How to Lose Weight With the Subconscious Mind (Psychology of Weight Loss). How to lose weight with the help of the subconscious Work with the subconscious for weight loss

Subconscious and weight loss

Our body is talking to us all the time. If only we could take the time to listen. Every cell of the body reacts to our every thought and every word.

Which of us, diligent overweight fighters, did not come up with sad thoughts: “ How to lose weightand why is it so difficult? Why does my body not want to give such harmful - for him! - kilograms of fat? Why is he gaining them so quickly, you just have to relax a little?

It is possible to speculate with a note of doom that:

Distant ancestors survived the harsh northern winters if they had time to stock up on a solid subcutaneous fat layer, passing on to us this bad - according to our current concepts - habit;

It is sad to listen to the comment of another specialist that with each new attempt to lose weight, the body is more and more reluctant to part with “accumulations”;

Take a breath, remembering that both mom and dad were not slender

And eat your grief with something tasty.

And you can - and you need to - make a decision. In a situation where you need to get rid of excess weight (as in many others), this means - adjust your subconscious accordingly. Don't worry, it's not painful or difficult, but it's necessary. Because it is the subconscious mind that sometimes has fun, realizing our desires exactly the opposite.

One of the experts used a vivid image: if our consciousness is a gardener scattering seeds, then the subconscious is a fertile ground for seeds. That is, the subconscious obeys the commands that come from the consciousness.

The difficulty is that these commands must be extremely clear, specific, positive and in no case include negation (that is, particles “not” or the word “no”).

This does not mean at all that shouting at the subconscious - "you need to lose weight!", you will start to like yourself in the mirror next week. You need to know how to properly “communicate” with your subconscious. There are many of these techniques, but we will highlight only the main points.

To begin, define your goal. No, not with the words "I want to lose weight quickly." Your subconscious will not understand this. Take the time to write down on paper exactly what you want, and re-read or repeat often so that these specific goals become a program of action for the subconscious mind. And your thoughts should be positive, as well as the words they are expressed.

Do not use phrases like “I am losing weight” - the subconscious does not like to lose what it already has, or “I am dieting” - because at the word "diet" you involuntarily begin to think about food restrictions, hunger cramps and other troubles, and this is what your subconscious will perceive. It is better to say, for example, I'm good, and every day I'm getting thinner and slimmer”,“ I love fruits ”,“ I like to ride a bike, my legs buzz so nicely, and I see how elastic my buttocks become. ”

Such affirmative (positive) judgments - as opposed to negative (negative) ones - are called "affirmations" (Brockhaus and Efron Small Encyclopedic Dictionary). Today, this concept has become widespread and has become a term in the psychology of self-improvement. Formulate your affirmations, repeat them every day, and the subconscious mind will faithfully carry out all the instructions of your consciousness.

It's great if you connect your imagination, engage in visualization. Her technique is simple and has been described many times. Relax and clearly, like in a movie, imagine yourself - new, the way you want to become, play different situations, be able to imagine the admiring eyes of men, surprised - girlfriends, most importantly - see yourself different, the way you want to become. And fix this feeling, this “video”, and play it more often, adding new pleasant details. . Your subconscious operates with images - it will understand you.

Every thought we have creates our future . One of the well-known St. Petersburg psychologists, discussing the need for positive self-programming, said (we vouch not for the accuracy of words, but for the accuracy of meaning):
- Don't expect immediate results. But You'd be surprised how quickly things can change sometimes.

“Treat change like cleaning your apartment. First one thing, then another, and you look - everything glitters. In order to gain strength and bring to the end the initiated changes, it takes time. Time and continuous effort."

Louise Hay

Health is the balance of the physical and mental state of a person. And now I don’t think that this phrase will cause you at least some objections. And if so, then it's time to talk about what is not visible in the reflection of the mirror, about what cannot be felt and massaged, about what cannot be weighed or measured with a tailor's "meter", about what, nevertheless, has all these centimeters and kilograms have a huge influence and impact. It's about our mind and emotions.

