How to restore death certificate: Tips and recommendations. Where is the death certificate? Where you can get death certificate re-

Death certificate is one of the first documents required by the notary after the institution of the hereditary case. Any operations from adopting to registration of the property of the deceased without it become impossible, since, from the point of view of the law, there is no grounds for succession - the death of the testator. Therefore, the lost or substantially damaged document is mandatory to be restored. But just how to do it: in what order and what instance should be applied to meet within a set deadline, and what should I do if it is missing?

Regulations of primary design

Death Certificate is issued by the civil status record authority at the request of the family members of the deceased or other persons who know about his death.

If the testator died in medical institution, places of deprivation of freedom, a house for disabled people or the elderly, the obligation of the statement about this can be transferred to an authorized employee or serving one of these organizations.

The submission destination should be a branch of the registry office, appropriate:

  • address of the last registration of residence or stay of the deceased;
  • the territory where death came or was found to the body;
  • the location of the institution that issued a certificate of death, or a court who recognized the citizen who deceased;
  • permanent accommodation (parents, children, spouse).

This is important to comply with the prescribed period and apply to the instance within three days from the date specified in the medical conclusion or judicial decision on the recognition of a citizen who died.

The registry office in response to the application and in accordance with the confirmation documents makes an assembly record and gives the coat of arms certifying this fact. Death data is celebrated in two copies, one of which remains in the department, and the second is transferred to the registry office of the registry office on the subject of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to restore death certificate

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 9 FZ dated 11/15/1997 № 143-ФЗ "On acts of civil status", death certificate is subject to replacement or recovery in case:

  • loss;
  • lamination;
  • not readability of the main text;
  • difficult to distinguishable printing, certifying the signature, series, document numbers;
  • significant damage.

That is, in the absence of a document or in accordance with its compliance, at least one of the above points listed, the notary has the right to refuse the heir in the design of the property of the deceased. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately appeal to a competent authority to such issues.

Where to restore death certificate

A copy of the certificate, like its original, is issued in the registry office. Moreover, it must be exactly the branch that carried out an initial record about the death of the testator. The second instance of the recording is located in the territorial department of the registry office.

But it happens that neither in the department, issued by the document, nor in the department for any reason the data is not saved. Then the interested person can be the initiator of the request to the territorial archive. But it rarely brings the result, since according to the law, the ACT record must be kept at the place of its commission for 100 years and its absence rather talks about the complete loss of information about the deceased.

Recovery, according to Art. 74 FZ dated November 15, 1997 No. 143-FZ, it is possible in court. The interested person is entitled to apply to the District Court with the relevant statement and certificate from the registry office on the lack of data on the registration of the act. And the judge on the basis of these and other documents certifying the fact of death makes a decision on restoration, on the basis of which the registry office makes a record and issues a certificate.

Who is issued

The list of persons eligible to get a duplicate certificate is registered in paragraph 2 of Art. 9 FZ No. 143-FZ. With respect to the document on the death of a citizen, the relatives of the deceased or other interested persons are, while their right-wing should be justified documented.

If the evidence of the death of his father or mother is lost, it will take a birth certificate. The fact of marriage confirms the marriage certificate. The distant refuses of kinship can be witnessed using the same marriage, birth and, if necessary, about changing the surname. For example, confirming the blood connection with the aunt along the father's line will be the Certificate of the birth of the applicant, the Father and his sister.

Methods for obtaining death certificate

To apply for the issuance of a repeated death certificate, the applicant may in several ways:

  1. Personally at the office of the registry office.
  2. Through an intermediary.
  3. Mail departure.
  4. Through the Center for the provision of state services "My Documents".
  5. With the help of the portal of civil servants or e-receptacle on the official website of the territorial department of the registry office.

When visit to the desired department, the registry office will take:

  • passport;
  • damaged instance of the recoverable document (if available);
  • a document establishing the right to receive a duplicate;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (350 rubles.).

After checking the official securities, the employee will offer to fill in a special form.

Download application form

And on the basis of this will satisfy the request of the inheritant.

It is allowed to submit the necessary documents by mail or through an intermediary, in the case when it is not possible to visit the government personally in the interested party possible.

In the authorized authority, by mail is sent by a notary application request for the issuance of a duplicate at the place of residence of the applicant. It is advisable to secure it using the service "Award Notice", which is provided by Russian Post. So the sender will have confirmation that the registry office will receive it, which means that it undertakes to register and take for consideration.

