Russians are experiencing due to the increase in traffic police fines. But they appeared only on paper, and not on the roads new changes in traffic rules from January 1

Changes in traffic rules, which will begin to enter into force from the beginning of 2018, will affect almost all categories of drivers and carriers. Why prepare according to new amendments to traffic rules?

Without which it is impossible to get behind the wheel anymore, and what devices, laws and signs will become unchanged drivers satellites according to changes in traffic rules since 2018?

"ERA GLONASS."An innovation designed to resolve controversial issues on an accident without the presence of traffic police officers. The essence is simple: "Era Glonass" - " technical remedy Controls "to consider the details of an accident by insurers in the event that the parties did not reach agreement. Actually, the DTP data is a protocol, a photo from the accident site, are sent to experts through the automatic terminal "ERA GLONASS", which is mounted in all the cars imported in the Russian Federation. Based on the data obtained, the experts will decide on the degree of damage and guilt of the Parties, namely, the indication of the culprit is necessary for the preparation of Europrotokola, according to the amendments to the law on OSAGO.

The amendments are accepted by the State Duma in the second reading. Test launches of the system will be held from 2018 to 2019, and changes come into force on June 1, 2018, reports "Glagonass Herald".

"OSAGO". The amendments were adopted by the law "On the Osago": in addition to the technical moments of the "ERA GLONASS", the Ministry of Finance accepted the norm according to which the limit of damage compensation increases. Thus, the payment limit raised twice - from 50 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. In addition, the changes make it possible to choose the path of transmission of an insurance company DTP details for the design of Europrotokol. In addition to the terminal, it will be possible to arrange an accident using mobile application "Assistant Osago." It is known that to start working in the system, drivers should register on the Public Services portal. Changes come into force on June 1, 2017, reports "Kommersant".

Tachographs. New changes touched the law "On road safety", Published by Legal Information Portal. Now legal entities And the IP is obliged to equip vehicles with tachographs.

Tachograph the device that allows you to control the recreation and labor of the driver. The innovation concerns private carriers of passengers and cargo. In addition, the carrier is obliged to provide unhindered access to the tachograph officials. Among other things, private owners obliged to conduct pre-trip inspections of drivers, and not only in working timeBut also for travel on personal matters.

In 2018, about 70 new road signs will appear on the roads of Russia. Most of them are familiar to drivers and look like "advanced" old signs. Among the changes are useful explanatory signs to signs at intersections and places of stop and parking. The remaining signs in the new version are some hieroglyphs that should be decrypted by logic.

Explanatory plates:

"Diagonal Pedestrian Transition":

Parking Direction Signs:

New options for "stop forbidden" and "Parking is prohibited":

Start Movement:

"Direction of traffic for public transport":

What new types vehicle appeared in traffic rules?

Fresh changes in traffic rules officially approved new types of vehicles: hybrid car and electric car. The formulations describing these vehicles sounds like this.

The "hybrid car" is a vehicle that has at least 2 different energy converters (engines) and 2 different (onboard) energy accumulation systems for driving the vehicle movement.

"Electric Mobile" - a vehicle driven by an exclusively electrical engine and charged with an external source of electricity.

What limitations are entered for cars depending on the environmental class?

Now the Count "Ecological Class" in the PTS has not formal, but practical importance: changes in traffic rules affect the rules of movement of cars depending on their environmental class.

Decision introduced a new concept in traffic rules: "Zone with a restriction of the environmental class of mechanical vehicles"as well as relevant new road signs denoting these zones. Zones can be of two types: with restriction for trucks Or for all mechanical vehicles.

The beginning of the zone with the restriction of the environmental class of mechanical vehicles is indicated by 5.35 sign, and its end is familiar 5.37. In such zones from July 1, the movement of cars is prohibited, the ecological class of which, specified in the registration documents, is lower than the environmental class indicated on the sign.

5.35 « Zone with a limitation of the environmental class of mechanical vehicles » (left)5.37 "End of a zone with a limitation of an environmental class of mechanical vehicles" (right)

However, this is not all: from July 1, 2021, entry into these zones will be prohibited by cars, the ecological class of which is not specified in the registration documents. And since most of the old cars mark on the environmental class in the TCP does not have, this means that entry into the "ecological zones" of any class will be prohibited.