"Reprogramming" your brain for a new weight norm

If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, then you probably already realized that there are no miracle cures and miracle pills for weight loss. Weight loss is associated primarily with a decrease in caloric intake and with an increase in physical activity. Everything. This is physics, this is the law of conservation of energy.

But, you must admit that the path to health and weight loss cannot lie through negative emotions. Accordingly, one of the most important tasks, I would even say a super task, is to get rid of negative emotions and the ability to manage your psyche, so that changing the diet and physical activity really brings joy, pleasure and satisfaction.

Our body is one whole. Our subconscious is connected to the body, and the body is connected to the subconscious. Tightly bound, oh so tightly. Yes, we still didn’t have “brains”, but the body already had a subconscious, well, or, conversely, the subconscious had a body.

Therefore, the main task is to convince our subconscious that, just like us, it wants to put the body in order, wants to change it.

What for? Yes, everything is simple! The thing is that our subconscious is like a tumbler - do you remember such a toy as a child? You shake it, it deviates and immediately seeks to return to its original position. This is approximately the same way our subconscious is arranged - any deviations in one direction or another, any changes to positive or negative, it does not matter, will cause anxiety and fear in our subconscious. It is the most "lazy" and conservative among us and believes that it is better to live as it is, without changing anything.

And all because our subconscious is nothing but the instinct of self-preservation. And what is the main task of the instinct of self-preservation? Correctly! The instinct of self-preservation, like any decent instinct, millet is obliged to keep the body entrusted to it in integrity and safety. But after all, any change in life is a threat, a threat to survival. How does the subconscious know what this change entails? What's ahead - the unknown? It turns out that our subconscious is a bodyguard, and the object of its protection is our body. Well, judge for yourself, of course, a bodyguard is much calmer when his "object" is sitting in one place and preferably in a tightly closed room. Of course, he will make every effort so that his “object” leaves the house as rarely as possible for all sorts of business meetings and banquets. The same thing happens with our body.

That's why it's so hard to diet, that's why it's so hard to force yourself to go to the gym, that's why after the end of diets everything returns to normal ... And this happens because the subconscious intervenes and begins to influence through sensations on us, on our thoughts. Unclear?


Well, for example, you decided to run in the morning. Yes, you and your mind took and made such a decision. Well, what is it, the mind is a logical and prudent thing, so it perfectly understands that running is calorie consumption, and calorie consumption is weight loss. That's right, and you can't argue!

And what about the subconscious? And he doesn't care about all these "reasonable" decisions. It saw all this logic and usefulness. The main thing for him is that he would not be touched and not pulled. What a figure! Here the consumption of calories, which means the threat of survival!

And it slowly, gradually and gradually begins to "drip on the brain." And as a result, at first you begin to feel reluctance to run and find a lot of "good" reasons not to run today. Of course, at the same time, you are a little ashamed of yourself, so oaths like "that's it, tomorrow like a bayonet" still work a little. Then laziness is gradually added, modesty disappears and disgust for the load appears. In the end, the climax comes: "Yes, burn everything with a blue flame! Yes, this run has given up to me! Yes, I feel so good!"
That's all! The old woman suffered for a short time... A complete victory for the subconscious. And all because we simply did not take care to make the subconscious our ally out of the enemy, did not take care to drag it to our side.

And it doesn’t matter what we did: running, aerobics, swimming, dieting, whatever, our subconscious mind doesn’t really understand this, the main thing is that it was disturbed, the main thing is that this very tumbler was rocked. And it cannot be said that all these methods of losing weight are useless and ineffective. Not at all. Just not having such a strong ally as the subconscious - everything quickly returns to normal.

That is why for weight loss it is very important to drag the subconscious to your side and make it so that, just like you, you WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT, or, at least, do not prevent it.

How to do it? Yes, there are ways...

It is necessary to teach the subconscious to see us thinner and slimmer, that is, in a scientific way - to excite the dominant of losing weight. What kind of animal? Now I will explain.


