"Hematogen": reviews, composition, indications and contraindications. What is hematogen made of: composition Is hematogen possible

A complex of multivitamins containing vitamins with trace elements is called hematogen. In Greek, the name sounds, its translation is as Bearer of blood. The benefits and harms of the composition of the hematogen are concentrated, in addition to vitamins, on iron, which binds to proteins, dissolving in the digestive organs. With its help, erythrocytes are formed.

The benefits and harms of hematogen are based on defibrinated blood taken from cattle. The taste is improved with coconut flakes with ascorbic acid, chocolate with sugar, condensed milk with honey and nuts. All useful properties remain unchanged during its production, carried out by special processing of the source material. The result is small and tasty tiles.

The benefits of hematogen for the body - 5 properties

The main component of hematogen is black food albumin. This powder is the main plasma protein obtained from the blood in a food-stabilized form. It binds fatty acids, cholesterol and bilirubin, and also transports hormones - cortisone, thyroxine, aldosterone and triiodothyronine. They are inactive but mobile.

The composition of the hematogen, its benefits and harms, is formed by carbohydrates, proteins and fats along with iron and vitamins. Iron is the hemoglobin and myoglobin part. The first element carries oxygen through the blood to organs with tissues. The second stores it in muscle fibers.

Hematogen is considered a delicacy for children, but it is also useful for men and women. During great emotional, mental and physical stress, hematogen provides effective assistance to the body. Especially with insufficient hemoglobin levels:

  1. Hematogen is useful for women by the ability to stabilize the metabolism by regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  2. With regular use, the digestive activity with the respiratory organs improves.
  3. Retinol in the hematogen is useful for women by improving the quality of nails with hair and skin. Vision is normalized and the whole body is toned.
  4. Many amino acids with vitamins protect against the invasion of pathogenic microbes and viruses, which is especially important in the cold season.
  5. Hematogen is good for restoring the energy spent on medical procedures in the form of chemotherapy and surgery.

In addition to positive influences, there are also negative ones concerning overweight people. The reason is the high calorie content of the product.

So that the benefits of hematogen do not turn into harm, it is impossible to exceed the permissible consumption rates - 50 grams per day. The result of excesses will be indigestion, nausea and vomiting.

Hemoglobin is an allergenic product, therefore, in the presence of autoimmune disorders, it is not recommended to consume this delicacy.

There is information about the benefits of hematogen for women during pregnancy with the threat of anemia, but in limited quantities.

Hematogen for children - benefit or harm?

For babies, there is a special children's hematogen containing permissible concentrations of components for the health and development of a small organism. The difference from an adult delicacy is the addition of condensed milk, ascorbic acid and molasses to improve the taste. Calorie content remains the same - 355 Kcal / 100 grams.

Here are the main benefits of Hematogen for children:

  • Hemoglobin indicators in the blood are normalized, protecting against anemia. Its action is similar to blood transfusion. That is, its structure and composition are updated, strengthening the entire body;
  • The high energy supply of children's hematogen improves blood formation, supplying all organs and cells with sufficient oxygen;
  • This delicacy with enzymes and vitamins in the composition stimulates metabolic processes and develops visual functions;

In addition, hematogen is useful for children by improving the activity of the digestive system and respiratory organs, strengthening the protective functions of the body. But children under 3 years of age should not be given this treat.

Hematogen and pregnancy

The process of bearing in the womb of a child is accompanied by an increased need for iron. It helps the normal development of the placenta and the baby. Hematogen during pregnancy is necessary to restore large blood loss during childbirth. During breastfeeding, it is also not enough for the body.

Pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in blood circulation, leading to a greater need for iron. Special periods are the 2nd and 3rd trimester, when there is a risk of anemia.

But the hematogen during pregnancy should not be the only supplier of useful elements. Be sure to eat well, including meat and fish dishes with vegetables, fruits and cereals in the diet.

You can not abuse the product, so as not to harm the development of the baby. The thickening of the blood that accompanies the use of hematogen can develop thrombophlebitis.

Harm and contraindications of hematogen

Hematogen is not useful for men and women with diabetes. The reason is easily digestible carbohydrates in the composition of the product, which increase blood sugar levels.

You can not use hematogen for anemia that is not related to iron deficiency. The result of an overabundance of the substance will be intoxication of the body.