Similar signs are introduced for zones, where the movement of only cargo equipment will be limited: they have the name "zone with the limitation of the ecological class of trucks." Signs 5.36 and 5.38 will be indicated by roads where the movement of trucks, tractors and self-propelled machines is prohibited.

5.36 "Zone with restrictions of the ecological class of trucks" (left)5.38 "End of a zone with the limitations of the ecological class of trucks" (right)

For additional adjustment of the movement of cars, a new sign of additional information was introduced (information plate) 8.25 "Ecological class of the vehicle".

8.25 "Ecological class of vehicle"

This information plate indicates that the action of prohibiting and prescriptive signs under which it is established is applied only to cars, whose environmental class is below what is specified on it: that is, for example, "turn to the right is prohibited" will only be "non-environmental" machines .

However, the environmental class now affects not only moving on roads, but also on Parkovka. The same information sign 8.25, mounted under signs 5.29 and 6.4, denoting the zone of adjustable parking and parking, respectively, indicates that parking is allowed only for cars of the same or higher environmental class compared to what is indicated on the sign.

And from July 1, 2021, as in the case of ecological zones, a new information sign 8.25 in combination with the relevant main signs will prohibit movement and parking of all cars that have no marks about the environmental class in the TCP.

Another information plate touches electric vehicles and rechargeable hybrids: it has number and indicates that the action of the sign under which it is located, applies to the specified cars. In addition, it can be duplicated with marking 1.24.5, but in itself marking can be used and independently - for example, in parking lots.

Sign and markup 1.24.5

Another new sign regarding cars with the possibility of recharging is a service sign 7.21, which is denoted by the "gas station with the possibility of charging electric vehicles".

7.21 "Petrol station with the possibility of charging electric vehicles"

When will we see new signs?

The innovations in traffic rules have already entered into force, but the corresponding signs still have not even started to put - the fact is that they are not tritely included in the current standards of GOST - R 52289 and R 52290. Not having GOST to sign, they can neither establish nor Even make. However, this issue, of course, is already solved by the Ministry of Transport, and after approval of signs in the GOST, they will begin to appear not only on paper, but also on the roads.

Yes, there is, but not so noticeable. For example, the safety islands and the separation strip can now be separated by the traffic strips and tram paths. And another ruling, No. 1621, also entered into force on July 1, obliges to equip buses used for the carriage of children from July 1, obliges to equip flashlights of orange color.

Legislation in the field of road traffic organization in the country and its security does not stand still. The situation in this area is still completely unsatisfactory. "Normal" statistics of the death of people on the roads of the country - 30-40 people daily. Every week more than 200 people die on the roads, which is comparable to a catastrophe of a major Boeing. In fact, weekly in Russia is divided into such a "Boeing", and no one has a special matter before that - accustomed to anyone. Nevertheless, the situation is clearly abnormal, and the government of the country does everything that can, and recently there have been quite common initiatives, some of which will begin to be implemented in 2018. We learn whether rules of PDD In 2018, what novelties of the legislation appeared or expected in addition to the new points of the road rules.

Last notable corrections in traffic rules

Strictly speaking, it is impossible to say that in Russia from January 1, 2018 there are new traffic rules, straight not similar to the previous version of the rules. The last of the most notable innovations appeared in the fall, when the government clarified the rules of travel with a crossroads with a circular motion.

Recall that according to the new rules of crossroads with a circular motion on which there are no priority marks, it is necessary to pass on the basis of the fact that the "ring" itself is the main thing.

Before in such cases it was necessary to act according to "Rule right hand", So, everyone who moves on the" ring "should have been able to enter it. Obviously, such a rule is quite absurd, and on the loaded crossroads with a circular motion, on which for some reason it is clearly not designated that the "ring" is more important, it might be clogged in literally in five minutes.

Now the "ring" or some part of it can be a secondary way only if it is clearly designated by the priority signs.

Subsequent edits were mainly purely technical. They clarified some terms, as well as more detailed designated the rules for transportation of tourists in buses.

One significant amendment, however, enters into force in March - the duties of drivers use reflective vents in some situations.

Time to buy a reflective vest!