Dominant (from lat. dominans - dominating) is temporarily dominant focus of excitation in the central nervous system, capable of accumulating excitations in itself and inhibiting the work of other nerve centers, thereby giving our behavior a certain direction. In other words, the dominant allows us to focus on one thing while ignoring and suppressing everything else.

The dominant is another manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, which also helped our ancestors to survive in the wild and escape from all sorts of evil and unfriendly predators.
From the very name of the dominant - “dominant”, a very important principle follows, according to which in our head there cannot be many equal centers of excitation, that is, desires and needs. Therefore, our brain from all of them chooses one, the most important focus at a given time, and directs all the energy to perform this most important task. At the same time, he also takes energy from the rest, "secondary" foci of excitation.

With the skillful use of this knowledge, we can turn the energy of love for flour and sweet in the opposite direction and direct it towards weight loss!
To do this, you need to excite in yourself the dominant weight loss: you need to create a bright and emotionally colored image in yourself, an image in which you will see yourself slim and thin, that is, we are talking about self-hypnosis.

Here are the exercises that Aleksey Faleev recommends doing in his book "The Magic of Slimness":
"Start with the statement: "Every second I get rid of fat." Then imagine how the fat flows down like water from your body. How it melts like snow in the sun. Evaporates like water on glass on a hot day.
This image of fat draining from your body is very useful to keep in mind during physical training - the effectiveness of training increases by 3 times.

Be sure to positively reinforce this image of yourself as slim and beautiful (you will delight yourself).
Next, imagine as brightly as possible: you are slim and beautiful, get out of bed in the morning, stretch, do exercises, douse yourself with water. Here you are walking down the street - and they look at you, see your reflection in the window and smile at him. So you come to work, employees compliment you, congratulate you, start asking you how you did it. You meet a friend whom you haven’t seen for a long time, he doesn’t recognize you at first and exclaims: “God, this can’t be! How did you lose weight!”, “It’s a miracle!”. You feel pride and confidence from the changes that have taken place.
It is with this state of joy and happiness that you must reinforce the image of the future.
You need to call the desired image for 10-30 minutes a day (you can 2 times for 5-15 minutes). Use the time of a trip to the subway, fixed-route taxis, taking a shower, etc. for this. There are a lot of opportunities to allocate 10-30 minutes a day.
It is highly desirable to evoke such an image early in the morning - the morning mood sets the tone for the whole day.
So, to summarize: the first thing we need to do is to "reprogram" our brain for a new weight norm, and force the subconscious mind to perceive us as thinner, slimmer and young!


I don’t know if this phrase will surprise you or not, but, nevertheless, the fact is that: we get better not because we eat when we are hungry, but because we eat when we are already full!

You will not believe it, but in the vast majority only because we have lots of free time! Yes Yes exactly! When there is a lot of time, we simply begin to spend it preparing and eating food. We spend hours in the kitchen to cook some yummy for ourselves, which we will eat with pleasure while lying on our four-legged friend on the couch, watching TV and indulging in dreams of a slender body. And remember the weekend and this painfully familiar phrase on Monday: "Uff, here I am over the weekend then gorged myself!..."

That's exactly why, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it's easier to lose weight just when you have LOW free time, so all these excuses that they say there is no time, and there is no time at all - this is a lie, and a lie to yourself.
Therefore, learn to feel your body, learn to stop eating when you are already full. It's easy enough to actually do:

  • First, always eat slowly and stop eating before you are completely satisfied. It must be remembered that food is not absorbed immediately, so the signal to the brain about saturation comes later. Imagine how much more you can eat too much until the body realizes that you are already full! During this time, you can eat so much ... I don’t even want to say how ...;
  • secondly: eat little and often, it is much more comfortable and convenient to control yourself. After all, if you eat more often, then the feeling of hunger will be less, which means it will be much easier to control the process of saturation;
  • and, thirdly, you may not believe it and consider it nonsense, but: limit TV viewing to 10 hours a week. I assure you, you will be amazed at what such a "nuance" can do to your weight! In addition to the fact that you will have more time for sports and other "forgotten" things, you will also stop chewing while lying on the couch.


