How to pass a spermogram artificially. Spermogram for men: how to take a spermogram

Diagnosis of male infertility is carried out on the basis of examination and collection of information. The main analysis for infertility in men is a spermogram (a study of the ejaculate for fertility). Proper preparation for a spermogram allows you to obtain reliable data and avoid distortion of indicators, deviations from the norm.

The analysis is carried out not only to confirm and determine the ability to conceive. In some cases, the study is prescribed to determine the need for surgery, for example, for a varicocele, or upcoming cancer treatment (for the purpose of sperm cryopreservation).

As you know, a sign of infertility is the inability of a couple who has been sexually active without using any contraception for a year to conceive a child. Worldwide, up to 15% of couples are infertile. Of these, 50% are infertile due to the male factor (abnormal parameters of the ejaculate). In 50% of cases, the problem can be solved with a positive outcome.

  • How can a man be tested for infertility?
  • Causes of changes in male fertility
  • Preparing for a spermogram
  • Spermogram indicators
  • Male factor infertility
  • How to take a spermogram?

How to test a man for infertility? To begin with, it is enough to prepare and pass a spermogram. The study of the ejaculate is not difficult and it immediately becomes clear whether it is necessary to further examine the spouse or look for the cause in the woman.

Causes of male infertility

The causes of infertility in men are often factors that can be corrected in 50% of cases. Among them:

When should you not delay and pass a spermogram?

  • In the presence of anamnesis of operations on the organs of the scrotum and in the groin area (varicocele, cryptorchidism, inguinal hernia, dropsy, cysts of the appendages).
  • In inflammatory diseases of the genital organs: epididymitis, orchitis, mumps (mumps). You should especially be alert if the disease is of chlamydial etiology).
  • If the woman's age is over 35 years.

In these cases, regular sex life is needed for 3-6 months, if pregnancy does not occur, examinations should be started.

Preparing for a spermogram

Preparation for the spermogram delivery includes:

  • Sexual abstinence before taking the test for 3-5 days. Moreover, all forms of sexual activity are excluded.
  • Be sure to avoid overheating. And this must be done a few days earlier: not 3-5 days, but 7-10 days before a man is tested for infertility (baths, saunas and hot baths)
  • Preparation before taking a spermogram is a mandatory restriction of fatty, spicy, fried foods and the exclusion of alcohol intake.

Male infertility test. What do you need to know?

When preparing for a spermogram, it should be taken into account that the development cycle of spermatogenesis - from the birth of a spermatozoon in the testicle to its entry into the sperm, lasts an average of 72 days (65-75 days).

During this time, unfavorable factors can affect the quality of the ejaculate. For example, severe inflammation of the lungs with a high temperature of up to 40 C °. Therefore, within two months, when passing the analysis, signs of male infertility can be detected (although in reality this will not be reliable). Therefore, if you know that something serious has happened to a man for the last 3 months, wait for the expiration of 3 months and take the spermogram again.

Analysis for antisperm antibodies

Spermogram indicators

The ejaculate is a multicomponent mixture, each of the components of which is important and is evaluated in conjunction with other indicators of the spermogram.

In the analysis of the ejaculate, first of all, the following indicators are evaluated:

  • sperm count, the so-called concentration in 1 ml and total (for the entire volume of sperm);
  • ability to move - mobility;
  • morphology - this is how spermatozoa look - the correctness of their structure.

Male factor infertility

  1. Oligozoospermia is a decrease in the number of spermatozoa. For example, 15 million in 1 ml of spermatozoa and below is considered oligozoospermia. There is such a term as polyspermy, when the number of sperm is increased. Such sperm is a variant of the norm and is not considered bad.
  2. Asthenozoospermia - decreased mobility.
  3. Taratozoospermia is a decrease in the number of germ cells with an ideal anatomical structure.
  4. Oligospermia - a small amount of the seed itself (less than 1.5 ml).
  5. Aspermia - the complete absence of ejaculate - sperm is not excreted.
  6. Azoospermia - there is sperm, but there are no spermatozoa in it.
  7. Combined forms, for example, oligoasthenoteratospermia.
  8. Necrosperm - the absence of mobile forms. AT modern world immobile sperm does not mean dead. And the word "necro" means dead. Nowadays, among immobile spermatozoa, using the hypoosmolar swelling test, it is possible to isolate living forms and use them in the IVF ICSI program.
  9. Cryptospermia is a very common conclusion when contacting reproductive clinics for the purpose of IVF for male factor infertility. This is the detection of single spermatozoa in the sediment after centrifugation. That is, in the native sperm, during the usual analysis, spermatozoa are not detected, and during centrifugation, mobile or immobile single male germ cells are detected. Which doctors have learned to use for fertilization by IVF ICSI.
  10. Autoimmune conflict is an increase in the MAP test score of more than 50% of spermatozoa are covered with immune antibodies.
  11. Leukocytospermia (pyospermia) - an increase in the number of leukocytes. White blood cells are not always a sign of inflammation. Congestion - venous tension of the veins of the small pelvis, veins of the scrotum with varicocele can be manifested by an increased content of leukocytes. After this conclusion, it is necessary, first of all, to understand where these leukocytes come from, to find out their origin, to exclude inflammation, to do a bacterial culture. Only then, having proved the diagnosis, treat the inflammatory process.
  12. Hematospermia - blood in the semen. The most common cause is vesiculitis - inflammation of the seminal vesicles or weakness of the vascular wall of the vesicles during venous congestion. In the seminal vesicles, up to 65% of the volume of the entire ejaculate is formed.

It must be remembered that in many cases the male factor of infertility is unstable and can be corrected.

How to take a spermogram?

The best method to take a spermogram according to WHO recommendations is masturbation. Other methods have disadvantages. Interrupted sexual intercourse is undesirable, because it can be: part of the sperm is lost, the addition of impurities, leukocytes, flora. The use of a condom is not allowed. In the production of condoms, a germicidal lubricant is used, which distorts the results of the analysis. Lubricated condoms are found, but the effects of latex on sperm have not been studied.

Before taking a spermogram, you need to purchase a sterile plastic, biologically inert container. This ware is convenient for transportation and work in laboratory.

AT paid clinics there are specially equipped rooms for taking spermograms (sperm transfer or masturbation rooms), with a sofa and a relaxing environment, with a video playback device.

In order to take a spermogram, you can invite your spouse. The room is locked. A man must master himself, reach an orgasm and collect the ejaculate in a special bowl. The sample is immediately sent to the laboratory. It is possible to collect a seed for analysis at home and bring it to the clinic in exceptional cases. Improper transportation, violation temperature regime, fluctuations during movement damage the male sex cells. As a result, poor-quality diagnostics and unreliable results.

In ordinary clinics, they are not yet ready to equip such rooms, so men take a spermogram in an empty closed office, not far from the laboratory.

The correct sequence of actions:

  • urinate;
  • wash your hands with soap;
  • open the sterile container without touching the inner surface;
  • collect the ejaculate in a container;
  • close it;
  • leave it on a shelf or table.

It is easy to pass the ejaculate for analysis, the main thing is to tune in psychologically and prepare for the spermogram delivery correctly. And remember that the quality of a man's semen changes over time, and with the exception of adverse conditions, stress, diseases, the indicators return to normal. Try not to interpret the results yourself, as male fertility is assessed in a complex by all indicators at once.

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The average man, regarding the possible delivery of such an analysis as a spermogram, has two questions - why and how. Despite the fact that medicine has already officially proved that representatives of the strong half of humanity are responsible for approximately 40% of cases of family infertility, most men still continue to underestimate their own capabilities and even their absence.

The decision to go to the clinic and take a spermogram is often regarded by them as a real feat when a family needs to be saved. In order for the results of the analysis to be reliable, infallible, a man must know the rules for preparing and donating sperm. We will talk about this in more detail.

Indications for analysis

A spermogram, which is a thorough laboratory study of quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm, is recommended for a man if the family decides to start planning a pregnancy. It is at the planning stage, and not when the couple goes to the doctor with complaints about the inability to conceive a child.

Early detection of deviations in the quality and functionality of spermatozoa will help the family save a lot of time, nerves and money that the couple will spend on unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant in other ways, if the cause of infertility lies precisely in the man.

If the spermogram was not done in advance, it's time to think about the likelihood of such an examination if a couple with unprotected sex and regular sexual relations fails to conceive a baby within a year.

A couple in which a woman is over 35 years old or a man is over 45 years old is recommended to start “ringing the bells” if sex without contraception does not lead to pregnancy within six months.

A spermogram is carried out for a man and in case of infertility in a woman. In the event that the treatment does not have the desired result, the couple will be offered modern assisted reproductive methods, such as IVF, ICSI, intrauterine insemination. For all these methods, it is important to have healthy sperm, which can quickly and efficiently fertilize the egg with the mediation of doctors.