From March 18, 2018 (according to the fun coincidence, this is the day of the presidential election) in the PDD there is a new paragraph - 2.3.4. The duties of the driver include the use of reflective vest with a forced stop or in case of accident In the dark outside the settlement.

As it, unfortunately, often happens in Russia, the state has to force drivers to take care of own security By the ruble - for the lack of vest in such circumstances will be discharged fine one thousand rubles.

Perhaps the threat of a fine will affect drivers, and they really take care of buying a reflective vest, which costs 300-500 rubles on average.

Cases of the death of people on the road, when those are on the roadway after an accident, not so rare. Especially in dangerous to be on the roadway in the evening or at night, when a person in ordinary clothes is simply immeasured. In fact, the rule that appears in March is still quite gentle - it, for example, does not obliges to wear such a vest in settlementAlthough in practice roads are often found within the city, which at all are not covered at all and are similar in this sense to the country highway.

It makes sense to acquire a reflective vest in advance - most will go to buy it in March, which will cause either their deficit or price increase. Hoping that you somehow avoid a fine in case you will not have the vest, it is also not worth it. If an accident happens to you country road In the dark (from which no one is insured), the first thing that will pay attention to the execution of the traffic police crew is on the correct designation of the accident site (including the presence of a sign at the prescribed distance from the accident site), as well as Whether drivers are dressed in reflective vests.

"Reasonable Motion Zones" - Pedesther Priority!

The probability that already in 2018, the concept of "zones of poor movement" will appear in traffic rules. What is it about?

A special road sign will appear, which will indicate such zones. In the zones of the soothing movement, in essence, exactly the same regulations will act in the residential areas and in the courtyard territories:

  • speed limit - 20 km / h,
  • pedestrian has priority over the entire width of the road, including cargo part.

In such zones there will be no pedestrian crossings, Drivers are obliged to give way to pedestrians everywhere where it is more convenient for them to go through the roadway. Obviously, such zones will be located near residential areas, in historical centers of cities, where many walking pedestrians, including tourists, etc. A pedestrian becomes the main on the road, and drivers who may not like this situation should remember who they themselves become when they leave the car.

Electronic PTS will appear in the second half of 2018

On the introduction electronic PTS It was said a long time ago, finally decided that they appear - from the summer of 2018, new cars will be sold with such a virtual document. All information that is contained in the TCP will be stored in an electronic database. Such a novelty is part of the transition program to complete electronic document flow in Russia.

Fix the violation of the rules can ordinary people

Lovers violate the rules of the road to think about - in 2018, the long-standing idea of \u200b\u200bthe government will finally be implemented. Speech about creating an application for smartphones by which to fix violation of traffic rules Can any person. It will only be necessary to establish such a program and log in with the account on the "public services". The video recorded in the application will be sent to government agencies that are responsible for the purpose of fines (in 2018, after, apparently, these functions will move to municipal authorities). Such video will be considered permissible evidence of violations.

According to the motorists themselves, they have already managed to familiarize themselves with the new rules, changes in traffic rules from September 1, 2018 will directly concern the various fines, emergency decorations and road markings. Much attention should be paid to the first transfer, this change will greatly affect road traffic generally.

One of the main innovations will relate to the fact that now the traffic police officers should not come directly to the place of the accident, and the culprits themselves themselves must remove their transport from the road. Before moving your car, the culprit of an accident is obliged to capture and put the fact itself road accident, then transfer all detailed information to one installed database due to special Program on the phone. One of the conditions for such actions is the immediate absence of victims and wounded in the accident and participation of no more than two cars.

Also, changes in traffic rules of September 1, 2018 also affected the persons with disabilities of the III group, which is now allowed to glue special automotive stickers, which are talking about the driver's disability. Innovation data will allow free to be parked on specially intended for this parking places. Another significant rule that concerns stickers on the machines will allow drivers using the winter tire, do not glue the corresponding signs.

It is impossible to skip and change in traffic rules, as for the marking on the roads. So, starting from September 1, 2018, a new markup will be registered, in no way conflicting with the old one. This means that drivers will continue to ride the old markup and only with time will switch to a new one. Traffic police officers argue that drivers should close attention to changes in the first transmission. Motorists are very satisfied with such changes and they support them every way.