In diets, there are constant restrictions and permanent prohibitions. Diets force us to give up our favorite foods, eventually making even unloved, and not the most healthy foods desirable. The Forbidden fruit is sweet...

So it turns out that for normal, proper weight loss, you do not need to prohibit "harmful" foods, but simply change your attitude towards them to the opposite, i.e., make these foods psychologically less desirable and attractive.
You can't ban food. Refusal of certain products should be natural - they should just become indifferent to you.

Replace regular cottage cheese with low-fat cottage cheese, buy poultry ham instead of pork ham, replace all sweets with their low-sugar counterparts, replace sweet soda with mineral water. etc.

All these changes should be minor, they should not cause a negative attitude or tension, they should not cause a desire to eat something "forbidden". In the end, if you have something like a passion for hunting, well, don’t torture yourself, but just eat half or a quarter of what you ate before.


First, let's understand what a habit is.

Remember at school we went through the experiments of the physiologist Pavlov with dogs? All these tricks people have been using for a long time, using the carrot and stick method to tame animals, calling it "training". But this mechanism of developing a conditioned reflex works in the same way in the human psyche, only it is no longer called training, but education, or the development of HABITS.


So, dear ones, any habit does not arise by itself out of nowhere, but it is the result of positive or negative reinforcements.
Our entire way of life, our entire daily routine is one big habit. That is why the instinct of self-preservation reacts with stress to any new event, to any new situation. Our subconscious immediately becomes alert, begins to worry and worry, no matter what happens.

Therefore, even our best undertakings and initiatives will run into a wall of misunderstanding on the part of the self-preservation instinct. And it doesn't matter if we decide to run in the morning, or we are trying to quit smoking, or we are getting a new, better job - all these are new states, all these are stresses.

And in this case, there is only one way to calm the alarmed instinct of self-preservation - it is positive reinforcement.

From all this, a very important conclusion follows: in order for our workouts to become a habit and so that they do not cause negative emotions and opposition from the subconscious, we are obliged every time, immediately after training, to positively reinforce ourselves with something, i.e. pamper . Moreover, as such a positive reinforcement, anything is suitable, everything that will lead to the emergence of positive emotions in you. And it doesn't matter what it will be: a relaxing massage, candy or someone's praise - the main thing is that it would cause you positive emotions, if only it would cause you joyful feelings and pleasant sensations.
But, as they say: A good spoon for dinner. Therefore, in our case, it is of great importance TIMELY positive reinforcement. In order for a stable connection between physical activity and encouragement to form in our head, we need to "thank" ourselves in time for the work done. If this is not done on time, then go and explain to our subconscious that this candy is voooooon for the exercise.
In order not to constantly come up with something with encouragement, you can make yourself a list of all sorts of amenities, which will include everything that you like: pleasant music, a cup of coffee, a warm shower, a delicious cocktail, whatever, and after the end of the workout, use any item in the list.


By the way, there is another pleasure, a universal pleasure, because to please everyone is the pleasure of eating. So why don't we take advantage of this pleasure, right? That is why, make a rule for yourself - before each meal, do some simple exercise.

And it doesn’t matter at all what it will be: squats, push-ups, hoop rotation, jumps or jumps, a press exercise or something else. The important thing here is not the exercise itself, but the emergence of a stable relationship between physical activity and positive emotions arising from eating.

Well, who is stopping you on the way to the dining room from doing climbing or descending the stairs as an exercise, who forbids you to just go to the office toilet and squat, and who forbids you to do static exercises right at the workplace? Don't know what it is?

Static exercises are exercises in which movement does not occur, but the muscles tense up. For example, as you exhale, tighten your abs, keep it tense for a few seconds, then relax as you inhale. In exactly the same way, you can strain the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks. Start with 10-15 reps and work your way up to 90-100.