Contraindications are impaired metabolism and varicose veins with thrombophlebitis. And you can’t eat hematogen more than the established norm - for adults 50 g, for children - 30. Side effects will be disruption of the digestive system in the form of nausea, vomiting and discomfort.

  1. Before and after taking treats, do not consume other multivitamins for 2 hours.
  2. Salt substitutes should not be added to dishes.
  3. Hematogen is not recommended when following a low-salt diet.
  4. There is information that hematogen is not useful when taken with antibiotics. It is necessary to pause for 2 hours before and after its use. This applies more to ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, minocycline, levofloxacin, ofloxacin, tetracycline and norforxacin.
  5. In order for iron to be better absorbed by the body, hematogen should not be consumed together with protein products - meat, fish, liver and others.

This rule also applies to dairy products with food supplements containing calcium or antacids. The reason is the difficult assimilation of some multivitamin components of the hematogen.

How to choose a real hematogen

On the pharmacy counters there are products called Hematogen, but they are not. To avoid buying a fake, you need to read the composition - in the first place is black food albumin. It contains 4.5 percent of the total weight of the product. Everything else belongs to the flavorings.

With insufficient nutrition or hard work in remote regions of the country, hematogen will help restore strength, performance and cheer up. For children, in addition to having fun, hematogen helps the proper development of the body and mental abilities.

Hematogen is a useful tasty sweet, familiar to many from early childhood. Hematogen can be attributed to a multivitamin supplement, which contains iron and helps in hematopoiesis. Translated from Greek, "hematogen" literally means "the birth of blood." How hematogen is useful, what it is made of and when and how much it should be consumed, read on.

Hematogen was first produced in Switzerland by Friedrich Gommel in 1890 and was called "Gommel's Hematogen". It was a liquid preparation in the form of a mixture of bovine blood and egg white, and not familiar to us today, reminiscent of a bar of a chocolate bar.

Such a hematogen was also sold in Russia until the beginning of the last century, until several enterprises were created in the then Soviet Union, which began producing hematogen in 1924.

Although the age of this drug is more than a century old, it has not lost its relevance and today to this day it performs the same function as more than a hundred years ago. And today, children also ask their mothers to buy a tasty hematogen bar. And the whole secret lies in its unique composition, which includes vitamins, minerals, proteins and, of course, iron. And he's sweet too.

What is the hematogen composition made of

Hematogen is a kind of medicine. Rich in vitamins and enzymes and designed to increase hemoglobin and treat anemia. Hematogen is a good source of iron and protein, which stimulate the process of hematopoiesis.

The main ingredient of hematogen is albumin obtained from defibrinated blood of cattle. Associated components are usually sugar, ascorbic acid, condensed milk, nuts, honey, molasses, chocolate and other flavors.

In addition to iron and protein, the hematogen bar contains all the amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, and mineral compounds that the body needs. And in such proportions that are very close to the composition of our blood.

Hematogen can be called both a medicine and a prophylactic. It is often used in the treatment of anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency. At the same time, it can provide the body with the required amount of vitamin A.

What is useful hematogen

Hematogen was invented to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. But the properties of this therapeutic and prophylactic agent do not end there.

The hematogen is capable of:

Improve eyesight;

Normalize digestion;

Improve metabolism;

Strengthen the mucous membranes;

Has a positive effect on the respiratory system;

Increases defenses and resistance to colds;

Stimulates the production of iron in the blood;

Promotes growth in children;

Improves appetite in adults and children.

As a drug, in addition to the main treatment, hematogen can be taken with:

Low hemoglobin;

slow growth;

unbalanced diet;

Flu and colds;

infectious diseases;

Various chronic diseases;

physical exhaustion;

Eye diseases;

During the rehabilitation period after surgery;

Recovery period after cancer treatment.

Hematogen improves the delivery of oxygen to the cells of tissues and organs and increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions. As an addition to the main treatment, it can be used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Hematogen helps to quickly restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

How to take Hematogen

Hematogen refers more to a dietary supplement than to a drug. It still does not heal, but helps maintain optimal balance and health. Many people who buy a hematogen bar in a pharmacy eat it all at once. Usually no one buys and does not take it at a rate. But doctors now believe that it would be better to eat this delicious delicacy for a certain period, and not from case to case.