A spermogram for a man can be recommended as a control diagnosis after suffering injuries of the genital organs, infections, including those diseases that are sexually transmitted. After treatment, the doctor will definitely give recommendations to check the quality of the seed in the laboratory.

Men are strongly sent to the spermogram, whose wives have suffered miscarriages several times in a row or have missed missed pregnancies, especially on early dates. This may indirectly indicate that the sperm that fertilized the egg was subject to mutation, and therefore a normal healthy pregnancy did not work out.

Men must submit seminal fluid for analysis before becoming a sperm donor. Those who have decided to cryopreserve their genetic material, in particular sperm, are also sent for analysis. Freezing "for the future" is a good option to become dads someday later. Cryopreservation is often chosen by professional soldiers who work in combat conditions, as well as by men whose labor activity is associated with dangerous and harmful production where exposure to toxins and radiation is high.

About the essence of spermogram

A sample of the seminal fluid of a man is subject to careful examination under high-precision modern microscopes, using special devices - sperm analyzers. During the study, the doctor evaluates the number of different parameters:

  • liquids;
  • live and motile spermatozoa;
  • healthy and ideal for fertilization of germ cells.

Each parameter is important - from counting live and active cells to assessing the morphological qualities of spermatozoa according to Kruger. These criteria make it possible to “sort out” normal reference cells from spermatozoa subject to mutations, having deformities and pathologies in their own structure. Nature does not provide for healthy offspring from such cells.

The analysis gives not only a complete picture of how a man is capable of fertilization, but also reveals some male pathologies. reproductive system detecting signs of inflammation or infection in seminal fluid. So, in the seminal fluid there may be impurities of blood, pus, pathogenic microorganisms can be determined, a large number of leukocytes, macrophage cells, antibodies to spermatozoa in immunological infertility.

Based on the results of the spermogram, hidden infections that the man did not even suspect about, for example, mycoplasma, chlamydia, ureaplasma, and others, can be revealed.

Accurate diagnoses will help establish other tests, in particular blood tests and a smear from the urethra, but suspicions of these ailments, which are asymptomatic, may arise precisely after passing the spermogram. To date, it is the spermogram that is considered the most accurate and informative method that makes it possible to judge the state of a man's fertility.


In order for the results to be the most accurate, a man should prepare as carefully as possible for the upcoming examination. To do this, you need to understand what factors can affect the state of the ejaculate:

  • external factors - air temperature, cleanliness of dishes in which material for laboratory research is collected;
  • internal factors - they are much more numerous. The state of sperm is affected by the state of health of a man, his well-being, what he eats and drinks, and even the ecological features of the area in which he lives.

In order to properly take a spermogram, you need to complete several points, which we will discuss in more detail.


The food that a man eats is necessarily reflected in the composition of the ejaculate. Therefore, before passing the seminal fluid, you should stop eating spicy food - pepper, mustard and other spices, approximately 7-8 days in advance.

The abundance of salty and smoked foods is also considered undesirable. You should temporarily refuse to take strong coffee and tea, even if a man does not see the beginning of the working day without a cup of coffee.

You can replace the usual coffee with a drink made from chicory - the taste is almost the same, but caffeine, which affects the mobility and viability of sperm germ cells, is not contained. The ban is imposed on all fatty, pickled foods and canned food.

In order for the amount of ejaculate to be sufficient at the time of delivery, and the mobility of germ cells to be at the peak of its activity, a man should eat a balanced diet for a week or even a little more.

Protein-rich foods must be present in his diet. Lean red meat, steamed or oven-cooked fish, milk cereals, vegetable purees are examples. proper nutrition before spermogram.

It will be good if the diet includes baked or stewed pumpkin, fresh herbs, raw vegetables and fruits. Be sure to eat cottage cheese, milk, dairy products.

Bad habits

Alcohol makes sperm more liquid, reduces the number of mobile and healthy germ cells, and the systematic intake of alcoholic beverages causes mutations in the structure of spermatozoa, resulting in an increased likelihood of both infertility and the conception of a child with severe genetic pathologies, since the spermatozoon is a carrier of genetic information.

Drugs are even more destructive. BUT nicotine reduces the number of motile sperm, and this is also a medically proven fact.

If a man has bad habits, it is advisable to say goodbye to them at the stage of pregnancy planning at least 3 months in advance. It is this time that is required for the process of spermatogenesis to be completed, and the germ cells to be completely renewed. If this has not been done, then before passing the spermogram from beer and stronger drinks, you should abstain for at least 7-9 days.

In most cases, men cannot give up smoking, but they should at least halve the amount of tobacco consumed, and on the day of the test, refrain from smoking altogether.

sexual activity

Approximately three days before the appointed day, a man should limit his sexual activity - do not have sexual intercourse and do not masturbate. Otherwise, the amount of sperm will be insufficient for the study, and its consistency will be liquid (the number of spermatozoa will be reduced).

Abstinence exceeding 4-5 days is also undesirable., because it leads to thickening of the seminal fluid, aggregation, the formation of clots, as well as a decrease in the number of live and healthy sperm.

Medicines, treatment

If a man took antibiotics, then at least 3 weeks should elapse between the last day of treatment and the delivery of a spermogram. If hormonal treatment was prescribed, then the pause should be longer - at least a month.

Anti-inflammatory drugs of non-hormonal origin, which a man could take in recent times, as well as painkillers affect the composition of sperm for about 10 days.

Psychotropic drugs and anticonvulsants are excreted from the body for about 7 days. This should be taken into account during the preparation for the spermogram.

If treatment is continued and there is no way to temporarily stop taking the drugs, then the spermogram should be postponed until a later time, when the therapy of the underlying disease is completed.

If a man plays sports and takes certain hormonal drugs, such as steroids, they should be discarded before the test is taken in about 2 months.

General health

A man within 5-6 days before delivery should be more attentive to his well-being and body signals. Any acute disease, exacerbation of chronic ailments will distort the picture of reproductive health. So, with the flu or SARS, a large number of sperm cells die against the background of high temperature.

A spermogram taken at the beginning of the disease, in its height or immediately after recovery, will show deviations in the number of viable germ cells, and a man may be erroneously diagnosed as infertile.

If it was not possible to protect yourself from infection, and signs of a viral disease appeared or old “sores” worsened, you should inform the doctor about this and postpone the spermogram until a later time.

Temperature regime

Before passing the spermogram, you should refuse to visit the bath, sauna, solarium for about 10 days. In these places, the genitals of a man are heated, which leads to an increase in the number of dead germ cells in the ejaculate.

Even if a man loves to go to the bathhouse and does it every week, the next trip should be postponed until better times. It is also not recommended to sunbathe on the beach in summer and use car seat heating in the cold season.

Physical activity

In general, a man in preparation should lead a familiar lifestyle. However, if his activity is associated with hard physical labor, professional sports, the load on the body should be limited for a week.

It is advisable for this week to refuse to work on the night shift and be sure to get enough sleep at night. Excessive physical activity can adversely affect the composition of seminal fluid. Therefore, it makes sense to temporarily refuse to visit the gym as well.

Psychological attitude

Good mood and calmness largely ensure the normal functioning of the human reproductive system. Before passing the analysis, it is not recommended to be nervous, be in a depressed or emotionally overexcited state.

All showdowns with superiors, as well as skydiving and other activities that can affect the mental state, should be postponed until later.

Mechanical effect on the genitals

Before a spermogram, you can not practice massage of the prostate gland and scrotum. Usually these procedures are quite useful, but not before evaluating the condition of the seminal fluid.

The prostate may begin to produce more juice, which will lead to liquefaction of the semen. Also, do not wear tight tight underwear, tight swimming trunks.

How is research material submitted?

The process of donating sperm itself looks quite traditional, a man will not experience any unpleasant sensations. There are two ways to collect material for analysis - in the clinic and at home. The Ministry of Health gives certain recommendations on this matter, calling surrender in a medical institution more preferable.

The man is given a sterile container for biomaterials and left alone in the room with adult magazines. Through masturbation, he receives a sample of seminal fluid, which should be collected in a container. The material is immediately sent to the laboratory.

A big plus of such a delivery is efficiency, because the sperm gets to the laboratory just a few minutes after ejaculation, and the accuracy of the study increases. Minus - in the psychological discomfort that a man may experience, forced to masturbate in unfamiliar conditions.

At home, the collection of seminal fluid completely eliminates psychological discomfort, because the man is familiar with the situation.

If this option is agreed in advance at the clinic, then the man will be given a sterile container and a special medical condom that does not contain a lubricant that destroys spermatozoa. In it, a man can have a full-fledged sexual intercourse with a partner, after which you need to collect the material in a container and deliver it to the laboratory.