But it will be even better if we do our exercises between meals, that is, every 2-3 hours. That's when the increased metabolism from us can not escape! And all you need to do is devote 1 minute to this - this time will be quite enough to statically strain all your muscles. Moreover, in addition to accelerating the metabolism, such gymnastics will help us relax the muscles, eliminate muscle spasms from long sitting and relieve stress.


Aspects of weight loss:

Firstly: if we want to make the process of losing weight even more effective, then the first thing we must learn to do is notice our successes and do not forget to praise ourselves for them! Remember, this is called positive reinforcement.

Secondly: agree that losing weight is not a momentary thing, but rather a long-term event, it is a whole process, the result of which should be a figure of the weight and volume we need. And many of us are ready to put everything on the altar of losing weight, just to achieve the desired goal and the desired result. It turns out that we pay all our attention to the goal, well, and the process is just a tool to achieve this cherished goal, what to take from it ...​​​​​​

Thirdly: you cannot set yourself global goals and compare your current achievements with your ultimate ideal. Set tasks that are small and easy to accomplish. Set yourself the task of losing weight, for example, by 30-40 grams per day. Just! It seems to be easy - you just need not to finish a couple of sandwiches or take a walk for an extra 20-30 minutes. Agree, it's simple and easy to do. And in a month you will lose more than a kilo, and in a year and a half this huge figure of 20 kg will also disappear.

Another rule of proper weight loss - do not overexert yourself and do not force yourself. After all, daily small loads will give a much greater effect than insane, debilitating fasting and loads that do not last long and end in depression and return of weight, just because you "tried - tried, and lost weight in a month by only 3 kilograms, with a dream of 20! ".published

Are you tired of the constant desire to lose weight and your own helplessness in this matter? Healthy weight loss is a painstaking, difficult process that requires motivation, willpower, and aspirations. Self-hypnosis for weight loss will help you set yourself up on a subconscious level, with the help of a special formula you will believe in your own strength, step by step you will improve your body.

What is self-hypnosis for weight loss

Any person is subject to change his thinking and give the body certain attitudes. This is called self-hypnosis. You will not tell yourself every time like a mantra that you need to eat less or give up candy. Psychological training is aimed at analyzing your body, imagining the future, forming attitudes for losing weight on a subconscious level and convincing you that you need to become slim, beautiful, and healthy. Each time you self-suggest, you will be charged with positive energy and reinforce motivation to achieve your goal.

How to set yourself up for weight loss

It's never too late to lose weight. Remember, nothing is an obstacle to your happiness, ease of movement. Age, health problems, bad habits, a large supply of fat mass - all these are excuses. Even if you become a little more active in life and remove junk food from your diet or go on a light diet, weight loss will activate. However, such an act also requires motivation. She doesn't come in one day. Some people need about a month to tune in. Start acting right now, try one of the techniques for yourself, and you will feel how faith is gradually growing stronger.

Weight loss goals

The main question in this case: “why lose weight?”. It is not natural for a person to do something just like that, there is always a certain goal. Success depends on the correct formulation of desires. Not everyone can immediately understand what he wants, sometimes goals are blurred. The Wheel of Happiness exercise will determine which areas of life you need to work on:

  1. Draw a large circle on a piece of paper. Divide it into 8 segments.
  2. In each segment, write down the most important areas of your life that are directly and indirectly related to losing weight: relationships with your loved one, children, relatives, career, money, self-improvement.
  3. Rate your satisfaction with each segment on a scale of 0 to 10.
  4. With a pencil, color over the areas according to their estimates. You need to work on the least shaded segments.
  5. Decide what steps are needed to change the situation, to achieve weight loss.