In principle, as a dietary supplement, it is not forbidden to anyone and anyone can treat themselves to it. But still there is a certain category of people who should refrain or first consult a doctor before buying a hematogen. But this category will be discussed a little later.

The daily rate of hematogen for an adult is 40 grams, i.e. you need to eat during the day only 8 cubes.

For people experiencing significant physical exertion, working in hazardous working conditions - 50 grams. The same amount can be eaten by pregnant women, but not all. There is a category of women in this position who are not allowed to eat it at all.

For children under 15 years old - no more than 25 - 30 grams.

When using hematogen, certain rules must be observed.

First, you first need to study the composition and rules of admission on the package. True, the admission rules are not always indicated. But the composition, or rather the composition of the components that improve the taste, is now quite extensive. There is a hematogen with honey and bee products, nuts, sugar syrup and fructose.

When using, it is still better to adhere to the norm and eat it not at one time, but divide it into 2-3 doses.

Hematogen can stain teeth, so it is better to drink it with plain water. It is strictly forbidden to drink it with milk, tea, coffee, fruit or vegetable juices.

Milk and dairy products contain a lot of calcium, and calcium interferes with the absorption and absorption of iron.

It is better to take Hematogen with food, ie. immediately after breakfast, lunch or dinner. The exception is meat, fish, liver, whole grains or cereals. In this case, you need to eat the hematogen after 2 hours. Or an hour before a meal. The fact is that these products impede the absorption of iron.

If there are any health problems, it is still better to take Hematogen in a course, although for 3 weeks.

If you drink a complex of vitamins, then you need to make a gap of at least 2 hours between the use of hematogen and the intake of vitamins.

This also applies to antibiotics. You need to drink or inject them at least 2 hours or 2 hours after the use of hematogen.

If you are taking medications with a high content of potassium, follow a salt-free diet, then it is better not to use Hematogen for the time being or consult a doctor on how best to combine such a reception.

Hematogen overdose

When used in large quantities of hematogen, an overdose and side effects are possible. In such cases, you may experience:

Frequent urination;

Open gastric bleeding, especially if the hematogen is taken during an exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers;

Increased or irregular heart rate;

Weakness in the muscles.

Overdose can be while taking hematogen and multivitamin complexes. An excess of vitamins A, E, K, D can lead to:

Severe pain in the abdomen;

Diarrhea with blood;

loss of appetite;

hair loss;

peeling of the skin;

tingling in the body or a feeling of overheating;

Changes in the menstrual cycle;

severe headache;

Pain in the joints, back and muscles;

Change in pulse.

There may be blood in the urine and feces, tarry black feces, pallor of the skin, small bruises.

Harm and side effects when using hematogen

In principle, the hematogen is harmless. The main harm may be due to the large simultaneous use. Some people may have individual intolerance, which can manifest itself:

Allergic reaction on the skin in the form of a rash, urticaria;

swelling of the face, lips, throat, or tongue;

Pain in the chest or throat when swallowing;

In this case, you need to stop taking Hematogen and consult a doctor.

After consumption, an unpleasant aftertaste, reminiscent of the taste of iron, may appear.

It is forbidden to use hematogen:

Patients with diabetes;

With obesity;

If there is a predisposition to thrombophlebitis;

During pregnancy and during lactation.

Hematogen compatibility with other drugs

Hematogen is often prescribed by doctors as a complementary tonic in the treatment of certain diseases. But there are drugs with which the hematogen is incompatible, can enhance or weaken the therapeutic effect. These drugs include:


Some drugs for the heart;

From high pressure;


Painkillers such as ibuprofen, diclofinac and others.

Simultaneous administration with hematogen can cause a number of side effects. Therefore, you need to warn the doctor that you are taking Hematogen or stop taking it for the duration of treatment.

Where to buy hematogen

Hematogen is sold in pharmacies. You can sometimes see it on supermarket shelves in the diet food section.

The shelf life is usually indicated on the packaging. You can store it in normal room conditions.

What is useful hematogen for children

Hematogen is especially useful for children. No wonder it was to improve the nutrition and treatment of children and soldiers of the Soviet Army that was the main goal of the production of hematogen in the Soviet Union. Those nutrients that are contained in the hematogen bar play a very important role in the development of the child's body. Proteins, macro and microelements, vitamins help to normalize and maintain proper metabolism in children.