At home, a man can also receive material for research through masturbation, including with the participation of his wife. There are plenty of options for obtaining sperm.

It is important to remember that the jar must be sterile, hands must be clean, and the container must be delivered to the laboratory no later than an hour later, and preferably earlier.

During transportation, the ambient temperature should be close to human body temperature. You can use special medical thermal containers for transporting biomaterials, or you can, and this has been tested by generations of men, install tightly closed container with sperm in the bust of his wife, between the mammary glands, and so, together with his wife, deliver him to the laboratory.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistake of men who donate a spermogram, especially if they are taking an analysis for the first time, is that they collect sperm in a plastic or glass non-sterile container.

Plastic jars not intended for biological fluids, may contain toxic impurities that kill germ cells even before the seminal fluid reaches the laboratory. Sometimes men bring sperm for analysis in a condom. An ordinary, even the best condom, is not suitable for storing sperm, and even more so for transporting it.

If the collection is carried out in a medical condom, then it is also impossible to transport sperm in it.

Neglecting the recommendations of doctors, men sometimes believe that it is possible to collect material through interrupted intercourse. Being sure that they will "have time", many in fact remove the penis at the wrong time and collect the material, as a result of which the sperm is not obtained in full, it contains impurities of the vaginal secretion, blood cells (for example, from the genital tract or cervix erosion women).

Having received one negative analysis, many men are in no hurry to retake it and immediately begin treatment.

Refusal to undergo a spermogram is also a common mistake. Men who already have children in this or a previous marriage, but are faced with the inability to conceive the next baby, “sin” with this.

If a man already has children, this does not mean that nothing has happened to his sperm since the previous fertilization that could affect its properties. Toxins, radiation, nervous stress, poor environmental conditions, bad habits do their detrimental work over time, and a man's fertility may decrease.


All men who are to undergo this analysis need to prepare for a spermogram. Without preparation, incorrect, false results can be obtained, and often these results are false negatives.

Analysis is not carried out in the following cases:

  • A man has inflammatory processes in the body, regardless of their location against the background of high temperature.
  • A man has an acute stage of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
  • The patient fell ill with the flu, SARS or other infections.
  • Man being treated with antibiotics hormonal drugs, agents for the treatment of oncological diseases.
  • The patient has exacerbated chronic diseases.

In all these cases, the examination is postponed to a later time.

The analysis is done from several hours to several days, on average it takes about a day. A form is issued with the results entered into it without decoding. The attending physician deals with the interpretation of the spermogram.

For information on what a spermogram is and how the analysis is deciphered, see below.

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Preparing for a spermogram is an important issue of interest to most men who are faced with problems of procreation, disorders of the reproductive system. In medicine, a number of diseases have been described that relate to the genitourinary system of the stronger sex. A spermogram is the best method to date, which allows you to more accurately determine the ability of a man, or rather, his biological material, to fertilize a woman's egg. In order for the analysis to be with more accurate results, it is very important to prepare for the spermogram in compliance with special rules. Below we will talk about how to properly prepare for the analysis.

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1 When is a spermogram required, how is the process?

Any tests must be prescribed to a man by a doctor. There must be indications for a spermogram. Spermogram readings are determined by:

  1. Testing the fertility of the stronger sex.
  2. The study of the ability of fertilization of spermatozoa.
  3. Conception problems within 6 months.
  4. The study of the activity of spermatozoa, the quality of the testicles.

The analysis is carried out in two steps:

  1. The first step is to study the properties of the material. The survey is mainly carried out in order to study the viscosity of the material, as well as the time for which it liquefies. In addition, at this stage, semen volumes, acidity of the material, color and consistency are studied.
  2. At the second stage, sperm is examined under a microscope. The medical device allows you to accurately calculate the number of spermatozoa. At this stage, there is a study of sperm motility, their quality. The ratio of mobile and immobile cells is studied. Determine if there is inflammation (in the event that a large percentage of leukocytes in the semen is found).

2 How to prepare for the study?

Exceptionally correct, competent preparation for a spermogram makes it possible to establish a correct diagnosis. How to prepare properly? Doctors have identified several rules, which are extremely important to follow. Preparation for the delivery of spermogram consists of 10 points, and it is important to follow them all. None of the items can be excluded, because otherwise the result will be incorrect, and the diagnosis will be erroneous. The preparation is simple:

  1. Before the spermogram, about 7 days before the test, the patient must follow a special diet. Fatty foods, canned food, coffee drinks, strong teas should be removed from the patient's menu. This is done in order to get the right result, since the above food helps to reduce the volume of semen, reduces sperm motility. To create conditions for increasing sperm activity, it is recommended to include dairy products, protein-rich foods, and foods rich in vitamins in the dietary table.
  2. In preparation for the study, you need to refrain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days. This is necessary in order for the research data to be as accurate as possible. If not abstained, sperm counts may be small and the test will be inaccurate. However, you need to know that abstinence for more than a week can also distort the results of the spermogram. If abstinence is more than 7 days, the spermatozoa will die in the seminal vesicles.
  3. In the process of preparing for the test, about 7 days before the study, you should completely abandon alcoholic beverages. Alcohol reduces sperm motility, reduces their activity, changes shape and at the same time increases the number of inactive sperm.
  4. If a man is diagnosed with diseases of the genitourinary system, then it is important to first cure the inflammatory process, and only then prepare for the spermogram. The course of treatment of inflammation must be completed no later than 7 days before the study. This is necessary in order for medications to be removed from the body, as they can distort the result of the study.
  5. The procedure should be rescheduled in case of SARS or acute respiratory infections. The study can be done after complete recovery, since intoxication during the period of the disease will distort the result of the spermogram.
  6. In order to properly prepare, trips to the bath or sauna should be excluded, since the high temperatures that affect the body of a man interfere with the maturation of new cells.
  7. A man is forbidden to go to the gym before the procedure and generally overload the body, as this will also distort the results of the spermogram.
  8. Depressive conditions and stress should be avoided, as this affects the state of the hormonal background, and as a result, the research indicators change.
  9. In no case should you massage the prostate, even if the procedure was prescribed by a doctor. Prostate massage worsens the quality of sperm and distorts the results of the analysis.
  10. Before the study, you need to sleep very well, relax.

Spermogram as a study is very effective, but only with proper preparation can you guarantee the correct results, on which the diagnosis will depend and effective treatment will be prescribed.

3 Norms, interpretation, mistakes of men

Spermogram allows you to establish the quality, quantity of sperm and evaluates the possibility of conceiving a child. In medicine, it is recognized that semen analysis, its further study is an important method for assessing the functionality of the gonads and the fertility of the representatives of the stronger half. The study is appointed at the first visit to the urologist, doctor-andrologist in case of suspected infertility. When the spermogram is normal, then one study is enough.

The recommendations of the Ministry of Health explain that in case of a negative result, a spermogram should be repeated at an interval of 1-3 weeks. If the results of the first and second studies differ greatly, then the spermogram with the best indicators is taken for research.

In this case, the main criterion will be sperm motility. The rules for preparing for a spermogram were listed above. Let's talk about the rules of sperm donation. The main method of passing the analysis is masturbation. It is believed that it is better to take an analysis in the clinic than at home, since while the patient is carrying the material from home, he cannot always observe the correct temperature regime for transportation and the optimal delivery time to the laboratory. Usually patients make the same mistakes. The main ones are the following:

  1. The material is collected in non-sterile, dirty containers. Plastic containers are tested and must not be toxic to germ cells.
  2. The ejaculant is brought in a condom.
  3. The material was obtained during an interrupted sexual intercourse.
  4. Sperm collected in insufficient volumes.
  5. Semen was transported at the wrong temperature. Permissible temperature limits - from 20 to 36 °C.

The result of the spermogram is given to the patient without a description. The decoding is done by the attending doctor during the appointment after the study. The norms of the study indicators will be given below, however, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. Nomes of indicators are presented at material volumes from 2 to 6 ml, at a concentration of spermatozoa from 20 million/ml and 40 million in total volume. Mobility is divided into categories, they are as follows:

  1. Active. They move very quickly and correctly. Not less than 25%.
  2. Sedentary. Move slowly, progressively. Normal is the symbiosis of active and weakly active cells, not less than 50% of the total.
  3. Swinging. They move slowly and swing at the same time. From 5 to 15%.
  4. Motionless. Older spermatozoa that have died or are dying. From 10 to 20%.

It is important to understand that every man has all four categories of mobility, and this is associated with a different age of spermatozoa. Quality sperm should be morphologically more than 50%.

Bonding or agglutination should not be normal. The acidity of the material should be between 7.2 and 8 pH. The ejaculant should liquefy for more than an hour - this is the norm. The viscosity should be no more than 2 cm. If the viscosity is increased, then, moving, the cells quickly lose energy, the possibility of meeting with the egg decreases.