The authorized representative can carry out all the actions to restore the evidence instead of the successor directly at the place of issuance of the first instance of the document. To do this, it will be required or an act indicating the status of a legitimate representative (parent, trustee, guardian).

If the heir is more convenient to contact the Center for Services "My Documents", it can file paper and leave an application for recovery in any of the nearest IFC points and to receive the requested document.

And the last option is to submit a request to the registry office through the website or the official portal of the registry office.

To work with a single portal of public services you need:

  1. Register in the system of identification and authentication of the EMSIA (enter into a special form of their personal data, SNILS, passport details and other requested information).
  2. Confirm registration through the specified e-mailbox.
  3. Find office records of acts of civil status of its field and go to the list of its services.
  4. Choose "issuance of a repeated certificate of state registration of an act of civil status and other documents confirming the presence of either the lack of the fact of state registration of the act of civil status".
  5. Go to "Get the service."

With a positive result of the request, the applicant sends a notice with the proposal will turn on the duplicate at the place of residence or stay.

The algorithm for the restoration of the certificate through the official management site is determined by the regulations of a particular division and territorial government regulations. As a rule, users are provided with an electronic form to fill in standard information about themselves and the goals of the appeal, and the answer to it comes from the actual or email address specified by the applicant.


When recovering a death certificate, one of the most tense moments is limited in terms. According to Art. 1154 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, on only 6 months. And they start their countdown from the date of the office of office work at the notary, but from the death of the testator.

In the presence of related links with the dead and documentary evidence, this acquisition of a duplicate will take only one day. But in other cases, the incomplete work of state institutions, the difficulties of finding lost information and the late reaction to this the applicant itself significantly increase the risk of missed the established period. However, even if it happens, you should not panic the successor.

Art. The 1155 Civil Code of the Russian Federation admits the adoption of property later than six months after the death of its previous owner.

The term is restored in court - for this you only need to justify the reason for the passage. And this can be done using a notary certificate indicating the fact and date of appeal to the design of the deceased. The court can even oblige a notary to suspend the issuance of certificates of inheritance to the rest of successors until the collection of the necessary documentation is completed.

How to restore the testimony to the heir to the will (not a relative)

There are no cases when successors are persons who do not have related bonds with the deceased. It is quite legitimate and consistent with the Regulation on the Freedom of the Testament (Art. 1119 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), which establishes the opportunity of the testator at his own discretion to appoint future owners of their property.

In the absence of death certificate, citizens may encounter significant difficulties in making ownership of them. And the first is the lack of documents pointing to the relationship. However, it is not so difficult to cope with it, if the successor has an official confirmation of interest in obtaining a duplicate, namely the testament. The act of the last will of the deceased may become a guidelines in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated September 19, 2016 No. 194. And in this case, the algorithm of the action of the heir to the will is similar to the actions of the inheritant-relative, with the exception of a small replacement in the papers.

But the situation can go into the category of dead end, if there is no testament in the hands of the heir. In practice, notaries are not entitled to provide information on the presence and content of the document without the presentation of death certificate, and the registry office, in turn refuses because of the "lack of interest" of the person who applied to them. If such circumstances occurs, you can do as follows:

  1. Write an application for the adoption of the inheritance - it is this document that is the basis for the opening of a hereditary case (in accordance with paragraph 117 of the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 16.04.2014 No. 78 "On approval of the notarial office rules").
  2. Take a certificate from the notary about the opening of a hereditary case.
  3. To submit a certificate to the registry office, because on the basis of the order of Mightius No. 194 (paragraph 5), it, along with the testament or confirmation of kinship, establishes the applicant's interest in obtaining a duplicate death certificate.

The failure of instances from the implementation of the above claims is unlawful and may entail an appeal in court.

How much does it cost to restore death certificate

The provision of public services is subject to state duty. And the issuance of duplicate death certificate is not an exception. The fee for it is established by Art. 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and amounts to 350 rubles.

But if the actuator recovered in court confirming the document is issued free of charge (state duty in the amount of 300 rubles is paid when applying for a court).

The procedure for restoring death certificate is quite clearly regulated and in general is not as difficult. But the complexity arising during its implementation can become serious obstacles to the design of the inheritance, so if they are resolved, it is better to turn to a lawyer.