For children, it is useful to take Hematogen when:

Low hemoglobin;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Lack of vitamins in the body;

Poor nutrition and lack of appetite;

Transferred stressful situations;

Growth retardation.

A hematogen will be useful for a child after suffering serious illnesses, including infectious ones.

You can give hematogen to children after the age of three. Some doctors recommend starting to give it only from the age of five. Therefore, on the issue, you can give your child a hematogen, it is better to consult with your pediatrician.

The daily intake should be for:

Children aged 3 to 6 years - 5 grams per dose three times a day;

Children aged 6 to 12 years - 10 grams per dose twice a day;

For children over 12 years old - 10 grams per dose three times a day.

As a rule, a hematogen tile is divided into 10 cubes, each of which weighs 10 grams. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the required amount.

Is there bull's blood in the hematogen

The answer to this question is both yes and no. Hematogen today is made from albumin obtained from the blood of cattle, which include bulls. Albumin is a serum protein derived from bovine plasma.

But today there is no pure bovine blood, from which the first hematogen was made in the form of a mixture. See in the video how hematogen is made today.

Hematogen Russian

Hematogen Russian is produced by PK Pharm-pro LLC, located in the Novosibirsk region. This manufacturer has a whole line of dietary supplements hematogen with various fillers: pine nuts, hazelnuts, coconut flakes and others.

There is a children's version. It is called "Russian Children's Hematogen". The children's hematogen contains only the main components: condensed milk, vanillin, starch syrup and black food albumin.

The packaging indicates the norms for use for children and adults, as well as the period and storage conditions. The weight of the bar is 40 grams, which is divided into 8 tiles.

Is hematogen possible with pancreatitis

The use of hematogen is not strictly prohibited in this disease. But you need to take into account the calorie content of the product and the amount of sugar in it. A standard hematogen bar without additives contains 76 gamma of carbohydrates and 345 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, occasionally you can treat yourself to it, but excluding other high-carbohydrate foods and with a lot of sugar that day.

Is hematogen useful for athletes

Hematogen contains proteins - the main building material for muscles. In addition, there are other useful substances in it. Therefore, hematogen can be eaten after long workouts and with great physical exertion. You just need to pay more attention to quality. Unfortunately, now there is no single GOST and each manufacturer produces it according to its own recipe, i.e. according to TU.

What is the use of hematogen, what role does it play and what effect does it have on the human body, see this video of the program "Live Healthy"

Hematogen is a prophylactic containing hemoglobin used to treat iron deficiency anemia.

Release form and composition

Hematogen is produced in the form of embossed dark brown tiles, distributed along and across the risks into separate plates, in films of 30 and 50 g. The agent has a weak specific aroma and sweet taste.

Each Hematogen tile contains black food albumin (defibrinated blood of slaughtered cattle). Depending on the manufacturer, the tool may contain various additional components. Among them, the most common are starch syrup, vanillin, honey, raisins, ascorbic acid, condensed or whole milk powder, vitamin A, dried apricots, peanuts, flavors and sugars.

Indications for use

Hematogen is used in cases of iron deficiency anemia, malnutrition, during the period of convalescence after infectious and other diseases. The remedy is prescribed for chronic diseases, especially for peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

Due to the fact that Hematogen contains vitamin A, it can also be prescribed to patients with impaired visual function.


The use of Hematogen is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components that make up the product, as well as in cases of anemia not associated with iron deficiency. Also, the remedy is not prescribed to children under two years of age and to all patients with impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

Due to the fact that the drug contains easily digestible carbohydrates, it should not be taken by patients with diabetes and obesity.

During pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding, Hematogen can be used only according to indications and provided that the expected benefit of therapy for the mother outweighs the possible risk to the child or developing fetus.

Method of application and dosage

The drug is taken orally during a meal. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient, namely:

  • Children 2-6 years old take 30 g of the drug per day;
  • Patients 7-14 years old are prescribed 35-40 g of Hematogen per day;
  • Adolescents and adults take 40-50 g of the drug per day.

The duration of drug therapy varies within 1-2 months.

The dose of the drug for patients in the period of convalescence after suffering iron deficiency anemia is 100 g of Hematogen per day for 60 days.

