.2018

Editorial opinion

When compiling a healthy menu, think not only about the benefits, but also about your preferences. Broccoli is very healthy, but since childhood you cannot tolerate this vegetable? Replace it with something else - spinach or zucchini. Suffering without sweets? Do not give it up completely, just replace the sweets with dates, dried apricots and dark chocolate. This is important because the stress of eating unsavory food can negate the benefits of a healthy diet.

Feeling lethargic? Healthy fats, iron-rich foods, and proper snacking will help you fight fatigue. Portal about presents some useful tips.

Eat for energy.

One of the most pressing questions of the present time has become the question of what needs to be done to finally stop feeling constantly tired and lethargic, how to increase your own energy supply and do it quickly.

Fatigue breaks us down physically and emotionally, crippling the immune system, making us more susceptible to illness, depression, and even chronic conditions like heart disease. What's more, eating right and creating a healthy eating pattern can do wonders for making people healthier.

1. Eat more foods containing plant-based iron.
Certain nutrients, especially iron, help women feel more energized. Nearly 10% of women aged 20 to 49 suffer from iron deficiency, which can cause fatigue and impair physical and mental endurance.

Iron is essential for delivering oxygen to cells and for immunity.
Recent studies have shown that women who consume adequate amounts of plant-based iron are 35% less likely to develop PMS than women who consume less. Products containing iron of plant origin: beans, lentils, spinach, sesame; eat them with foods containing vitamin C, so that iron is better absorbed.

2. Eat food in the right combination.
One formula for maximizing energy is: fruits or vegetables + whole grains + protein + vegetable fats + herbs/spices.

Cynthia Sass calls it the "5-Piece Puzzle" and this formula is described in her book, Own Slimness. "Balance is the key. Your body likes to be in balance," Sass says. "Giving it less than it needs is just as bad as giving it more than it needs."

3. Avoid caffeine.
Cynthia believes that "Essentially caffeine gives you 'false' energy because it's just a stimulant. After the burst of energy, you may feel tired again or even more tired than you were."

4. Eat an energizing breakfast.
In the morning, don't limit yourself to eating protein or carbs, and make sure you have a balanced breakfast, says Sass. Instead of just eating yogurt, add some antioxidant-rich fruits, healthy fats like nuts or seeds, and raw or toasted oats. And don't forget fat-free yogurt for extra protein.

5. Eat more "real" food.
Meaning: whole grains, not processed into chips or crackers out of the box, the fruit itself, not juice or fruit bars. This way you will get more energy!

"When my clients switched from processed foods to natural foods, their energy increased and many of them began to lose weight despite eating more calories," Sass says.

6. Eat more super fruits.
Sass recommends consuming as many super fruits as possible - apples, stone fruits, berries, tomatoes.
Limiting yourself to the same banana for breakfast that fills you up with nutrients and antioxidants can leave you feeling tired. "Studies show that people who eat the same amount of food but more variety experience less oxidative stress, which is a precursor to aging and disease," she says.

7. Avoid energy traps.
Avoid the traps that reduce and even destroy energy, such as processed and artificial foods, refined grains and sugar, skipping meals, and drinking too much caffeine and alcohol.

When choosing an energy bar, ignore what's on the front of the package and check the ingredient list, Sass says. “If the ingredients read like a recipe and I can buy them and make them myself, that's great. But if the list reads like a science experiment and the ingredients aren't real whole foods, I won't eat it, no matter the protein/carb/fat content or vitamin/mineral ratio."

9. Don't avoid fat.
Don't cut out healthy fats if you want more energy. "You need fat to absorb some of the important antioxidants," Sass says. One study that served salads with low-fat dressing, low-fat dressing, and high-fat dressing found that people got less antioxidants from vegetables when they ate salads with low-fat dressing. The reason is that some antioxidants must be ingested with fat in order to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream, where they begin their action. Antioxidants are important for energy because they fight free radicals and keep cells healthy, Sass adds.