In the future, it is planned to further improve traffic rules and new changes that will properly facilitate the life of motorists and reduce the number of accidents on the roads. Also, such changes are directed to the decline dTP designwhich creates significant traffic jams on the roads of Russia.

Changes in traffic rules from July 1, 2018, the official site of the traffic police

A number of important changes to the traffic rules came into force on July 1, 2018. They are dedicated to the material of the portal

Changes that came into force on July 1, 2018

Bus over 10 years from July 1, 2018

From July 1, 2018, a ban on the transport of children by buses over 10 years has entered into force. Previously, this ban has been transferred several times - as of January 1, 2017, then on July 1, 2017, and the last time was postponed for another six months - until January 1, 2018.

It is worth noting that the prohibition concerns only certain buses in certain regions.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2018 N 456 "On Amendments to the Government Decision Russian Federation dated December 17, 2013 N 1177 ", from July 1, 2018, a ban on the organized transportation of children by buses over 10 years oldin relation to buses categories M2. (full weight up to 5 tons), initial points of departure and (or) final destinations of which are located in the Leningrad and Moscow regions, GG. Moscow and St. Petersburg.


That is, while the prohibition does not apply to other regions of Russia and buses over 5 tons.

Buses with children obliged to have flashers from July 1, 2018

From July 1, 2018, buses participating in the organized transport of children's groups are required to have glimpted orange beacons. The corresponding resolution "On additional requirements With the organized transportation of groups of children by buses, "No. 1621 dated December 23, 2017 was published on the government website. The specified document enters the requirements for inclusion when the bus movement carrying a group of children, a flashing beacon of yellow or orange color on the roof of the bus.

The corresponding addition is made to paragraph 3.4 of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation concerning the use of flashlight beacons of yellow or orange.

Bus tachographs from July 1, 2018

From July 1, 2018, all suburban buses in Russia must be equipped with tachographs for monitoring the condition of the driver.

According to the amendments, from July 1, 2018, all suburban buses must be equipped with tachographs. The corresponding changes are made in two documents:

  • Appendix N 2 to the order of the Ministry of Transport of February 13, 2013 N 36 "On approval of requirements for tachographs established for vehicles, categories and types of vehicles equipped with tachographs, rules for use, service and control of the work of tachographs established for vehicles."
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport dated August 21, 2013 № 273.

Changes relate to buses of categories M2 and M3, that is, tachographs must be installed not only on large buses, but also on minibuses participating in suburban transportation.

And from July 1, 2019, tachographs must be mandatory for all city buses.

New road signs from July 1, 2018

From July 1, 2018, new road signs appeared in Russia, which can impose restrictions on cars depending on their environmental class.

5.35 "Zone with restriction of the environmental class of mechanical vehicles." It prohibits the movement of mechanical vehicles (including all cars), in which the ecological class is less than the figure on the sign.

5.36 "Zone with a limitation of the ecological class of trucks." It prohibits the movement of trucks, tractors and self-propelled machines, which have an ecological class less than the figure on the sign.

5.37 "The end of the zone with the limitation of the environmental class of mechanical vehicles." Shows the place where the restrictions are completed, which are entered by a 5.35 sign.

5.38 "The end of the zone with the limitation of the ecological class of trucks." Shows the place where the restrictions are completed, which are introduced by 5.36.

8.25 "Ecological class of the vehicle." It can be used in conjunction with the following road signs:

  • 3.3 "The movement of mechanical vehicles is prohibited"
  • 3.4 "The movement of trucks is prohibited"
  • 3.5 "Motorcycle movement is prohibited"
  • 3.18.1 "Turn right prohibited"
  • 3.18.2 "Rotate left prohibited"
  • 4.1.1 "Movement right"
  • 4.1.2 "Movement right"
  • 4.1.3 "Left movement"
  • 4.1.4 "Movement directly or right"
  • 4.1.5 "Movement directly or left"
  • 4.1.6 "Movement right or left"
  • 5.29 "Zone adjustable parking"
  • 6.4 "Parking (Parking Place)"

Signs 5.35 and 5.36 may additionally be supplied with a sign8.23 "Photovideooffixation".