Specialists of the portal site are ready to help you at all stages of inheritance and to participate when defending your interests in court. You can get a free consultation from them directly on the site without long waiting for reception days or hours - the answer to the request will arrive in a few minutes, regardless of the day of the week and the time of day.

A person after his death still remains very significant for his relatives. And we are talking not only about the moral side of the issue.

With his property, it is often managed by the heirs, his "presence" is necessary at various transactions. All this happens with the help of death certificate. But what if this important document is lost or spoiled?

Why can you need a document?

Certificate of death has legal force.It reflects the causes of death, the date of death, the place and, accordingly, the personal data of the deceased, including its name (fully), place of birth and last registration.

There are a number of situations in which a document confirming the death of a relative may be needed:

  • Obtaining benefits from social protection organs for funeral (buried benefit);
  • Registration of benefits and benefits for the loss of the breadwinner;
  • Registration of due pays for the birth of a child who lived whiter than 10 days, including maternal capital;
  • Entry into the inheritance and registration of it;
  • Closing bank accounts or withdrawing money from them, including manipulation with loans;
  • Purchase or sale of real estate (apartments, cottages, cars) belonging to the deceased;
  • Re-registration of documents for property, if the died owned;
  • Renewal of the payer for housing and utilities services (gas, light, water, heat);
  • Extract from or registering on the courage of the deceased, etc.

The original certificate is obtained in the presence of a certificate from the morgue.

Like most documents, death certificate is subject to recovery. But unlike primary free issuing will have to fork. Duplicate is equivalent to the original and differs from it only the additional inscription "Re-/ repeated".

Is it possible to get a duplicate death certificate?

Like most documents, death certificate is subject to recovery. But unlike primary free issuing will have to fork.

Duplicate is equivalent to the original and differs from it only the additional inscription "Re-/ repeated".

Death, as well as birth or marriage, is considered the civil status of a person, registered in the registry offices, and stored this information in the archives indefinitely.

Therefore, you need to seek duplicates in this institution at the place of last residence or the registration of the deceased. As a rule, the original was issued there.

In order not to go twice, you need to work hard and prepare the following documents.

Statement. It is usually compiled directly in the registry office on the installed sample on a special form. It indicates: last name, first name, patronymic and passport details of the applicant, request to give you a duplicate evidence of the death of the person you need and the reason why it needed you.

What the dead was your relative need to prove.

Help can: your passport (It has a stamp on registration and dissolution of marriage and information about children), certificate of Predictive Children, your birth certificate (Parents are indicated) and any other documents for which a related relationship can be traced.

If you need to make a document on death on the grandfather or grandchildren grandchildren, the birth certificates of parents will also be needed.

Additional documents at the discretion of the registry office. Often this is an extract from the house book. Required at the orphanage of the original during natural disasters, fires and other unforeseen circumstances. Extract is issued by the JCC. If you have a copy of the lost original in your hands, then it should also be attached.

The public services website also provides documents for recovering documents. The document package is the same, but is provided in electronic form. The original document requested you will receive Russian Post.

State dutyin case of loss of the document, it is a peculiar fine. Its details are issued either in the registry office directly or on its website.

There is also a site of public services, where they can find details on their own. Size duty for 2015-2016 - 350 rubles. Calculation changes reflects the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

You can make payment in any bank. Sometimes the Commission is charged (no more than 5% of the amount introduced). Also, most banking clients use online services, which is very convenient and very efficient.

A confirmation of payment is a check - it indicates the appointment of payment "Payment of state duty".

Important information. If the recovery of death certificate is necessary by the court decision, the applicant is released from payment.

There are 3 options for the development of events.

If you can collect the entire required package of documents before requesting the issuance of a duplicate, as well as if there is time for employees of the registry office, consider you lucky - there is a chance to get evidence on the same day.

If you appeal in person, the legislation determines the term for issuing in 10 days. Again, if there are properly collected documents. The exact date of receipt will be informed by the specialist serving you.

If the application is sent by mail, the recovery will last 30 days from the date of receipt of the letter (plus it is required to deliver to all this time).

When requesting the website of the State Service will have to wait for 30 days.

If the documents provided are not in order, or something lacks something, the waiting time will increase indefinitely.

It happens that you do not have the ability to come to the registry office personally, for example, you are in treating health care, but the document is needed very urgently.