10. Eat in season.
What is the secret of eating for energy, according to many nutritionists? Eat locally and according to the season. “When you go to the market, often the products are harvested less than 48 hours before you buy them, because they don’t have to be transported far, and they have time to ripen, which means that they contain more nutrients, "Sass says.

11. Choose frozen foods.
While fresh and local is great, frozen food is also a great source of nutrients. “Freezing actually locks out nutrients, so frozen fruit without the addition of other ingredients can be just as nutritious as fresh fruit, and maybe even more so if the fresh fruit hasn’t just been plucked,” Sass says. The moment a fruit or vegetable is harvested, it begins to lose its nutrients."

Many people believe that the causes of diseases are heredity and poor ecology, stress and life situations. But almost no one realizes that the external and internal state of a person largely depends on what he eats. If you want - take it seriously, but if you want - just do not pay attention to this phrase. But in any case, now we will talk about how to eat right to be healthy.

Probably everyone knows and remembers this expression: "You are what you eat." You can eat a piece of fried steak, but it is better to prefer stew. It will be more useful. Now for those who decide to bring their diet back to normal, a few tips:

Water is essential for health

If you ask yourself the question of how to learn how to eat right in order to be healthy, then you understand that a person does not live in order to eat, but, on the contrary, eats in order to live. But you need to start with ordinary water. Most likely, you have heard that you should drink at least two liters of it per day. A sufficient amount of fluid allows the body to live normally. In order not to forget to use "life-giving moisture", you need to develop a habit. Start simple: take a container, you can use a bottle (half a liter). You pour water into it. Download a special program to your mobile phone or simply set an alarm to ring every hour. A signal sounded - take out a container of liquid and take three sips. Even if you don't feel like drinking, drink anyway. In this way, “love” for drinking water is developed.

Be patient for twenty-one days, and then the hand itself will reach for the bottle.

Remember: tea, coffee, juices do not count. Only pure water.

We take food

As you wander in search of an answer to the question of how to eat right to be healthy, do not forget about such a moment as the frequency of meals. There has long been a debate on the topic "To eat after eighteen hours or not?". We will talk about this and much more at the moment.

Is it possible to fall asleep if the stomach "asks" to eat? Hardly. Of course, there are people among us who can silence him, but is it worth it? It is best if the last meal is three hours before bedtime. But it doesn't have to be a pan of fried potatoes or meat. Don't limit yourself to a piece of bread. Try to keep your dinner light but balanced.

How should you eat right to be healthy, if you mean the frequency of meals? Three times a day is not enough, especially for those who work. Be sure to have snacks every three hours. It is desirable that these are products:

  • High in soluble fiber: fruits, vegetables, legumes.
  • Protein foods - cheeses, eggs, fish and others.
  • Nuts and yogurt without sugar and additives.
  • Dried fruits and salads.

Another factor affects the diet. This is age.

twenty to thirty years

You are young, healthy, metabolic processes proceed intensively. There are no problems with being overweight. These are positive points. The negative ones include: malnutrition, nightlife, alcohol and smoking. All this negatively affects the body, and it begins to hurt.

The question of how to eat right to be healthy at this age can be answered as follows:

  • No long-term diets, especially those low in protein. They lead to a decrease in muscle mass. Calories begin to be deposited in fat.
  • The diet should contain seventy percent animal protein and thirty - vegetable. The most useful protein is found in dairy products, meat, fish, eggs. It is desirable that at least something from this set is included in your daily menu. Remember: the meat should be lean, any fish will do.

  • Pay special attention to carbohydrates. Thanks to them we are energetic and strong. Useful complex carbohydrates. These include: cereals, whole grain bread. Simple, but very tasty carbohydrates - sugar, cookies, sweets and more, should account for only ten percent of the required amount of organic compounds. The norm is sixty percent of the energy value of the diet.

Fats and micro-, macroelements in 20 years

We continue the conversation about how to eat right to be healthy in your twenties and thirties.