For signs 5.35 and 5.36 There are exceptions - cars that their action does not apply:

  • cars of the Armed Forces;
  • police cars;
  • rescuer cars;
  • emergency medical care cars;
  • cars emergency service gas network;
  • mail cars (must have a white diagonal strip on a side surface on a blue background).

Penalties for violations of the requirements of new signs can be applied under Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code:

12.16 Part 1: Warning or 500 rubles for all violations other than those listed below.

  • 12.16 Part 2: 1 000 - 1 500 rubles for turning left when violating the requirements of road signs.
  • 12.16 Ch.6: 500 rubles for violation of the requirements of signs prohibiting the movement of trucks, in all regions, except Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • 12.16 Ch.7: 5,000 rubles for violation of the requirements of signs prohibiting the movement of trucks, in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Electronic PTS amendments from July 1, 2018

Information about the revocation of cars from July 1, 2018 can be included in the electronic PTS (EPTS).

Order of Rosstandart dated June 28, 2018 No. 1321 approved new edition Methodical recommendations In developing and implementing a program of measures to prevent damage due to non-compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles".

From July 1, 2018, automakers have the opportunity to make information about the revocation of the car to the service event in Electronic passport vehicle (if available).

Also, as part of the consolidation of joint efforts aimed at finding car owners responding to a service event, as well as building mutual cooperation and partnerships signed an agreement on interaction between Federal Agency by technical regulation and Metrology (ROSSTANDART) and an electronic passport JSC, according to which the parties are obliged to exchange information about the revocated vehicles.

The need to make data on the revocation of the car in EPTS is due to the fact that automakers have problems in terms of bringing relevant information to all vehicle owners falling for feedback.

This may be due to the change of owners of such cars, the lack of their contact data from the dealer centers, the offender of such information through the media to specific owners.

The innovation is an additional step to improve the efficiency of the car feedback system, which, in turn, will help improve security on the roads.

Changes that have not entered into force on July 1, 2018

At the same time, a number of changes in traffic rules that were to join on July 1, 2018 were canceled or postponed.

Enhance excise taxes from July 1, 2018 (Cancel)

From July 1, 2018, excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel were to grow in Russia. The amount of excise taxes should have increased by 50 kopecks from each liter of fuel. However, in June 2018, after an unprecedented increase in prices at refueling, the government was forced to cancel the intended increase in duties.

Liberalization of OSAGO tariffs from July 1, 2018 (transfer)

The Central Bank assumed from July 1, 2018 to cancel fixed values \u200b\u200bof the OSAGO coefficients, which are now installed by the Central Bank:

  • territorial coefficient
  • car power factor
  • coefficient age-experience, etc.

Fixed values \u200b\u200bwere proposed to be preserved only for the coefficient "Bonus-Malus", which takes into account the trouble-free experience of the driver, as well as for the impaired integrity of traffic violations.

The first period of the OSAGO liberalization should have started from July 1, 2018. However, now insurers call the new date - August 31, 2018. From this date it is planned to expand the tariff corridor of the base tariff tariffs by 20% to a smaller and most side, which will be the first step in the liberalization of the OSAGO in Russia.

Cancel Paper TCP from July 1, 2018 (transfer)

From July 1, 2018, in Russia planned to stop the design of paper PTS. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was prepared by the draft Decree of the Government, which provides for the cancellation of the Government Decision of May 18, 1993 No. 477 "On the introduction of Transport Passports". The project, in particular, it is envisaged that the paper TCP previously executed on vehicles act until they are replaced by electronic TCP. In case the vehicle's owner in an initiative order wants to replace paper PTS on its electronic analogue, such design will be carried out according to its application.

However, due to the fact that not all countries participating in an electronic TCP Agreement are ready for a complete transition, the ban on paper TCP was transferred to November 1, 2019.

Nevertheless, many automakers are still planning to switch to the design of electronic TCPs instead of paper documents.

Increased tariffs "Platon" from July 1, 2018 (transfer)

Recall, from April 15, 2017, a new tariff of the Platon system came into force. It grew by 25% and today amounts to 1.91 rubles per kilometer of the federal route, reports

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2016, N 139 "On Amending the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2015 N 1191", until June 30, 2017, indexation was not applied to the size of the Platon system. From July 1, 2017, the annual indexation is applied to the specified fee, based on the actual change in the consumer price index from November 15, 2015.