Side effects

Hematogen, according to the instructions, can cause nausea, diarrhea and allergic reactions. Cases of overdose of the drug have not been registered so far.

special instructions

Thanks to vitamin A, which is part of Hematogen, the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The tool does not affect the patient's ability to drive vehicles or complex mechanisms.


Synonyms of the medicinal product are not released. Analogues of Hematogen are preparations of Totem, Ferroplex, Fenyuls, Aktiferrin, Ferro-Folgamma and Ferlatum Fall.

Terms and conditions of storage

The instructions for Hematogen indicate that the product should be stored in a well-ventilated, dry place, out of the reach of children and protected from light, at room temperature.

Hematogen This is a combination of multivitamins and substances useful for the body, the main component of which is the blood of cattle and other animals (bovine blood is most often used). In the production of this tasty medicine, the plasma is dried, resulting in black albumin - the basis of hematogen. Blood is processed in such a way that all its useful properties and valuable components remain unchanged. To improve the taste of useful tiles, sugar, chocolate, coconut flakes, honey, molasses, condensed milk are added.

The main purpose of the hematogen is to stimulate the process of hematopoiesis in the body. When it enters the digestive tract, the drug is absorbed very quickly and promotes the formation of erythrocytes (red blood cells), which leads to an increase in hemoglobin. Its normal level is very important for a growing and weakened organism, therefore hematogen is prescribed for both children and adults.

The composition of the hematogen

Iron in the hematogen is in a unique form - it is instantly absorbed into the blood, does not irritate the gastric mucosa and quickly enters into a relationship with proteins. Also in the hematogen tiles there are other useful vitamins that strengthen the body, contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

The benefits of hematogen for the body are enormous - the secret is the unique composition of the drug:

  • Easily digestible iron;
  • Replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids;
  • Lipids and fat-soluble vitamins;
  • Valuable carbohydrates (dextrin, glucose, sucrose, maltose);
  • Vitamins A, C;
  • Useful minerals (sodium, potassium, chlorine);
  • Additional nutritional components that improve taste and smell.

Due to such a rich composition, hematogen is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia, anemia, and blood diseases. Tasty tiles are prescribed for children in order to improve nutrition with poor appetite, beriberi. Hematogen is widely used after a large blood loss or surgery, with poisoning and digestive disorders.


Hematogen: harm

Like any other drug, Hematogen should be taken with caution, strictly following the instructions. It would be useful to consult a doctor about the dosage and timing of its administration in order to completely eliminate the possible harm of the hematogen.

Usually hematogen is prescribed three times a day in the amount of:
from 3 to 7 years - 15 grams;
from 7 to 12 years - 20 grams;
from 12 years old and adults - 30 grams.

Children under the age of three years are not recommended to give hematogen. With the obvious benefits of hematogen, it can harm the body in case of its uncontrolled use or individual intolerance. Do not forget that sugar is included in the composition of the tiles, so it is better for diabetics to refrain from using them.

With caution and in minimal doses, hematogen should be taken by obese people, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Due to its rapid absorption, it can ferment in the stomach and cause vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea. Hematogen thickens the blood and can cause blood clots, and fatty components and additional nutrients can cause excess weight.

At the age of three to five years, hematogen is prescribed with caution, since it can significantly increase the excitability of the child, as well as poorly digested in a still fragile body. Parents should carefully monitor the reaction of the baby and, with obvious symptoms of nausea, stop taking the medicine.

Hematogen should not be used by people in whom the manifestation of anemia is not associated with iron deficiency. In this case, the use of the drug can lead to a supersaturation of the body with this substance and provoke dangerous toxic poisoning.


Hematogen: benefits

Delicious tiles enrich the body with a colossal amount of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for its normal growth and development. The benefits of hematogen are manifested in its strengthening effect and beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Hematogen is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in the following cases:

  • Weakened immunity;
  • Decreased vision;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Decreased concentration and memory impairment;
  • Failures in the digestive and respiratory systems;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Large blood loss after injury or surgery.

Valuable components of the hematogen renew the blood, make the body work harmoniously and rhythmically, nourish it with valuable amino acids and vitamins. Hemoglobin contains the daily norm of vitamin A, so it is especially useful for children during their growth and development. The huge content of minerals in the preparation has a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthens hair and nails, and promotes their regeneration.