Don't forget about fats. Most metabolic processes proceed only thanks to them. Vitamins will also not be absorbed, but they are involved in the structure of the cell membrane and the functioning of the gallbladder. The function of fats is energy and protective. But you should not abuse this food item. Between the ages of twenty and thirty, twenty-five grams of saturated fat and eleven of polyunsaturated fats are enough.

At this age, the body must be fully provided with minerals and vitamins. A sufficient number of them is the key to the smooth functioning of the body in the future.

Give preference to foods containing sufficient amounts of magnesium, zinc, chromium, calcium, and B vitamins. The latter are found in fruits and vegetables. However, it is impossible to do without balanced vitamin-mineral complexes.

Nutrition at the age of thirty to forty-five years

It's never too late to start leading a healthy lifestyle. How to eat right at the age of thirty to forty years, so that health does not fail in the future?

During this period, metabolic processes begin to slow down. Stress, sedentary work, assigned responsibility for relatives and friends, low physical activity, violation of the diet - everything makes itself felt. Overweight appears, health problems begin.

After thirty-five years, it is necessary to reduce the calorie intake. The body begins to spend less energy, muscle mass decreases by one percent annually.

An important component of the menu should be protein, we must not forget about it. The amount of fat, especially animal fat, must be reduced. This also applies to simple carbohydrates. The diet should include more fruits, vegetables, salads.

By the age of forty-five, many people develop chronic diseases. The menu should be compiled depending on them. Some will have to limit the use of salt and spices, while others will have to give up sugar.

Meals should be fractional, portions should be small.

Nutrition for those over forty-five

At this age, the hormonal background changes. The body begins to accumulate fluid. Excess calories quickly turn into fat. Especially women during this period should give preference to a healthy diet. How to eat right, now let's talk. The main rule for compiling a menu is a limited amount of fats and carbohydrates. The diet should include: fish, dairy products, legumes, herbs, garlic, vegetable oils.

For normal bowel function, include in the menu: yogurt, cheese, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, onions. Don't forget foods like sauerkraut, homemade vinegar-free pickles, pickled apples.

Pineapple, papaya, kiwi will help fight fats. When dressing salads, give preference to lemon juice, apple cider vinegar.

You can't do without multivitamins.

A woman should deny herself a lot in this age period. The ovaries produce less estrogen, which is known to protect against excess weight. It is advisable to give up salt or reduce its amount, do not abuse bakery products. It is recommended to give preference to vegetables and fruits.

What to cook

Now let's talk in more detail about how to eat right. Let's try to make a menu.

Tip - paint a sample menu for the week. Remember that breakfast should account for two-thirds of the daily intake of carbohydrates, protein - one-third, fat - one-fifth.

For lunch, no one forces you to eat the first, second and third. The main thing is that the products are combined. Dinner should be light but satisfying. It is advisable to have dinner three hours before bedtime.

In addition to the main meals, there should also be snacks:

  • Second breakfast - snack before lunch. Usually used: fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts, cottage cheese.
  • Snack - at sixteen o'clock. Suitable tea with a sandwich, cocoa, pancakes.
  • The end of the day - fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, kefir.

Don't forget to prepare salads. There must be many. Every day you can come up with something new. Vegetables and fruits can be seasoned to your choice: vegetable oil, spicy dressing, sauce, natural yogurt. Nutritionists offer an original scheme. All salad products are divided into several groups. By combining products from these groups, you can eat delicious salads every day. That's what we'll talk about.

Product groups

Thanks to the scheme proposed by nutritionists, salads will be on your table every day, and they will be varied for a whole week. This table will help you in compiling the menu.

Protein products


Sweet or sour


Dressing (one to two teaspoons)

Turkey or chicken, cooked and cut into small pieces

Grated carrot

Mango, diced

Fresh herbs (parsley, dill, basil)

grated cheese

Tuna or salmon. Can be pickled or smoked

bell pepper

Sunflower seeds

Baked eggplant, small piece

lettuce or spinach leaves

Broccoli, lightly fried

red onion

Broccoli sprouts

sesame seed


unleavened chips

Canned corn

avocado slices

Green pea

Rye or wheat crackers

grapefruit or orange

Canned beans or lentils

Raisins, plum

Cherry tomatoes


Now you know how to eat right to be healthy. It remains only to follow these rules, gain willpower. Remember, what you eat when you are young can have a negative impact on your health in the future.