However, as reported in the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the tariffs for the Platon system will not be indexed on July 1. This was announced by the Deputy Director of the Department as part of the meeting in Rosavtodore for changes in the work of the Platon system. public Policy In the field of road farms Grigory Volkov.

According to the latest information, the government has undergone the indexation of Plato tariffs on July 1, 2018.

What traffic rules are waiting for Russian drivers from August 2018.

Duties for rights and STS from August 3, 2018

July 3, 2018 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a bill that increases the fee for issuing driver's license and certificates of registration of the vehicle (STS) in 2018.

According to, the bill provides for an increase in state duty for the issuance of driver's license from 2000 to 3000 rubles, and for the design of a new certificate of registration of the vehicle (STS) from 500 to 1,500 rubles.

July 3, 2018 the federal law From 07/03/2018 No. 180-FZ "On Amendments to Article 333-28 and 333-33-33 of the second Tax Code of the Russian Federation" was finally approved by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and was officially published on the portal of regulatory acts.

The law will take effect on the expiration of 30 days from the date of its official publication, that is, from August 3, 2018.

In an explanatory note, the document notes that in connection with the use of electronic media information in the manufacture of new generation documents and the need to create the processing and storage infrastructure actual costs federal budget The provision of state services for issuing these documents will increase significantly.

Changes in the tariffs of the OSAGO from August 31, 2018

The Central Bank plans to change the basic tariffs of OSAGO and coefficients from August 31, 2018, reports This date is indicated in Project instructions on the basic rates of OSAGO tariffs.

Now the base rate (from 3431 to 4119 rubles) is multiplied by the coefficients that are calculated depending on the region, the power of the car engine, as well as the age of its owner and its driver's experience.

In addition, there is a coefficient providing for a decrease in the tariff for trouble-free ride and its increase for getting into an accident (Bonus Malus).

The boundaries of the OSAGO basic tariff corridor in 2018 will be expanded by no more than 20% in both directions.

If now for the most popular category of vehicles - passenger cars individuals - The basic bet corridor is 3432-4118 rubles, then after making changes, it will be 2746-4942 rubles.

Recall that the current version of the OSAGO Law provides the right to change the tariffs for insurance no more than once a year. Last promotion was in 2015.

A source

Autumn has eaten motorists a lot of various legislation. What awaits motorists from September 1, 2018? The answer is in our article ...

Until the end of the year will rise in price the insurance policy of OSAGO, expected new round of rising fuel prices And other insane moments. The consolation will become the abolition of the notorious sign "Sh"notifying the surrounding winter "shoes". About everything in order.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Fine from cameras for riding without CTP

One of the main legislative innovations of the coming autumn - fixation by chambers of the presence and absence of Osago Polis vehicles. Complexes will begin to scan all cars from September 1 during the daytime, and at night the information will be processed through the RCA base ( Russian Union Motorways). Provided also manual control by the traffic police officerIn order to exclude the error. If the absence of the policy is found, the driver will be penalties, but not more often than once a day, because the day the car "believes" a variety of cameras. By the way, according to RC estimates, on the roads of the country there are about 6 million cars without insurance, and in a million motorists the policy and at all fake.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Increase tariffs OSAGO

In the summer, the Bank of Russia did not have time expand the tariff corridor Due to technical reasons and the deadlines were shifted to the beginning of autumn. Recall that the upper and lower border of the corridor will expand by 20%, and the basic values \u200b\u200bfor the category B vehicles will be 2,746-4,942 rubles for individuals and 2,058-2,911 rubles for Jurlitz. In practice, this means an increase in the cost of the policy for the average driver from 5.8 to 7.8 thousand rubles, and a newcomer from the "unprofitable" region, which has chosen a powerful car, will pay 31 thousand rubles against 25. The minimum price plan for an experienced trouble-free driver - 1, 7 thousand rubles.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Fine for ignoring the customs officer