The MAR test is positive if at least 50% of movable material, ejaculate coated with antibodies, is detected. The standard spermogram regards them as normal, but these cells do not take part in the fertilization of the egg, because antibodies act as a hindrance. A negative MAR test may indicate that the patient is infertile. After examining the spermogram, the doctor makes one of the following diagnoses:

  1. When the tests are normal, the patient is healthy, the doctor diagnoses normospermia.
  2. With a reduced sperm count, the doctor diagnoses oligozoospermia.
  3. With low sperm motility, asthenozoospermia is diagnosed.
  4. With a low number of normal forms, a diagnosis of teratozoospermia is made.
  5. With the complete absence of cells in the ejaculate, azoospermia is diagnosed.
  6. In the complete absence of sperm, the doctor diagnoses aspermia. In this case, an additional examination for the presence of retrograde ejaculation is prescribed.

The doctor can diagnose necrozoospermia in the complete absence of living cells. The diagnosis of leukocytospermia is possible when the leukocyte count is exceeded. Hemospermia - in the presence of red blood cells in the material.

4 Research restrictions

  1. If during 30 days a man's body temperature rises to 38-39 ° C at least once.
  2. If a man took medications, antibiotics for 90 days.
  3. Immediately after sexual contact with a woman.
  4. After visiting the sauna, bath or after taking a hot bath.
  5. During an acute cold.
  6. After drinking alcohol and medicines.
  7. During the period of exacerbation of pathological diseases.
  8. If urethritis is diagnosed.
  9. If prostatitis is diagnosed.
  10. If orchitis is diagnosed.
  11. If cystitis is diagnosed.
  12. After massaging the prostate.
  13. After experiencing stress or during a period of depression.

5 Treatment of infertility in men

Treatment for male infertility includes:

  1. Surgical treatment.
  2. Treatment of infection.
  3. Treatment of sexual problems.
  4. Correction of hormonal failure, hormonal therapy.
  5. Physiotherapy treatment.
  6. Assisted reproductive technologies.

The principle of infertility treatment is to conduct an examination of both partners: both men and women. During the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in a man, it is necessary to take into account the fertile status of the partner. This status may affect the result.

In addition, the urologist should examine the man for infections of the genitourinary system, since in order to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, you should know exactly the cause. It is very important not to despair, but to start treatment. With modern medicine, good results in treatment can be achieved. Perseverance and common sense will surely be rewarded.

And some secrets...

Have you ever suffered from problems due to PROSTATITIS? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • Increased irritability
  • Impaired urination
  • erection problems

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can problems be tolerated? And how much money have you already “leaked” for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish a link with a commentary by the Chief Urologist of the country, in which he recommends paying attention to one very effective remedy from PROSTATITIS. Read article…

If a man is suspected of infertility, the doctor will prescribe him a spermogram. This laboratory analysis makes it possible to determine the main indicators of the ejaculate. In order for the test result to be as reliable as possible, it is important to properly prepare for its delivery. What does a man who needs to take a spermogram need to know?

Analysis Features

A spermogram is a biochemical analysis of sperm, which allows to identify the reasons for the inability of a couple to conceive a child. At the time of submission, the following is assessed:

  • The volume of the ejaculate, its color and degree of viscosity.
  • Structure and motility of spermatozoa.
  • The number of sperm in the seminal fluid.
  • The presence of infections and pathogenic bacteria in the ejaculate.

The difficulty in conducting the survey lies in the fact that the collection of ejaculate requires certain conditions and special training otherwise, its composition and main indicators may change.

The study of the material takes place in two stages. First, its viscosity, quantity, liquefaction rate, color and acidity level are evaluated. At the second stage, the sperm is examined under a microscope. At the same time, its main indicators are determined (the shape of sperm, their mobility, the presence of inflammatory processes and the level of leukocytes).

Embryologist Alexandra Bartovna Streif tells how the analysis of the ejaculate is carried out:

The result of the analysis makes it possible not only to establish a general picture of a man’s health, but also to identify various disorders in the composition or function of sperm, as well as the main causes of this condition.

Indications for the delivery of sperm for analysis are:

  1. Couple planning pregnancy.
  2. Preparing for IVF if conception naturally impossible.
  3. The presence in the anamnesis of a man of various hormonal disorders, injuries and inflammatory processes of the appendages or prostate, varicocele, etc.
  1. Determination of a man's ability to conceive.
  2. Diagnosis of infertility in a man, if more than 12 months of regular sexual life without contraception, fertilization has not occurred.

AT without fail a potential donor of seminal fluid needs to donate sperm for analysis.

At what age can a spermogram be taken? Every man who wants to have children, regardless of his age, can take the study.

Preparing for the spermogram

Whatever the reason for a man to have a sperm test, it is important to properly prepare for this procedure and pass the material. Only in this case, the result of the study can be considered reliable.

Preparing for a spermogram

When appointing a man to conduct a study, the doctor will give certain recommendations that must be followed at the stage of preparation for the analysis. For this you need:

  • Refrain from sex for several days. If you ignore this rule, then as a result, the volume of ejaculate will be reduced.
  • If abstinence before the spermogram is longer than 4 days, then sperm activity may be reduced.
  • Within 7-10 days before passing the spermogram, you can not take a hot bath, visit saunas or baths.

How to prepare for the study of ejaculate tells the urologist-andrologist Igor Alekseevich Korneev:

  • Before the procedure, stressful situations and heavy physical exertion should be avoided.
  • Within 4 days before collecting the ejaculate, it is forbidden to drink alcohol or take any medication. If a man is sick with a cold, then the spermogram is postponed until the moment of complete recovery.
  • During the week before the test, you need to follow a certain diet. In this case, you should stop eating fatty and fried foods, spicy and canned foods, strong tea or coffee. You need to have breakfast before taking a spermogram with light foods.

For several days before taking a spermogram, a man is recommended to completely refuse to take any medications. This is especially true for antibiotics. This is due to the fact that the action of antibacterial agents has a significant impact on many functions of the male body, including the inhibition of spermatozoa. Thus, the results of the study may be unreliable. The quality of the ejaculate can be updated only 3 months after the end of taking such medications.

Alcohol has the same effect on spermatozoa. Alcoholic beverages can worsen spermogram parameters for a long period of time. If they were taken immediately on the eve of the study, then with big share probability that the result of the analysis will be bad. Reviews of physicians prove that ethyl alcohol negatively affects the state of all organ systems and metabolic processes in the body.

How does alcohol affect sperm? More in the video:

If the results of the analysis in a man who regularly drinks alcohol are negative, then the doctor may conclude that serious changes in the functioning of the reproductive system have occurred in his body. With the complete rejection of alcohol, there is a possibility of a gradual restoration of the quality of seminal fluid.

It is important to remember that smoking can negatively affect the quality of sperm.

How to take a spermogram?

When prescribing an analysis to a man, the doctor will tell you in detail how a spermogram is done. It is impossible to collect ejaculate at home. The procedure is carried out in stationary conditions by masturbation. For this purpose, special rooms are created in medical centers, with comfortable conditions for the patient. If a man has difficulty collecting material, he will be offered special erotic magazines or watching relevant videos. To collect sperm, a special container made of plastic or glass is used, which is immediately sent to the laboratory for analysis. Seminal fluid is subject to study within 1 hour from the date of analysis.

Analysis steps

How much it costs to donate sperm depends on the clinic where the analysis is performed and the type of spermogram (simple or extended).

The rules for passing a spermogram are the same for everyone:

  1. Before taking a spermogram, it is important to wash your hands and penis with soap and water.
  2. To pass a spermogram, you cannot use interrupted intercourse to collect material, since cells from the walls of the vagina can get here, and this can somewhat distort the result of the analysis. It is also not allowed to use a condom to collect sperm during the delivery of a spermogram. This is due to the fact that the product may contain lubricant, the components of which will get into the material for research.
  3. When transferring a container with ejaculate to a laboratory assistant, the patient must fill out a special form, which indicates his personal data (age, full name, etc.).

From the video with the venereologist-urologist Ekaterina Makarova, you will learn how to take the test correctly:

  1. To exclude the possibility of immunological infertility, when taking a spermogram, a man will be advised to do a MAP test.
  2. For a more accurate picture of the state of the male body, it is recommended to take a spermogram several times (2-3) within 1-2 months. If, as a result of the analysis, any violations were revealed, the doctor will be able to determine their nature (permanent or temporary). At the same time, the doctor will tell you how to prepare for the spermogram and when it needs to be taken again. To obtain more accurate data, the patient is advised to take an analysis in different clinics.