You don't have to give up on a new lifestyle right away. It only takes twenty-one days to change your habits. Try it and you will succeed.

* * * * * * * * * * *

A hot topic for most of our readers. And then everyone writes that eating is harmful, they have ranked almost all widespread products as inedible, doctors warn about GMOs, various E-additives, flavor enhancers, sodium nitrites ...

Now being healthy is relatively fashionable. In the end, when you faint with an attack of gastritis in public transport, you understand that your withered student stomach deserves better. You need to eat right. Relatively correct. Healthy eating will fix everything, even if you are simultaneously puffing like a steam locomotive, drinking like Winston Churchill.

Only one problem - there is no money in your pocket. For the last few pennies, it would seem that normal products cannot be bought. However, this is all nonsense. Most healthy products are not expensive, contrary to popular belief. Another thing is that you will have to spend more time and have to learn how to cook. Let's forget about ready-made convenience foods and semi-soured salads from supermarkets and dive into the pool of healthy food. Burn the shawarma in a ritual fire - and run for adequate products.


Please note that we do not take into account the widespread portioned instant cereals. Yes, they are convenient, but most often they contain excessive amounts of sugar, as well as artificial flavors. Therefore, only loose cereals that need to be boiled. It's quite simple: fill it with water and put it on fire. It is useful and very satisfying. To save time, prepare the sled, as they say, in the summer. Pour oatmeal at night with something dairy (milk, kefir, yogurt), and in the morning, if desired, warm up and eat. Satisfying and useful.

Rice also not worth a lot of money, even good quality. Legumes, beans, lentils- in general, a storehouse of benefits. And most importantly, they are incredibly satisfying. From them you can make soups and stews, vegetable or meat, or simply boil, sprinkle with seasonings and eat with pleasure. And from beans you can make a simple and incredibly tasty dish - lobio.

But if there is no time to cook porridge from cereals, pay attention to cereals, which are sold in large packages. Just make sure they aren't covered in icing sugar. If you calculate the consumption of such cereals, it turns out that they are much more profitable than portioned cereals.


Where are the eggs. Eggs are everything. They have an incredible amount of nutrients. And they don't cost too much. Believe the bitter experience: there is no point in buying expensive Dutch kokushkas in a reinforced plastic box with a heraldic seal. They practically do not differ in taste and quality from the unborn children of a chicken from a neighboring state farm.

Eggs can be boiled, fried, or you can make an omelette, leaving with it everything that has begun to become moldy. Do not be afraid of a gray-green person who lodges without asking for bread. Reassure yourself, they say, penicillin is useful, and most importantly, not expensive. But remember, since we still have a healthy diet, you can’t overdo it with them, that is, you shouldn’t eat eggs 3 times a day for a whole month.

real meat

First, say no to sausage. There is little benefit in it, and eating it regularly is expensive. Even sausages are not cheaper than a meat dish. Therefore, find the nearest market and buy meat exclusively there. It's cheaper there. If you can ingratiate yourself with the butcher, you'll get discounts. So meat and only meat. Buy, chop, freeze and take out a piece as needed.

Don't forget the nice liver. The liver is hearty, tasty and very healthy. Especially for the liver, oddly enough. We also remember chicken navels, lungs and hearts. We know that some disdain to eat such yummy, because noble roots and the high spirit of naive aestheticism interfere. But there is nothing tastier than lungs, liver and hearts stewed in tomato paste with garlic and herbs. And chewing the heart muscle, among other things, is also very useful.

By the way, skillful hands can make pate out of the liver and smear it on bread at least around the clock.

Vegetables and fruits

We keep in mind the flagship of a healthy diet - garden fruits. Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, they are cheaper and tastier. Feel free to take spoiled. But if the box contains God knows what with 50% rot, then this is not your choice. There are more sophisticated ways to self-destruct. And if a little softened, crushed, wrinkled - take it boldly. And it costs less, and is healthy, and tasty, and beauty in fruits is not the main thing.