In the modern world, this is not a problem, since your interests can represent any person older than 18 years old and being a citizen of Russia you trust. This requires registration power of attorney.

The power of attorney will be legally binding only under the condition of proper design. Pure this document should notary.

Now notary companies provide exit services, so if necessary, get their services anywhere.

Restoration of any documents requires certain efforts. In addition, you will have to defend the queue, attend and incur financial expenses. Keep your documents in order and try to lose anything.

But if something disappeared, we hope the information of the article will be useful for you.

The design of property rights, the necessary securities and the commission of a number of other legal actions, the need for which arose as a result of the death of a citizen, is impossible without a testimony issued by the registry office. This document is the only person who certifies the fact of the death of the face, so with its loss, a natural question arises - how to restore death certificate, and who can do it.

The recovery of the document is usually required to relatives of the deceased. It is not at all necessary that his man lost him. It is also necessary to restore the evidence when it is damaged or in a situation where the citizen has never seen the document. Instead of primaryly issued employees, the registry office give a duplicate certificate.

As a general rule, only relatives of the deceased person can get lost evidence of death. However, there are exceptions.

If a citizen who initially issued a document is also dying, to obtain a certificate of death will be able to his heir or other relative, who has legal interest. To design a duplicate, he will also have to contact the registry office and prove the right to receive the document.

For example, the daughter lost a certificate of mother's death and also died. Now a document confirming the death of grandmothers can get her grandchildren.

In addition, you can get a duplicate any interested person. This is allowed only if the death of a particular person affects certain rights of another person. For example, this can happen if a person who died on the living space. The owner will not be able to write it without a death certificate.

Where can I restore?

You need to contact that the registry office, where the certificate was originally obtained. However, this can only be done in the case when it is known where it was issued. And what to do, if there is no such information?

In such situations, contact the registry office at the very last residence of the deceased. The second option is to try to find a copy of death certificate. This document indicates the name of the body issued.

It may happen that the evidence was drawn up in another settlement. If the ride behind the document does not seem to be possible, proxy to another person is allowed. Power of attorney is assigned by the notary signature.

The way out of the situation may be able to send a statement of duplicate by mail, through the territorial separation of the IFC or through public services. These methods are longer in time, but it will not need to go anywhere - the document will be available at the location of the registry office in the applicant's settlement.

How to get death certificate reused?

Consider what you need to obtain a certificate and how much the document recovery will cost.

Through state services

The algorithm for recovery of evidence through state services is as follows:

  1. Go to the public services website and go through the registration procedure if necessary.
  2. Go to the catalog and choose the section "Family and Children", and then "State Registration of Death".
  3. Fill out an electronic application form in which the applicant's data and the deceased are specified, and it is also necessary to choose the registry office.
  4. Further, depending on the situation, you must select the registry office, where it will be convenient to get a duplicate, or specify the mailing address so that the duplicate is sent by mail.

The application will be processed within three days. After processing the applicant's email will receive a notice of accepting an application for consideration or refusal.

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To restore the certificate, you must provide the following documents:

  • copy and original of the general passport;
  • a copy of the lost death certificate, if any;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • documents confirming the degree of kinship or the presence of legal interest in obtaining a duplicate.

In the registry office, a standard statement will be issued in form No. 23, in which you need to specify your passport data and express a request. It will be necessary to clarify the reason for the receipt of duplicate (for example, due to loss, damage, etc.).


Duplicate death certificate is issued on the day of appeal when the application is submitted to the registry office, which primaryly issued a document. If everyone is prepared in advance, then in accordance with the Regulations, the certificate will be restored within 63 minutes.

When you want to contact the archive or application is sent from another city, the term of consideration can delay the month. If the original is not preserved, you must contact the regional archive, and this also takes time.

How much is

The amount of state fees is regulated by the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with PP. 6-7 tbsp. 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the cost is:

  • 350 rubles - if duplicate death certificate is required;
  • 200 rubles - if you need to get a certificate of death from the archive.

It is better to pay the state fee in advance. You can find details on the portal of public services or clarify the registry office at the place of residence.

When can refuse to restore?

The refusal is legitimate if it is submitted for the following reasons:

  • the lack of necessary information about a person in the registry office, where the application was sent;
  • the absence of the right to receive a duplicate confirmed documentary;
  • lack of necessary documents or their incorrect.