Analysis results

How much analysis is done? Usually, the term of the spermogram takes 2-3 days. Decryption gives the following data:

  • The number of spermatozoa.
  • their mobility. It is important to remember that with each subsequent sexual intercourse, especially if they occur one after another, the number of mobile copies decreases. Therefore, the doctor always explains to the couple that if they decide to conceive a child, then it is not at all necessary that sexual intercourse be too frequent. As a result of repeated sexual contacts, the formation of "young" spermatozoa occurs, which are not able to overcome the long journey to the egg. Therefore, the male body needs rest. And it is better that there is only one full-fledged sexual intercourse. It has been established that after a two-day abstinence, the maximum number of viable sperm is found in the ejaculate of a man.
  • The structure of spermatozoa. This indicator is considered one of the main ones, since its deviation provokes infertility. The shape of the cells can change as a result of dysfunction of the sex glands, prolonged abstinence, the presence of inflammatory processes and certain diseases (prostatitis, etc.).
  • Wrong accumulation (aggregation). In this case, cell mobility decreases. Violation can occur as a result of certain diseases. This condition requires mandatory treatment.
  • The level of leukocytes. If this indicator is exceeded, we can talk about the presence of an inflammatory process in the male reproductive system.

It is important to remember that all indicators are purely individual. Therefore, doctors prefer to periodically recheck them, giving the patient advice that will help increase the likelihood of conception.

Even if the results of the analysis turned out to be negative, this is not a reason to panic. Today, medical preparations have been developed that help to successfully overcome the diagnosis of infertility, and give a man a chance to become a father.

Preparation for a spermogram is an important step before passing this analysis. This research method is indicated for men who want to know the state of their reproductive system, or who are planning a pregnancy that does not occur for a long time. The study of seminal fluid allows you to determine whether there are sperm that can fertilize the egg.

Preparation for the delivery of spermogram will provide an opportunity to obtain the most correct analysis results. Based on them, the doctor will tell you whether it is necessary to carry out treatment, or perhaps you just need to change your usual lifestyle. Let us consider in more detail what a spermogram is, preparation for it, and what should not be done.


In medicine, a spermogram is a method for studying the seminal fluid of a man, the results of which determine the level of fertility, as well as the ability to naturally conceive (fertilize an egg).

The main indications for performing diagnostics of the reproductive system of this type are:

  1. The likelihood of the presence of a male factor of infertility (if pregnancy does not occur during sexual activity for more than one year without contraception);
  2. Suspicion of the presence of pathologies that adversely affect the functioning of the reproductive and reproductive systems, for example, hormonal imbalance, intoxication, inflammation and infectious diseases, trauma to the scrotum (testicles);
  3. Complications after surgery during the recovery period, which significantly reduce the quality of sperm;
  4. General examination of the body, as well as mandatory diagnostics of men who wish to donate ejaculate for donation;
  5. Attempts to conceive a child using assisted reproductive technologies (IVF or ICSI).

Considering such diverse indications, preparation for a spermogram for a man is no less important than the results that he will receive after studying the biological mass. Among the indicators that the analysis evaluates, experts note the following:

  • The volume of ejaculate obtained at a time;
  • The level of density of seminal fluid;
  • sperm motility;
  • Biochemical and morphological characteristics sperm;
  • The presence or absence of antisperm antibodies;
  • Acidity of the environment;
  • Presence and number of leukocytes.

Any deviations from normal indicators will be considered a pathology, however, it is possible to accurately determine the cause of its development only after a thorough diagnosis of the whole organism. Since the results of the analysis are a marker of the state of the male reproductive system, it is important to know how to prepare for a spermogram.


Preparing for the delivery of a spermogram to a man is a simple set of measures that the doctor who ordered this study necessarily tells about. The main recommendation before a spermogram is always the observance of physical rest. About two days before the analysis, you need to lead a measured lifestyle and get enough sleep.

In order for the body to be able to give the desired volume of ejaculate, it is better to drink a complex of vitamins at least 14 days before passing the spermogram. What substances should be taken, the specialist should tell, because self-administration can distort the real picture.

Preparing for a spermogram also involves keeping calm. If a man is under stress, then the body actively produces hormones that have a negative effect on the seminal vesicles and the prostate itself. Against this background, a small amount of ejaculate will be produced.

Answering in detail the question of how to prepare for the delivery of a spermogram, it is also necessary to clarify the point that about three days before the analysis, you should stop using cosmetics for intimate hygiene. Before going to the clinic, you need to take a breath, but not hot, but warm, preferably without the use of soap and gels so that they do not get on the genitals.

Many men are interested in how many days of abstinence before a spermogram the doctor recommends. In most cases, sexual rest is required for 10 to 12 days. This will be enough for the ejaculate to be cleansed of the female microflora and acquire its natural characteristics. If a spermogram is prescribed, abstinence for 12 days is necessary in situations where a man has taken any medication.

What is prohibited

Considering in detail the question of how a man prepares for a spermogram, one should not forget about some prohibitions. Therefore, we will consider in more detail what cannot be done before a spermogram.

First of all, it is necessary to refrain from any sexual contact, including masturbation. Abstinence before spermogram should be at least two days. This time will be enough for the ejaculate to accumulate in the genitals, and the spermatozoa themselves to mature.

It should be noted that abstinence and spermogram always go next to each other, because only in this way you can cleanse the body as much as possible, for example, it takes about a week to eliminate the signs of female microflora. Otherwise, the results of the analysis will be distorted.

Abstinence before taking a spermogram lasts an average of 7 days, more doctors do not recommend limiting yourself in sexual intercourse. However, it all depends on what the primary diagnosis was and why such a study was ordered. A longer abstinence will lead to a large concentration in the ejaculate of sperm that died naturally, which will indicate a pathology.

  1. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime, avoiding overheating of the scrotum (the optimal indicators for spermatozoa are 32-32 degrees);
  2. In order for the maturation of spermatozoa to take place at the proper level, one should not wear tight and tight trousers, as well as swimming trunks;
  3. You should not visit a bath or sauna for at least two days before taking a spermogram analysis;
  4. Preparation for analysis of the spermogram provides for the rejection of prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Also, a man should not attend a prostate massage for about four days, since such manipulations act as a stimulant for the production of ejaculate, which leads to a distortion of the results.

Preparation for a spermogram analysis is always postponed until the patient has fully recovered, especially in situations where there is suspicion of the progression of an acute inflammatory or infectious process. If you pass the biological mass, when the man's body temperature is 37 degrees or more, the bulk of the dead spermatozoa will be detected in the ejaculate.

Even after the disease has passed, it is necessary to wait another week for all previously taken medicines to completely leave the body. In the case of therapy with antibiotics, it is required to postpone the analysis for about 12 days, and preferably for 2 weeks.

Considering the question of how to prepare for a spermogram, doctors strongly recommend that you refrain from smoking for about 2-3 weeks. Thanks to such actions, the ejaculate is completely renewed, and when examining the ejaculate in sperm, no pathological or morphologically altered germ cells will be detected.

Before passing the spermogram, you can not use alcohol and drugs. If there has been alcohol poisoning or intoxication of the body, or if potent drugs have been taken for a long time medications, then it is better to postpone the analysis for 2 or 3 months.

It makes no sense to do a spermogram in the first month after a man has undergone chemotherapy.


Many are interested in whether it is possible to eat before taking a spermogram, but you should not exhaust yourself with hunger, but it is better to use only healthy and high-quality products. It is worth noting that a man is allowed to eat almost everything he wants, but at the same time, some recommendations should not be neglected.

Before passing the spermogram, the preparation also provides for such nuances:

  • It is better to refuse dishes that are cooked by frying, and also have a significant amount of spices and spices, black tea and coffee are also contraindicated, as they inhibit sperm activity and the results will be incorrect.
  • The diet before the spermogram completely excludes the use of strong and low-alcohol alcoholic beverages, including beer, since ethyl alcohol acts as a destroyer for spermatozoa and the results will show cryptospermia or other pathology.
  • When wondering what to eat before a spermogram, it is best to give preference to foods that have a large amount of protein in their composition, for example, chicken, rabbit meat or beef, fermented milk products are also useful, which will be additional stimulation for the production of seminal fluid.

Some men ask whether a spermogram is taken on an empty stomach or not. An unambiguous answer to this question cannot be given, but at the same time, doctors do not forbid eating well before analysis.

Even knowing clearly how to prepare for a spermogram for a man, you need to understand that it is better to take tests of this type 2 or 3 times within a few weeks. In situations where an andrologist or urologist detects certain deviations from the norm in the results of the test material, the patient will be scheduled to retake the analysis.

Only with this approach it will be possible to establish exactly what caused the distortion of the results - improper preparation or the presence of any pathology of the reproductive system. After passing the first spermogram, it is better for a man to follow a diet recommended by a doctor for several weeks, and it is also worth avoiding stress and sexual intercourse, physical activity.