In 2017, customs authorities received the right to independently stop separate categories vehicles in the cross-country regions of the country. The innovation is aimed at strengthening verification for compliance with customs legislation. Until the end of the year, obviously the bill will come into forceproviding for administrative responsibility "For non-compliance stipulated by law requirements officials Customs authorities to stop vehicle in the border regions of Russia in order to verify the transported goods and documents on them. " Drivers who ignored the customs requirement are subject to Article 12.25 of the Administrative Code "Failure to comply with the requirements for the provision of a vehicle or stopping the TC". Penalty - from 500 to 800 rubles. Cases will be able to consider representatives of the department.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. New Paid Track M-11

By the end of the year, the movement will be launched bypassing Solnechnogorsk and Wedge on the Moscow-Saint Petersburg highway. We are talking about plot from 58 to 97 kilometers, It is not allowed to rush. The tariff grid is being worked out. In Avtodore, a guideline project, it is believed that a 38-kilometer will facilitate the transport situation in two Moscow region cities and will improve the ecological situation. The segment of the track will be equipped with the barriers separating oncoming directions, masts of lighting throughout and acoustic screens. Recall that in the fourth quarter of this year it is planned to open a plot after 98 km. In about the same deadlines, traffic will be launched throughout the entire M-11 highway with a length of 669 kilometers.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Increased fuel value

The price of fuel stabilized, but experts predict significant growth Already soon. With their extremely unfavorable forecasts, it is difficult to disagree, especially if you recall the signing of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on the increase in VAT to 20%. Measure will take effect on January 1, 2019 and should bring additional 600 billion rubles to the budget, but will lead to price increases. Some analysts believe that a new wave of increasing the cost of fuel will occur already in September and predict 52-54 rubles per liter of gasoline AI-95. The accuracy of their forecasts we will find out soon.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Tightening punishment for "gray" inspection

By the end of the year, the amendment to the administrative and criminal code, aimed at eradicating the false inspection, may be taken into account. Fine for drivers It will grow up to 2 thousand rubles, and caught by without a diagnostic card will take a chamber of fixing violations. The penalty, as in the case of the absence of the OSAGA policy, will be discharged once a day. In addition, the procedure for monitoring the state of the car is supposed to record on video, upload into a single automated information system technical inspection (EACO) and already following the results of the electronic card with the signature of the expert. Responsibility for operators conducted by the procedure will be tightened. For example, for the issuance of a diagnostic card on a faulty car or a card issued without passage of inspection, monetary sanctions threaten, and items without accreditation want to prosecute.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. A, Changes in PDDROST fines for violation on railway crossings

Currently, violations on railway movies are punishable by the amount of 1 thousand rubles. The lawmakers believe that it is incomparable with heaviness possible consequences such "sins" and in the near future punishment for such violations as an intersection railway track With a closed or closing barrier or at the prohibiting signal of the traffic light tighter five times. The bill is approved by the State Duma deputies in the first reading. Fix the driver's misconduct is planned including with the help of cameras, the number of which will double on moving.

Changes in traffic rules. The abolition of the "spike" sign

Approximately in November, motorists will replete on tire centers to replace summer tires for winter. Some drivers driving on the studded tires across the habit will get a sticker "sh" to the rear window. So, now it is not necessary to do this - traffic police, penalous drivers for his absence by 500 rubles last season, refused to this absurdity. Recall that, according to Technical Regulations From December to February, the Customs Union "On Safety of Wheel Vehicles" From December to February, the operation of cars not commissioned by winter tires is prohibited, but the penalty for their absence is not provided.

Changes in traffic rules from September 1, 2018. Sign "Disabled" after September 1

Together with the abolition of the "Spike" sign changed the parking rules. Sign "Disabled" (Removed from free sale) can get all the disabled regardless of the group. In addition, this category of citizens can be placed in the zone of signs of 3.28 "Parking forbidden", 3.29 "Parking is prohibited from the odd numbers of the month" and 3.30 "Parking is prohibited for even the numbers of the month." Interestingly, the rule applies to both disabled and drivers who are transported.

Changes in traffic rules from October 1, 2018. Trucks on the Crimean Bridge

In the fall, but, it is, on October 1, a cargo traffic will be allowed on the bridge through the Kerch Straitdemonstrating traffic records. The passage for them will be free. Recall that the organization of movement on the highway is held in two stages - at first it was launched with passenger transport and buses providing passenger transportation, and closer to the end of the year will open the way for trucks.