By the way, show peasant prudence and catch that amazing moment in the life of the fruit, when it has not yet deteriorated, and you began to feel that you do not want to eat it. Freeze. Then you will add it to soups, meat or just nibble on cold evenings.


Who said soup is expensive? It just takes a lot of time. If you are preparing some delicious stew from an unknown sea fish, then yes. And to cook a stew from inexpensive vegetables is nonsense. Tasty and healthy. Even borscht. Throw in the bones of the butchered chicken just now, throw in the cabbage, potatoes, tomato paste, and wait. It may not be as rich, but if everything goes according to plan, you can swallow your tongue from your own coolness and deliciousness of your creation. Yes, about borsch, of course, I’m sketchy, I hope I didn’t offend the feelings of real gourmets of this dish.

If you cook soup in meat or chicken broth, cooked meat can be baked for a second course, once again killing two birds with one stone. Then with the richness everything will be in order.

From cheap autumn vegetables, you can cook wonderful mashed soups (or cream soup, if you add a little cream) - a very nutritious, tasty and at the same time not expensive dish.


Cottage cheese, dried fruits, nuts, toast, generously seasoned with spices and herbs - all this can serve as a good snack. As you know, stale, dried bread is always healthier, and the benefits of cottage cheese are said by people much more authoritative than Elena Malysheva and the clowns from her program.

Other little things

Learn to feel full: if you are full on half a plate, leave it alone, put it in the refrigerator, eat it later. So you will gradually understand how much you need to cook so that the stomach is comfortable digesting.

Look at discounts in stores (while checking the expiration dates and the integrity of the packaging), if something fits into a healthy diet and is stored, buy for future use.

Say no to "Doshirak" and "Rolton"! It is clear that in our country they have become more national than dumplings, but this does not mean that they are useful.

15 ways to eat healthy and cheap

Healthy eating is very important. It:
- Reduces the risk of diseases;
- Increases productivity;
- Increases the level of energy;
- Makes you stronger.

You may think that healthy eating is expensive. I'll be honest - it is, especially now, when, in pursuit of a buyer, even "verified" manufacturers have begun to use chemicals, and in the truest sense of the word. But I offer you tricks that will reduce your food costs.

What is a healthy diet anyway? First, let's define the phrase "healthy food". It includes:

* Squirrels. For building muscle, for strength.
* Fats. Balanced intake of omega 3, omega 6, omega 9.
* Vegetables. All kinds, especially green fibrous vegetables.
* Fruit. Rich in vitamins.
* Water. 1 liter per 1000 calories you spend.
* Whole grain food. Oats, rice, pasta, bread…

And now - tips.

1. Get on the water. Forget about soda (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, fantasies, etc.) and drink water. Take water with you everywhere. For example, a 150 gram baby bottle is enough for a walk.

2. Drink tap water. Compare prices for tap water and bottled water. Noticeable difference? Then why buy bottled water?

Cleaner? Not necessary. Tastier? No, it's a matter of habit.
Bottled water producers use the same sources - the municipal water system. This is very reminiscent of selling ice to the Eskimos. If you are not satisfied with the quality of tap water, filter it. One filter for 250 rubles. purifies 150 liters of water.

3. Eat eggs. I always eat eggs for breakfast.
They are rich in vitamins. They are rich in proteins. They are cheap.

Don't believe the myth of bad cholesterol found in eggs. Yes, eggs do have it, but not a single person will eat so much cholesterol to harm their health.

4. Eat fatty meats. Fatty meats are both cheaper and tastier than lean meats. Do you think it's harmful?
Fats won't make you fat, the extra calories will give you the omegas you need. Therefore, I would rather buy a piece of beef than a fillet.

5. Tuna. Canned tuna contains more protein than meat. Alternate tuna with eggs and meat. You will easily reach your daily protein requirement.