If a spermogram was prescribed by a doctor, what was needed before the analysis was described in sufficient detail. Subject to all the recommendations, you can be sure that the result will be correct, and even if a pathology is detected, the specialist will be able to develop the correct treatment.

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A spermogram is a medical analysis that consists in examining sperm under a microscope in a laboratory. Usually this technique is used to determine the causes of male infertility, but in rare cases, the analysis is done to diagnose sexually transmitted diseases. It is usually combined with other diagnostic techniques. Spermogram plays an important role in planning the birth of a child, because not only the very fact of reproduction, but also the health of the unborn baby depends on the state of the seminal fluid. How is a spermogram done and is special preparation required for analysis?

The more responsible a man is in preparing for the analysis, the more accurate his result will be. Many factors affect the quality and quantity of sperm. Here is some of them:

  • food consumed;
  • daily regime;
  • bad habits;
  • frequency of sexual contacts;
  • the presence of infectious diseases, especially sexually transmitted diseases;
  • emotional condition.

Also, the quality of sperm is affected by medications taken by the patient at the time of the study.

In addition, you need to prepare emotionally for a spermogram. Looking ahead, let's say that the process of collecting sperm is masturbation, not every man will easily do this in a clinical setting. Sometimes it comes to the point that the patient before the spermogram is forced to turn to a psychologist for advice and moral support. Thus, a semen analysis can only be successful if the patient has fulfilled all the requirements of the doctors and follows the rules for conducting the analysis.

The price of a spermogram largely depends on the region, the image of the clinic and the characteristics of the study:

  • For example, a basic analysis (general assessment of sperm quality) rarely exceeds the price mark in 1000 rubles and often cost even less. within 800 rubles.
  • An extended spermogram, which implies a complete biochemical examination of the semen, is more expensive - from 2000 rubles.

At first glance, it seems that it is expensive, but a spermogram is one of the cheapest tests that allows you to identify problems in the urogenital area.

The choice of an expensive and eminent clinic for a spermogram is not always justified. The analysis methodology is the same in all institutions, so the quality of services can only be assessed by the reviews of other patients, which are easy to find on thematic sites.

Preparing for a spermogram

Above were given general principles and the rules for passing the spermogram, now we will consider them in more detail.


Fatty, fried and salty foods greatly distort the results of the spermogram. 7 days before the analysis, you need to give up such food, you should also give up smoked foods. An increase in the amount of vitamins and minerals on the table does not really matter, unless the patient decided to completely change his diet even after the spermogram. The average amount of water drunk a week before the study should be about one and a half liters.

Daily regime

Late going to bed and early awakenings have a bad effect on the state of the body as a whole, and on the reproductive system in particular. 7 days before the spermogram, you need to set the following mode:

  1. "light out" at 22:30 - 23:00;
  2. wake up at 7:00 (at least at 6:30);
  3. naps are cancelled.

These figures are arbitrary, since not all able-bodied men will be able to combine the daily routine with the work schedule, but in any case, it takes at least 8 hours to sleep a day.

Bad habits

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products have an extremely negative effect on the results of the spermogram, and at the same time on the quality of the sperm. It is better to give up these bad habits not a week before the analysis, but two, and even a small amount is unacceptable. harmful substances entering the body. The same applies to electronic cigarettes - in fact, they are much more harmful than manufacturers claim.

Sexual contacts

There is a difficulty here - if a man refrains from ejaculation for more than 6-7 days, then spermatozoa begin to die, the quality of sperm deteriorates significantly. But the sexual contact that occurred immediately before the spermogram also has a negative effect. The optimal period of abstinence before analysis is three days. Please note that masturbation is also not worth it.


Many infectious diseases significantly reduce the concentration of spermatozoa. This is especially noticeable if the patient is sick:

  • gonorrhea.

Colds and viral diseases also play their role. Before donating sperm for analysis, you should be thoroughly treated, and only a week after complete recovery, you can do a spermogram. If you need to fight a sexually transmitted disease, then before the study you should pass several tests for infections, for example, PCR.

Emotional condition

Stress affects the entire body, changes the hormonal background, undermines the work of all systems. If a man is very nervous before a spermogram, the results will be distorted with almost 100% probability. If the nervous situation in the family circle can be defuse, then at work it is unlikely to get away from stress. In some cases, it will be useful to take a vacation at your own expense while preparing for the sperm test, that is, at least for 7-8 days.

In addition, the results of the spermogram are affected by some chemical compounds and substances that, in a normal situation, have absolutely no effect on the body. These include components:

  • deodorants;
  • toilet water;
  • antistatic agents;
  • means for intimate hygiene.

When preparing for a spermogram, you need to abandon them, especially if any of these drugs causes allergies.

It is advisable to stop taking medications, but only with the permission of a doctor. As a last resort, postpone the test or ask your healthcare professional to find a safer alternative.

How to submit?

In the vast majority of cases, the collection of a biomaterial sample occurs in a clinic setting. Only there you can create everything the necessary conditions that will ensure the safety of sperm and comfort for the patient:

  1. Before the procedure, you should visit the toilet, and then perform all the necessary hygiene procedures. If this is not done, then there will be too many foreign impurities in the sperm, the biomaterial will be damaged, and you will have to retake the analysis (by the way, you will also have to pay a second time).
  2. After complete hygienic preparation, the patient's pressure and temperature are measured, and then they are escorted to a special room.
  3. There, the patient masturbates, and the use of lubricants is prohibited, and it is also impossible to wet the genitals with saliva - all this pollutes the sperm and distorts the results.
  4. The biomaterial is usually collected in an ordinary sterile jar made of glass, but some clinics provide special containers. There is not much difference, the main thing is sterility and compliance with the temperature regime.

If a man decides to donate sperm for analysis on his own, then you need to remember some rules:

  • The biomaterial sample container must be absolutely sterile. If microorganisms, dust and other foreign objects get into the jar, the result of the spermogram will be distorted with almost one hundred percent probability.
  • Sperm must be delivered to the laboratory no later than 40 minutes after being isolated from the body. If more time passes, then part of the spermatozoa will die, the characteristics of the biomaterial will be distorted.
  • The temperature of sperm delivery should be equal to the normal temperature of the human body, that is, 36.6 (plus or minus 0.1 degrees is possible). Otherwise, the analysis result will be incorrect.
  • Biomaterial should be "obtained" only by masturbation. Interrupted sexual intercourse with the release of sperm is not suitable - particles of the woman's biomaterial will be mixed with it, as well as her vaginal microflora.

If a man is able to provide conditions for collecting material for spermogram at home - please, but in most cases this is impossible. It is better to go to the clinic.

Some clinics provide men with erotic magazines. This is done to increase arousal during masturbation when collecting a semen sample. There is no need to be shy about using them, but hygiene standards must be observed.

How to improve spermogram parameters?

This implies a general improvement in the condition of the sperm, and not just for the duration of the analysis. In most cases, in case of violations of sperm counts, doctors give recommendations to patients, as well as prescribe a course of treatment. But you can improve the situation on your own.

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Infections are transmitted not only sexually, but also, for example, through dirty hands.
  • Avoid unprotected sex, especially with unfamiliar partners. Most diseases that affect the reproductive system are transmitted in this way.
  • Boost your immune defenses. Reasonable exercise, reception vitamin complexes, hardening and proper diet are the key to strong immunity, which means men's health too.
  • Pass regularly preventive examinations in the clinic. Even with normal health and the absence of symptoms in the body, a dangerous sexually transmitted disease, such as HPV or chlamydia, can flourish.

Compliance with these simple rules will help to avoid many problems associated with the work of the male reproductive system. But even with excellent health, the spermogram will not show a normal result if you do not carefully prepare for the analysis. Particular attention should be paid to diet, alcohol, tobacco and certain drugs, as well as emotional stress. The fewer negative factors that accompany a man before an important analysis, the less likely it is to get a false test result. But this is the key to the birth of healthy children!

You can find out by watching this video, the recommendations of the andrologist about preparing for the delivery of ejaculate.

A spermogram is a study of the male ejaculate in a special laboratory, which is carried out to find pathological abnormalities. The procedure is mainly designed to detect the causes of male infertility, which is equal in number to female infertility. The quality is significantly influenced by the preparation for the test and the medical institution where the study will be conducted. The best option is the laboratories located in the family planning centers, as they are the best prepared and they have everything necessary for a man to be able to take a spermogram. To get not the smallest, but a tangible result in therapy, you need to contact precisely such centers. The small and the big effect in healing also depends on you.

When is an examination necessary?

Male ejaculate should be taken in such cases as:

  1. Fertility testing and sperm testing for fertility.
  2. If a man is going to become a sperm donor.
  3. Checking the spermatogenic functioning of the testicles - whether they are able to form active spermatozoa.
  4. If a man fails to conceive a child for six months (identification of male infertility).