When making a refusal, it is drawn up in writing and issued to the applicant or sent by mail. After eliminating comments or correction of the situation, you can contact again.

For example, if a woman appeal to obtain a certificate of death of a husband or parents without documents confirming the fact of marriage or her birth, she will refuse. But if she reuse and attach the necessary paper, the testimony will be given to it. At the same time, the state duty is paid again.

In case of difficulties, contact legal advice. You can get free legal assistance on our website. Ask a question to an expert in a special window.

If you refused, and you think that the refusal is wrong with, you will need to apply to the judicial authorities. In this case, we recommend pre-consult with a lawyer.

The official evidence is necessary for the organization of funerals, as well as solving issues of inheritance, section of property, identifying related relations and other life situations. Consider how to get a certificate of death through state services, as well as order a duplicate or a certificate from another city, avoiding a registry office.

The loss of a close person entails not only the experience of loss, but also questions requiring documentary support. After the necessary medical examination, the fact of restoring a citizen is registered in the territorial registry office

It is officially issued by the death of a person using the State Service portal, if there is an account.

After the necessary steps are completed, it will remain waiting for the notification of the manufacture of death certificate and inviting it. The following paper needs at the reception:

  • the originals of the passports specified in electronic form;
  • medical confirmation of a fatal outcome, or a court decision to establish the fact of death, or other papers.

The document is issued for free, and the application is considered a day when the petition was issued.

Is it possible to get a copy of death certificates in public services

The possibility of obtaining a repeated testimony to relatives or heirs through state services is absent, but you can simplify the task as much as possible in the design of a copy or reference, knowing several nuances. To order a duplicate, apply for the place of registration of death. You can download the bottom page at the bottom of the page.

When applying visits, a passport and a relationship document will be required. The size of the state duty is:

  • 350 rubles per duplicate;
  • 200 rubles for certificate of death.

Consideration of requests for the issuance of a repeated certificate of resting takes no more than one hour when contacting the city, where the deceased was registered. If we talk about contacting another address, then the expectation of the results can delay up to 30 days.

How to get a certificate of death in another city

If a person died in the city not on its registration, the document is issued by one of the local registry offices. The application for production can be submitted through public services.

If you need to order a duplicate of death certificate or certificate about the death of a relative who lived in another city, it will not work through state services. However, you can make a request in any registry office or IFC (for example, at the place of your residence), prepare an application and come to the reception. It will be necessary to make papers indicating the kinship of the petitioner and the deceased.

Such a petition is considered within a 30 day term, but may occupy more and more time due to temporary costs for sending a document between departments.

When contacting, you will need to pay the receipts on the payment of state duty, depending on the document chosen (reference - 200, a copy - 350 rubles.

Application form to obtain duplicate evidence

In a statement in the form of the NO30, the following information is contained on a copy of the death certificate:

  • what way is the petition (through public services, mail, personal visit, MFC);
  • applicant data (name, address of residence and contact phone);
  • information about the consistent citizen is stated;
  • the reason for the certificate is requested;
  • request for the direction of papers in a specific department;
  • if necessary, additional information is specified.

The electronic portal of public service provides an opportunity to quickly apply to order a certificate of death in federal institutions, avoiding queues. However, when restoring, even if you need a personal visit in another city, but we hope you will succeed with our step-by-step instructions.

Death certificate is an official document confirming the fact of death of a citizen. The evidence is necessary when making an inheritance, pensions on the occasion of the loss of breadwinner, various compensations and social payments, in solving some corporate issues. The loss or damage of the document leads to the need for its recovery. Duplicate may be required in projection conflicts if someone from heirs prevents the rights from other applicants, for example. How to get a duplicate death certificate

The procedure for issuing a certificate of death and its duplicate is regulated, approved by the order of the Ministry of Justice of December 29, 2017 No. 298.

With a statement of issuing a repeated certificate may contact:

  • nearest relatives (children, parents, spouse (a));
  • other relatives with hereditary rights;
  • any person who has legitimate and reasonable interest in obtaining a duplicate of the document.