6. Buy frozen vegetables. They take less time to prepare. You won't lose money if you don't eat it on time. You can buy by weight - it's cheaper. If you can afford fresh vegetables, then buy them.

7. Fish oil. Omega 3 acids are found in fish oils. It is useful in that it lowers the level of cholesterol and fats in the body.
Take fish oil 3 times a week: one teaspoon every day. And all will be well.

8. Buy "general" products. The packaging may be less attractive, but it will be attractive for the wallet. Products with a more well-known brand are always more expensive. You are buying a brand. Wake up! Food is food.

9. Buy in bulk. Think long term. Buying in bulk is cheaper in general: gives you discounts, saves time and petrol (on the road). Put everything in the refrigerator. Buy meat and vegetables and safely throw them in the freezer!

10. Choose one grocery store. Meat is cheaper in one store, vegetables in another, fish in a third… How many stores will you visit in search of cheap food? Think!

Time is money. Stop wasting it on shopping. Cars don't drive on water. Reduce your fuel costs.
I buy all my groceries from one big store near my house. It's not the cheapest, but it saves me time and fuel costs.

11. Make a plan. Make a list of what you need and always take it with you.
Just buy groceries and go home.

12. Take food to work. Calculate how much you spend on food at work every day? Prepare food as soon as you wake up.
Therefore: get up early, prepare a good breakfast and food for work. Time for everything about everything - 30 minutes. This will help you avoid stress during the day, and you will get great healthy food, and the money will remain in your wallet.

13. Eat less. It is obvious. If you eat less, you spend less money on groceries in the store. If you need to lose weight, go on a diet. Your health and wallet will thank you.

14. Don't buy "junk food" (food rich in calories but low in energy value). Stop buying everything that is harmful and expensive.

15. Remember the basic principles of proper nutrition:
* Refusal of harmful products (the main thing - from what contains a lot of artificial preservatives and dyes);
* Method of cooking (chicken breast breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in a huge amount of oil, with fried potatoes and the same chicken breast, steamed, with boiled or baked potatoes in the oven - feel the difference);
* Drinking regimen (emphasis on clean drinking water, green tea and freshly squeezed juices and at least one and a half liters of fluid per day, not counting soups).
* The frequency of meals (practice fractional meals - portions should be small, and the break between meals - no longer than three hours).

And you should not come up with various excuses - "there is nowhere to cook at work", "the chef orders junk food" and others. Instead of the usual hamburger, you can buy an apple or yogurt, right? Yes, and in a cafe, instead of fried potatoes, you can order a vegetable salad, right? That's healthy food for you!

The transition to proper nutrition

Of course, in reality it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance - it is very, very difficult to give up your eating habits. If you have iron willpower, you can do it in one day - get up in the morning and into a new life. But for most people, this task is on the verge of fantasy. In order for you not to break loose and leave the idea of ​​switching to proper nutrition, do it gradually. To begin with, give up that harmful product, which is the easiest for you to part with. After a week, add another product - and so on until only healthy products remain on your menu.

And remember - in the event that you could not resist and ate something harmful again, in no case give up. Well, they ate and ate - this is not a reason to abandon a healthy lifestyle, right?

If you are in doubt about a particular product, or you just can’t figure out what to eat now, go to a dietitian. Also, this specialist should be visited by people suffering from a particular chronic disease - the doctor will also help adjust the diet.

sample menu

Everything seems to be more or less clear. But in order for the picture to be complete, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an exemplary menu of proper nutrition. Of course, it is very conditional and you can change it to your liking and desire. But you still get the idea. So:

Cook oatmeal in milk, add a little butter. In addition, a cheese sandwich and tea will not hurt. Such a breakfast will provide you with energy until the very lunchtime and you simply will not need any snacks. Breakfast in general plays a huge role - it is by no means unacceptable to skip it. Otherwise, snacks and metabolic disorders are guaranteed to you.

For breakfast, any porridge is suitable. But the main condition is that it should not be instant porridge, which is enough just to pour hot water. There are no useful nutrients in such porridge, but only preservatives and flavor enhancers. Therefore, it is much more reasonable to spend a little time and cook a normal porridge.