The main part of spermogram research is assigned in the latter case. Then the analysis is necessary to find out which of the factors prevents the onset of pregnancy. According to statistics, in 40-50% of cases, male infertility becomes the main cause.

Stages of the procedure

A spermogram is prepared in several stages:

  • Macroscopic.
  • Microscopic.
  • Immunoenzymatic.
  • Biological.
  • Bacteriological.
  • Cytogenetic.

In the first (macroscopic) seminal fluid is considered according to its properties - viscosity, volume, liquefaction period, color, acidity. At the second (microscopic) stage, spermatozoa in 1 ml of ejaculate are counted, as well as the ratio of active and immobile and the presence of leukocytes (inflammation).

What you need before the study

How can a man prepare for analysis? In order for the study to be adequate, the preparation for the spermogram must be thorough, all requirements must be met. The indicator of results, the establishment of a diagnosis, as well as the process of further treatment, if necessary, directly depend on this. How to prepare for a spermogram so that the results are of high quality to obtain an adequate assessment of the movement of spermatozoa and their ability to fertilize?

In preparation for donating sperm, you need to follow a diet.

Preparing for a spermogram is, first of all, a diet that must be followed for a week before the tests. What should be done to improve spermogram? You should not abuse fatty and fried foods, as well as drink a lot of coffee, as all this will reduce the volume of seminal fluid. The lack of vitamins during preparation affects the maturation of spermatozoa, so you should eat as much wholesome food as possible in order to avoid hypovitaminosis.

Before a spermogram, you should do a couple of days of abstinence. At the same time, prolonged abstinence is not recommended, it should not exceed a week. Frequent sexual intercourse reduces the total volume of seminal fluid, and consequently, spermatozoa. Prolonged lack of intimacy also has a negative effect, part of the sperm dies. Abstinence before a spermogram for more than a month contributes to the emergence of degenerative forms that are absolutely incapable of conception.

When preparing for the test, it is worth abstaining from alcohol, since germ cells die when drinking alcohol, and also reduce mobility and change shape. The period of abstinence before the procedure is a week. You should not smoke or use drugs. Smoking significantly affects the result and makes most spermatozoa inactive.

If in the body of a man there is inflammation in the genitourinary system, then treatment is carried out first. After the indicators are normalized, you can prepare for delivery, but not earlier than a week after the cure. During this period, the body will recover and get rid of the rest of the drugs that also affect the result.

How to prepare if you have a cold? It is worth postponing the study of the ejaculate and preparing for it if the man has a cold or acute respiratory infections, in which the body temperature is above normal. With such ailments, intoxication is observed in the body, which can change the results of the spermogram. They can be regarded as pathological. It is best to take an analysis of seminal fluid 2 weeks after the cure, while the temperature should not exceed the norm.

Before taking sperm for analysis, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol.

Before passing the spermogram, you should not overheat the body, it is better to exclude visiting baths and saunas. Spermatozoa normally mature at standard temperature.

Is it possible to do hard work or play sports before a spermogram? Physical activity is excluded for at least a day during preparation, since overwork contributes to the production of lactic acid in the muscle tissues, which does not affect the study performance in the best way. It is worth refraining from stressful situations, as the nervous system is under stress, and the hormonal background worsens.

The quality of the ejaculate is also affected by prostate massage. In preparation, it is necessary to abandon these courses before the study.

How to prepare for the analysis? A man definitely needs to rest the day before the spermogram and sleep well. Even minor factors, such as overwork, can significantly affect the delivery process and the result.

Having prepared, the collection of ejaculate should be done during masturbation in a specially designated room in a medical facility. But for comfort, most have to do this at home, receiving seminal fluid through coitus interruptus. For the reliability of the result, experts give recommendations for collecting ejaculate, such as masturbation, in order to avoid the ingress of female secretion. How long does it take to deliver the ejaculate for examination? The time from collection to examination should be minimal, not exceeding two hours.

The day before the test, a man needs to rest and sleep well.

When donating seminal fluid, it is required to collect all the sperm that was obtained in the process of ejaculation, since the quantity facilitates the study. The ejaculate is best placed in a special sterile container (container), which is sold in any pharmacy. Or you can use the packaging that is offered in a medical institution. Collection condoms are strictly prohibited, as they contain lubricant that can affect the quality of the result. Coitus interruptus should be avoided if possible. If it is not possible to collect in a special room provided by a medical institution, it is allowed to do this at home also by masturbation. The container must be signed (surname, exact time and date). Delivery to the laboratory should be carried out as quickly as possible, while the container should be in the optimal temperature regime (27-37 ° C). Now there are medical centers who provide a courier service. In this case, 15 minutes before the arrival of the courier, the ejaculate must be collected. It happens that with successful masturbation, seminal fluid was not obtained. Then the man needs to urinate and send all the liquid received to the specialist for analysis. Under any circumstances, laboratory tests should begin no later than 120 minutes after masturbation. Otherwise, the result will be incorrect. If any deviations are observed, the spermogram is re-scheduled, and the procedure is repeated after 7-10 days. If the indicators of the first and repeated analyzes coincide, the man is sent for a consultation with an andrologist to find out the reasons for the deviations.

It should be remembered that compliance with all preparatory measures directly affects the performance of studies.

Spermogram - laboratory analysis of seminal fluid. Preparing for a spermogram is a responsible and serious process. How to prepare for the analysis?

  1. Diet. Many food products can cause the analysis to be inconclusive. For 7-10 days, a man should exclude fatty, fried, canned, spicy dishes from the diet. From drinks you can not drink coffee, strong tea. The components that make up the listed foods and drinks thin the sperm, reduce the mobility of male germ cells. To improve the quality of seminal fluid, it is necessary to saturate the diet with foods that are rich in vitamins and useful microelements as much as possible.
  2. Sex life. Before passing the spermogram, sexual contacts are limited. Otherwise, the volume of semen will become much smaller, which may affect the result. But, it is also impossible to completely abandon sexual life. The absence of ejaculation within 7 days and the stagnation of the ejaculate leads to the death of spermatozoa in the seminal vesicles.
  3. Alcohol and energy drinks are excluded from the diet. Alcohol molecules and components of energy drinks significantly reduce the mobility and activity of germ cells. As a result, they become inactive, losing the ability to move at a normal speed towards the egg. To prepare for the spermogram, you should not take drinks 10 days before the test.
  4. Inflammatory diseases. If a man has suffered viral, bacterial diseases, the analysis is carried out a month after recovery. During this time, all metabolic products, toxins will be removed from the body. Otherwise, the analysis may be unreliable.
  5. Steam rooms and solariums. It is forbidden before the spermogram (within a week) to attend procedures that lead to an increase in body temperature. This factor negatively affects the maturation of germ cells.
  6. Physical exercise. Overwork of the body leads to a distortion of the result of the study. If the profession involves daily physical labor, it is necessary to take 2-3 days off before passing the analysis.
  7. Stress and nervous strain. These conditions lead to excessive production of hormones, which can significantly affect the quality of sperm.
  8. Massage procedures. In the event that a young man undergoes a course of prostate massage, before passing the spermogram for 3 days, manipulation should be excluded.
  9. Relaxation. Night sleep before spermogram should be at least 9 hours.
  10. Smoking, medication. One week before the spermogram, smoking should be limited. Even if the drugs were prescribed by a doctor, they are not recommended to be taken before semen sampling.

Preparation for the spermogram is very important, the result of the analysis will depend on it. It is recommended to carry out the analysis in stationary conditions. But many men prefer to collect seminal fluid at home. It should be noted that the home procedure is not prohibited, but it is better to use masturbation than sexual intercourse. Female secretion that has fallen into a container with sperm can also cause the analysis to be uninformative.

In any family planning center there is a separate, specially prepared room for the procedure and the collection of ejaculate. At the same time, doctors will tell you how to properly collect sperm.

  • pregnancy planning;
  • preparation for IVF (in vitro fertilization);
  • previous injuries, hormonal disorders, infections, varicocele, inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • determination of fertility (the ability of a man to produce viable offspring);
  • definition of male infertility (if during the year there was a regular intimate life, while contraceptives were not used, but fertilization did not occur).

A spermogram is mainly prescribed if a couple has problems with the birth of a child. Multiple negative factors affecting the male body, neglect of one's health, lifestyle leads to a loss of viability of germ cells. They lose their mobility, many mutant spermatozoa appear, which are simply not capable of fertilization.

A spermogram is mandatory for men who are sperm donors.

In some cases, doctors take seminal fluid to determine the spermatogenic function of the testicles. That is, how much they are able to produce active spermatozoa.

It doesn’t matter for what reason a spermogram is prescribed, a man must properly prepare for it.