However, the main function of the hematogen is to enrich the blood with iron, which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells in the body. Its regular intake leads to an improvement in the process of hematopoiesis, an increase in hemoglobin and excellent health.

Hematogen during pregnancy

The period of pregnancy makes significant changes in a woman's life, this may also apply to her taste preferences. You should not think that in the absence of individual tolerance to hematogen, it can be used by pregnant women in unlimited quantities, especially if no side effects have been noticed before.

In this difficult period, most women are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, and the hematogen will be very useful for the expectant mother. However, remember that it should be consumed in minimal doses and only after the permission of the doctor.

The harm of hematogen during pregnancy cannot be ruled out, and it consists in the following:

  • Since the drug thickens the blood, blood clots can form in the vascular network of the placenta, which can be fraught with insufficient blood supply and nutrition of the fetus;
  • The hematogen contains a significant amount of vitamin B, which can contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions in women and children;
  • The process of fermentation in the stomach and intestines can cause diarrhea and lead to dehydration, which is very dangerous for a pregnant woman.

During the bearing of a child, the hormonal background undergoes changes, hypersensitivity to the drug and a strong allergic effect are not excluded. Therefore, it is better for a pregnant woman to refuse to use hematogen and replace it with natural products containing iron (beef, buckwheat, pomegranates, liver).

Hematogen overdose

Hematogen should never be consumed uncontrollably or in large doses. Before and after using the drug, it is better to avoid taking medications containing a similar composition of vitamins. Simultaneous use of milk, antibiotics and nutritional supplements containing calcium is undesirable.

We must not forget that the course of treatment with hematogen should be no more than 2-3 weeks. After this, it is advisable to take a break for several months, and in case of resuming treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Symptoms of an overdose of hematogen can be:

  • Severe pain in the stomach or intestines;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea with blood impurities;
  • Constipation;
  • cough, difficulty breathing;
  • Hair loss;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Joint pain;
  • Migraine;
  • Seizures.

In general, the hematogen is well tolerated, and in most children and adults it does not cause allergic reactions. This popular medicinal sweet deserves attention, as it has practically no side effects and has a beneficial effect on the body.

Hematogen can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a prophylaxis during periods of the most active growth in children, with a deterioration in appetite and weakness. The main thing is to follow the dosage, carefully study the instructions and follow the instructions of the doctor.

Despite the fact that the basis of hematogen is the blood of animals, it can easily be called a pleasant delicacy. The similarity with chocolate allows parents to use it as a children's sweet, but it is better for very impressionable kids not to reveal the secret of the composition of this delicious bar yet.

In 1890, a scientist discovered the beneficial properties of bovine blood, which contains a large amount of iron, which is necessary for the normal formation of blood in the human body. He isolated albumin, which is also called hemoglobin powder or iron concentrate. As a result, the first hematogen appeared - in those days it was sold in the form of a mixture.

Hematogen is the record holder for the content of iron, standing in first place before the liver and apples.

Today, hematogen is produced in the form of chocolate bars. To improve the taste, honey, condensed milk and other additives are added to it, it also contains ascorbic acid and various useful substances. But the main ingredient of this product is still produced from dried blood of cattle.

Hematogen has a tonic effect on the human body, it is a good prophylactic against many diseases. Taking hematogen increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, contributes to the normal course of hematopoiesis. It is a good source of vitamins and amino acids.

Harm of the hematogen

Hematogen, like any medicine, is harmful in large doses. Some believe that the more you eat this product, the more benefits it will bring. In fact, for a person it is sixty grams per day, and for thirty. Give hematogen only from the age of five. Sometimes even small doses of hematogen lead to side effects: nausea, diarrhea, but this happens very rarely.

Too much iron can lead to stomach problems, and too much iron can cause heart, liver, and pancreatic disease.

Hematogen is harmful in diabetes mellitus (it can even cause death) and metabolic disorders. It contains easily digestible carbohydrates that increase blood sugar levels. Excessive consumption of this product can lead to obesity, as it contains sugar.

Thrombophlebitis and pregnancy are also contraindications, since the hematogen thickens the blood, which increases the risk of developing blood clots. It is also undesirable for pregnant women to consume such an allergenic product, as their immune system is weakened.

Not all products called "hematogen" provide health benefits: some bars are not natural, but made from a mixture of various chemical compounds. Such a hematogen can lead to the development of allergies and other side effects.