Related relationships must be confirmed by relevant evidence. When referring to duplicate other relatives, it is necessary to presented confirmation of the entire related chain. Citizens who are interested in obtaining a re-document must document the presence of such interest. The need to receive a duplicate death certificate may arise, for example, when detecting the fact of registration of the deceased in the acquired apartment, solving the issue of fate of a share in the authorized capital of the deceased owner, etc. Duplicate death certificate is different from the initial document only the mark "Repeated " in the upper right corner

A statement is allowed to issue a duplicate of a representative for a notarial power of attorney with specially prescribed powers.

Where to contact

A statement about the issuance of a duplicate should be included in the registry office in which the initial copy was issued. When applying, a citizen has applied:

  • passport, other identity document;
  • documents confirming relationship with the dead;
  • documents confirming the presence of legitimate and reasonable interest in obtaining a duplicate;
  • power of attorney if the representative is operating;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Specialist of the registry office in accordance with the Regulations:

  • accepts and registers a statement, checks the correctness of the documents submitted (time per surgery - 5 min.);
  • if there are grounds (there are no documents, do not correspond to the established form, etc.) Returns documents and refuses to issue a duplicate (at the request of the applicant, a written failure is provided within 30 minutes);
  • searches for an archive record of the death of a person (with electronic document flow - 10 min., With paper - 30 min.);
  • checks information from the archive record with the applicant provided by the applicant (time per surgery - 15 min.);
  • when detecting inconsistencies in information or grounds for refusing to issue a duplicate - clarifies the procedure for eliminating inconsistencies or refuses to issue a duplicate (refusal is provided within 30 minutes);
  • when making a decision on issuing a re-document, it issues and issues a duplicate (time per surgery - 10 min.).
When contacting the registry office, drawing up the initial document, duplicate is issued within 1 hour

Thus, when contacting the registry offices at the place of initial issuance of a certificate, the procedure for obtaining a duplicate takes no more than 1 hour. This is the most reliable way to get the desired. Even taking into account the subjective factor, the repeated document will be issued on the day of circulation.

The size of the state duty for the issuance of a duplicate is 350 rubles. Payment can be made by any non-cash method, including payment terminals and electronic wallets. Details can be obtained directly in the department or on the relevant site. For urgency, state duty should be paid through Sberbank. In other cases, the registry office will expect confirmation of money.

Under the unknown place of the initial issuance of the evidence, apply:

  • at the last place of residence of the deceased;
  • at the place of death, if a person died outside of residence (on vacation, on a business trip, etc.);
  • at the place of the court, the decision on the recognition of a person deceased, if the fact of death was established in court.

It is allowed to send an application by mail. Applications are typical. Where to get a re-evidence of death

Duplicate services are also provided by MFC. In this case, the state duty can be paid through the terminal in the center, and the issuance procedure will take from 2-3 days, taking into account the time for postal shipments. To obtain a re-evidence, it will be necessary to contact the registry office specified when applying.

Application through the Public Services portal

Application application is available online on the website of the State Service, but not in all regions. There is a fairly simple electronic signature. The algorithm of action is as follows:

  • on the website of the State Service Log in to the section "Services";
  • go to the "Family and Children" page;
  • go through the Pages "State Registration of Death" - "Obtaining a repeated certificate (certificate) on state registration of death";
  • fill out the opening form, specify the registry office in which duplicate should be counted;
  • make a payment for state duty.

Depending on the region, the path on the website of the State Service may differ somewhat. The ability to apply for a duplicate may be in the subsections "Additional Services" or "Region Services" and so on. Find the desired page by searching by typing "duplicate death certificate".

Operations with family documents are carried out in the section "Family and Children"

Within 30 days, information on the place and time of receipt of the document will come to the applicant's email address or refusal to provide services. To obtain a duplicate, you must have the originals of the above documents with you.

Grounds for refusal to issue a duplicate

The grounds for refusal are clearly defined by paragraphs 45, 49 and 50 of the administrative regulations and are not subject to expansion. In the issuance of a repeated certificate may be denied if:

  • the documents submitted by the applicant in form and content do not meet the established requirements (overdue passport, foreign documents without translation, unreadable documents, etc.);
  • the applicant has no right to receive a duplicate certificate (not a relative and has no objective and legitimate interest to obtain a duplicate);
  • there are no documents necessary for issuing a repeated certificate (there is no passport confirming the relationship of documents, etc.).

In the absence of information about the death of human death, a duplicate can also be issued in the archive. The actions and decisions of the registry office may be appealed in general.

Video - Who can get a certificate of death and repeated certificate of registration?