Laboratory analysis includes 2 stages:

  • macro study of the characteristics of seminal fluid (viscosity, liquefaction rate, volume, acidity indicators, color, mobility, gluing, presence of antisperm substances);
  • microstudy of the characteristics of spermatozoa (the total number of male germ cells, the ratio of mobile and immobile spermatozoa, the presence of leukocytes).

The expert opinion contains many terms that may not be clear to young people. To make the result more understandable and a man can correctly assess the state of health, you need to familiarize yourself with medical terminology.

  • normospermia - no deviations;
  • oligospermia - insufficient volume of seminal fluid;
  • polyspermy - an increased amount (pathology);
  • viscosipathy - high viscosity;
  • oligozoospermia - a reduced number of germ cells;
  • cryptozoospermia - a reduced concentration of cells;
  • azoospermia - the complete absence of spermatozoa;
  • asthenozoospermia - very low mobility of germ cells;
  • akinospermia (akinozoospermia) - an indicator of lack of mobility;
  • teratozoospermia - a significant content of abnormal and modified cells;
  • necrospermia (necrozoospermia) - complete lack of mobility and vital activity of spermatozoa;
  • leukospermia (leukocytospermia, pyospermia) - a high content of leukocytes in semen;
  • hemospermia - a large number of red blood cells.

A man should not despair if the first time the analysis did not give a positive result. This can be the cause of even the usual stress before a spermogram. Basically, doctors subsequently prescribe a second spermogram and draw a conclusion based on the results.

By the way, many foods can provoke incorrect indicators. For example, spicy dishes and seeds provoke a positive test for syphilis. Therefore, you should follow the rules of preparation and take the analysis seriously.

The identification of infertility in men is most often carried out by collecting and researching information. Few of the male population know how to take a spermogram, and only the right preparation will allow you to get the right results, bypass false indicators and deviations from the norm.

What it is?

A spermogram is a study of sperm for infertility. But this type of analysis can be carried out not only to confirm or refute the ability to conceive, but also it is prescribed to men to identify the need for surgical intervention. For example, a procedure in a clinic can be performed if a varicocele or oncological diseases are suspected.

Among other things, men who want to freeze germ cells for use in artificial insemination must also be screened and pass all the necessary tests.

If infertility is suspected in a married couple, material is taken for research at the same time.

The diagnosis of infertility is made to those couples who during the year cannot conceive a child with a full sexual life without contraception. Research scientists have shown that worldwide there are fifteen percent couples who cannot have children. Of these, in half of the cases, male abnormal sperm counts are to blame. But the pathology of the ejaculate in fifty percent can be treated and corrected.

Causes of infertility in the stronger sex:

  • general unsatisfactory condition of the body;
  • negative impact of the environment;
  • wrong way of being, bad habits;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • genetics;
  • improper functioning of the immune system;
  • difficult working conditions, nervous tension, stress.


Before the procedure, a man needs to properly prepare. There are rules that must be followed if reliable results are needed.

3-5 days before the ejaculate delivery process, all forms of sexual activity must be excluded. If you do the procedure the next day after intercourse, then the indicators of the amount of seed will be negligible.

But you need to give up sexual activity for no more than 4 days. If a man has not had sex with a partner for a long time, then the activity of germ cells will noticeably decrease.

You can not visit baths, saunas, take hot baths. It is necessary to ensure that the body does not overheat 7-10 days before visiting the laboratory.

A week before the test, you can go on a diet that should exclude all fatty, spicy and fried foods. Alcoholic drinks and various medications are also prohibited.

Alcoholic drinks destroy the body's defenses, and because of this, metabolic processes begin to suffer. Ethyl alcohol adversely affects the liver, digestive tract and genital organs. If the patient regularly takes strong drinks, then the results of the spermogram will be disappointing: doctors can identify pathologies of the reproductive function. A complete renewal of sperm will occur only when a man completely refuses alcohol.

The use of antibiotics is especially prohibited. The side effects of these drugs greatly affect the functions of the body. As a result, spermatogenesis is inhibited. This fact significantly affects the results of laboratory research.

It is worth remembering that the composition of germ cells is updated only three months after the complete end of medication.

It is also necessary to avoid heavy loads, stressful situations and overwork. If the day before the patient falls ill or begins to feel unsatisfactory, then the procedure should be postponed until the man has fully recovered.

What to take with you to the clinic?

In order to undergo the procedure and take the sperm for analysis, private clinics provide special rooms that contain everything you need. The patient does not need to take hygiene items, magazines or videos for stimulation, a towel, a container and other items with him.

Most public clinics do not provide such facilities. If the institution has a room for the procedure, then it is completely not equipped with materials for viewing, soap and other things. Therefore, on the eve of the test, you need to ask what you need to take with you and what you should not take.

How to pass?

The attending physician will tell you how to take a spermogram correctly when prescribing an analysis and will repeat this before the procedure.

The surest way to get a seed is masturbation. The rest of the methods have side effects and may lead to false results.

During the process, the use of a condom is strictly prohibited. First, the lubricant that is applied to the latex significantly distorts the results of the study. Secondly, the effect of latex on germ cells has not yet been studied, and therefore it is better not to risk it.

Interrupted sexual intercourse is also unacceptable, since significant loss of substances is possible. In addition, leukocytes, flora and various impurities are more likely to enter the sperm from the vagina. To collect and transport the ejaculate, you will need a sterile plastic container, which is sold in pharmacies or medical institutions.

Private clinics have special rooms with a sofa and various magazines, as well as video equipment for relaxation and excitement.

There are no such rooms in public hospitals, or they are found only in exceptional institutions. Therefore, the seed must be collected at home and brought to the laboratory.

But it is worth noting that if the procedure is carried out incorrectly at home, non-observance of sterility, transportation in violation of the temperature regime and with high fluctuations, germ cells may be damaged. As a result, the results of the analysis will be bad and false.

Actions for testing.

  • Empty the bladder.
  • Wash hands and genitals with antibacterial soap.
  • Carefully open the plastic container without touching its inner walls.
  • Collect material for research in a jar. If some part of the seminal fluid was lost during collection, then this should be reported to the specialist.
  • Close container tightly.
  • Take it to the laboratory, where the research will be carried out within an hour.

To make sure that there is no immunological infertility, a man also needs to pass a MAP test. All the rules of delivery and the nuances before the procedure should be consulted by the attending physician.

Seminal fluid for research should be taken 2-3 times within two months. This is done in order to find out whether the pathologies are permanent or transient. Only the attending physician decides how long it takes to undergo the procedure. Most often this happens after two or three weeks.

Survey results

The results of the study are issued to the man on a special card 2-3 days after the procedure. If the tests turn out to be with identified pathologies, then the patient is prescribed treatment.

It is not recommended to independently decipher the data in the form, since each laboratory has its own table of norms. It is best to contact the attending physician of the clinic where the procedure was performed with the results.

The ejaculate component is evaluated according to several indicators and passes the Kruger scale:

  1. quantity, degree of viscosity and color of the seed;
  2. mobility and structure;
  3. sperm concentration;
  4. the presence of various bacteria and infections.

Based on the results of the analysis, experts make diagnoses:

  • Oligozoospermia. A low sperm count is considered if there are about 15 million ejaculates in one milliliter of fluid.
  • Polyspermy. An increased number of germ cells, which is not considered a deviation from the norm.
  • Asthenozoospermia. Fairly low sperm motility.
  • Taratozoospermia. A small number of spermatozoa with the correct structure.
  • Oligospermia. Big lack of ejaculate.
  • Aspermia. A serious illness when a man does not have sperm.
  • Azoospermia. Absence of germ cells in semen.
  • Necrofeather. No motile seeds. But, contrary to the name of the diagnosis, the immobile sex cell is not at all dead. It can be successfully used even for artificial insemination women.

  • Cryptospermia. The most common diagnosis that specialists make after all the procedures to detect infertility in a man. This conclusion means the detection of units of germ cells in the sediment after centrifugation. Specialists also practice similar ejaculates for artificial insemination of a woman.
  • autoimmune conflict. Mar test coefficient too high. This means that more than half of the germ cells are enveloped in immune antibodies.
  • Leukocytospermia. Large number of leukocytes. But it is worth noting that such bodies do not always mean inflammation. For example, tension in the veins of the small pelvis or veins of the scrotum can provoke an increased number of leukocytes. After the diagnosis of leukocytospermia, it is necessary to identify the causes, exclude inflammation and take samples for bacterial culture. And only after that it is necessary to draw conclusions and carry out appropriate treatment.
  • Hematospermia. Bloody discharge in semen. One of the most common causes is inflammation of the seminal vesicles and weak vascular walls.

It should be noted that in most cases, all diagnoses are unstable and can be easily corrected.