Second breakfast or, as it is now commonly called, lunch is also not worth skipping. Eat some fruit or yogurt - whichever you prefer. But you should not eat too much - just a little snack is enough. Of course, you only need to eat if you feel like it.

For lunch, it is advisable to eat some vegetable or chicken soup, a piece of meat with vegetables as a side dish. If you are forced to dine out, the soup can be replaced with some tasty and healthy salad - for example,.

afternoon tea
For an afternoon snack, you can eat any fruit or vegetable, or drink drinking yogurt. Bread can be added to yogurt. Or a slice of rye bread.

The saying about the need to give dinner to the enemy is not far from the truth. Of course, the whole dinner is not worth giving away. But remember - dinner should be light enough. For example, eat cottage cheese with fruit. Just add chopped fruit to regular cottage cheese, and you can fill it all with drinking yogurt. Before going to bed, if you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir or weak unsweetened tea.

* * *
P.S. Eat reliable food, don't starve. If it seems to you that too much money is spent on food, then it’s time for you to cut back on spillikins (clothes, cosmetics, trips, sweets, trinkets, everyone has their own), either change a part-time job, or wake up and buy cheaper goods.

Eating healthy is trendy right now. In all social networks, proper nutrition is promoted as the basis of a healthy lifestyle. But due to the large amount of information, often contradictory, people have a not quite right idea about how to eat right. In this article, we will talk about what is actually considered proper nutrition, as well as dispel the most common myths associated with this concept.

The essence of proper nutrition and what it gives

Food is an integral part of our life. But lately we have begun to forget why we actually eat. Food has become for a person not a way to prolong life, but a pleasure for which you can sacrifice your health. Most people for a long time do not even suspect that food literally kills them from the inside and look for the causes of their diseases in anything but food. In the meantime, the so-called unhealthy food can become not a source of life for a person, but a means for painful death.

In the age of fast food, a sedentary lifestyle, carcinogens, flavor enhancers, all kinds of preservatives, it is very important to know the basics of proper nutrition in order to live a long and happy life.

Proper nutrition implies not only the observance of certain rules regarding what you can and cannot eat, but also the whole way of life of a person. Everything matters here: the time of eating, the quality of the food, the characteristics of the food, the methods of preparation.

There are many reasons why people switch to proper nutrition. Here are just the most common ones:

  • After prolonged illness, when the body is exhausted and needs a sparing diet.
  • Some use proper nutrition to get better because they are underweight.
  • Most people who practice yoga at a professional level adhere to the basics of proper nutrition or are completely vegetarian.
  • Athletes know that proper nutrition is considered an important component of well-being, strength and vigor.

If you want to adhere to proper nutrition, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Eat vegetables and fruits daily. These foods contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, so they must be eaten with proper nutrition. In addition, they contain fiber, which performs the most important functions: removes toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, envelops the intestinal walls with mucus, which prevents the development of many diseases, maintains the intestinal microflora in proper condition, removes all "unnecessary" from intestines.
  2. Drink plenty of water. Water is a participant in many processes in the body. Its deficiency is the cause of dehydration, and, consequently, poor health. Also, water deficiency in the body leads to premature aging of the skin of the face, neck, and body. People often wonder "what to drink with proper nutrition", not suspecting that the best drink is plain water. But it is better to refuse coffee and strong tea: these drinks excite the nervous system and can lead to insomnia.
  3. Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet. Simple carbohydrates include: all foods that contain flour and sugar. In other words, everything that brings us pleasure for a short period, but at the same time reflects poorly on our figure and causes addiction (cakes, ice cream, pastries, sweets, fast foods, carbonated drinks, etc.). To avoid a nervous breakdown, at first studying what you can eat on proper nutrition, and what is better to refrain from, you can allow yourself small indulgences in the form of a couple of slices of chocolate or one cake every 3-4 days.
  4. Have porridge for breakfast. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, barley - all these cereals are ideal for breakfast. But to cook them is on the water and without oil. If this combination seems bland to you, you can add dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries to the porridge. It is also allowed to add natural honey to dishes.
  5. You should always eat at the same time. You need to eat on proper nutrition at least five times a day. In addition to the three main full meals, there should be snacks (nuts, fruits, dairy products). At the same time, food must be chewed thoroughly.
  6. Eliminate alcohol and smoking. Bad habits are not compatible with a healthy lifestyle, so if your goal is to get healthier, then you should give up smoking and alcohol.
  7. Get ready for a couple. Fried foods are hard to digest, so it's best to steam them. So it will not cause discomfort in the intestines.
  8. Eat fresh food. You don't have to cook food ahead of time. Fresh food is much healthier and tastier.
  9. Lead an active lifestyle. All the calories eaten per day must be used up, otherwise they will be deposited in the most unexpected places in the form of fat. To prevent this from happening, you should walk more in the fresh air, swim in the pool, and also do exercises daily.
  10. The diet should be varied. If possible, make yourself a menu for a few days in advance and stick to the intended course.

Proper nutrition: what to cook for dinner?

Coming up with dishes for breakfast and lunch is usually easier than for dinner. Especially for those who do not know what you can eat for dinner with proper nutrition, we have prepared some simple options:

  • lean fish steamed with rice or vegetables;
  • chicken breast boiled or fried in a pan without oil with vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • omelet from two eggs, cooked without oil;
  • steamed fish cakes.

There is no strictly time for dinner, because the lifestyle of each person is different. But all doctors agree that the last meal should be three hours before bedtime. This is necessary so that the body rests during sleep, and does not work.

When it comes to serving size for dinner, the ideal option is considered to contain no more than 500 calories. Of course, counting calories is not the easiest thing to do, so you can limit yourself to your own feelings and leave the table with a slight feeling of malnutrition.

Celebrities who stick to healthy eating

Victoria Bonya

Every year Victoria Bonya only gets prettier. And this is the merit of not only the expensive cosmetic products that she uses, but also the right lifestyle. On her pages on the social network, she often publishes photos where she is actively involved in sports. Healthy food is also a part of Victoria Boni's life. In her diet, vegetables and fruits always occupy not the last place.

Yana Rudkovskaya

Not so long ago, Yana gave birth to a son. Many media wrote about how quickly Yana got into shape after giving birth. But there is nothing surprising here. In the photographs posted on social networks, we can conclude that Yana Rudkovskaya leads an active lifestyle and eats right.

Myth #1: Eliminate fat from your diet completely

Excess fats are really harmful, but they cannot be completely excluded from the diet. Fats contain vitamins and fatty acids that the body needs to function normally. Proper nutrition includes vegetable and animal fats.

Myth #2: You should definitely eat a bowl of soup every day.

Soups are useful only if they are prepared in accordance with all recommendations for proper nutrition. Fatty broth in combination with vegetables and cereals can harm our body. In addition, the soup dilutes the gastric juice. Many scientists claim that it slows down digestion. Therefore, the soup is better to use as a separate dish, and not as an addition to the main one.

Myth #3 Diet soda is good for you

Now on the shelves of stores there are many carbonated drinks marked "0 calories". However, this does not mean at all that the product is dietary and safe for health. Often these drinks contain much more harmful substances. In addition, sweet sparkling water is addictive, which is very difficult to cope with.

Myth #4 Fresh vegetables and fruits have more vitamins than frozen ones.

In winter, vegetables and fruits are expensive. At the same time, frozen foods retain all vitamins and minerals. That is why most nutritionists know that freezing vegetables in the summer is a great way to provide yourself with healthy foods in the winter.

Myth #5 Healthy food is expensive

Only those who have never followed the principles of proper nutrition can say so. Healthy food can be quite affordable if you buy it wisely. First, don't buy everything labeled "organic food." This is just a marketing ploy, such products are not always harmless. Secondly, it should be understood that simple food brings the greatest benefit to the body - cereals, vegetables, seasonal fruits. And it costs no more than a piece of fatty pork or a snack in a fast food restaurant.