Self-hypnosis techniques

You need to believe in your own strength. How to strengthen this feeling, how to inspire yourself to lose weight? You can use the laws of attraction of harmony, the art of self-control of qigong energy. Remember the following factors, then harmony will become your life companion:

  • You are responsible for what happens in your life. Excess weight is the result of malnutrition, an inactive lifestyle, and lack of body care.
  • Your attitudes depend on your upbringing and environment. What you surround yourself with affects the result. If you like to cook pastries, watch cooking shows, your family always arranges junk food feasts and is not going to quit, losing weight will be difficult.
  • You can do much more than you think. Self-hypnosis formulas, positive thinking will allow you to get rid of doubts and, as a result, get an attractive figure.
  • You can change your thoughts. Self-hypnosis for weight loss is a bookmark in the head of new ideas that help you stick to proper nutrition, do not quit playing sports.
  • You can achieve absolutely everything, even what at the moment seems unrealistic. Just get moving and stay motivated.
  • With self-hypnosis, you need not only to create an image of what you want, but also to revive it. The two most powerful motivators for losing weight and not only are love and fear, they drive all processes.

How self-hypnosis works for weight loss

Fat will not be burned only from the power of thought. The weight loss mindset changes your thinking and develops an awareness of the need to make a new body. After a self-hypnosis session, you will sincerely desire to lose weight, shape a narrow waist, tighten your buttocks, fit into a beautiful dress, improve your health, and more. The main thing is that you will believe in yourself, and this encourages action.

Reading affirmations

The constant pronunciation of life-affirming attitudes is part of the self-hypnosis program for weight loss. Simple phrases can recode the subconscious. You need to repeat them every day in the morning and in the evening for 10 minutes for a month. Audio affirmations are also effective. After self-hypnosis, women and men feel that negative emotions are gone, and they are replaced by euphoria, lightness, and a decisive attitude towards business. How to inspire yourself to lose weight? Say these affirmations and come up with your own:

  • My figure is great!
  • I love myself, my ideal weight!
  • I have a sexy and attractive body!
  • I radiate beauty, youth, health!

self hypnosis

You will not go into a trance in the truest sense of the word. Self-hypnosis in this case is identified with self-hypnosis for weight loss. To learn how to control your appetite and reduce the volume of your stomach, say this phrase to yourself every time: “I like all the food I eat. It fills my body with health. I am satisfied with the portion that is in the plate. My diet fully satisfies the needs of the body, weight is lost. This is an example of a phrase. You can come up with other similar statements in a positive way.

How to formulate attitudes

It is difficult to limit yourself to treats if the desire to eat them exceeds the desire to lose weight. Start your path to harmony with the right settings, and everything will work out. How to write affirmations:

  • For self-hypnosis, write down your goals on a piece of paper and formulate settings according to them.
  • All statements must be expressed in a positive way in the present tense.
  • Be brief but specific. Affirmations for self-hypnosis do not tolerate blur. Try to put a separate idea in one sentence.
  • In order for the installation to “reach out” to the subconscious, you need to believe in it.


How do you like the expression of Émile Coué: " We are not ruled by will, we are ruled by imagination"?
And if you don’t know that E. Coue is a French physician who became famous for teaching mankind how to improve health with the help of repeated phrases - affirmations, then you probably met the name of Albert Einstein.

And he said this: " Knowledge is lower than imagination".

What are they, the great ones, talking about? And how does it help us lose weight?

And this is how it will help. Because the main mistake of a person is to rely on willpower where imagination is needed.

But it so happened that willpower for us is wow, a knight on a pedestal. We are accustomed to admire her, we are told to train her, and just about anything, our "educators" of all times and peoples complain: they say that you don’t have enough willpower, that’s why you can’t lose weight, quit drinking, quit smoking, you can’t get up early and admiring the dawn, you can’t force yourself to do exercises and so on. This list is almost endless - so great are the hopes for the notorious willpower.

But - here it is, the great But! Which debunks the exaggerated value of willpower, showing its true - very official, position, and we will talk about it today.

Wise people from time immemorial know that man is ruled by imagination. In its various guises and qualities - but Imagination.

Start with yourself: when you are frightened of something and your heart suddenly beats strongly and is ready to jump out of your chest - that's what. Have you brought yourself into such a state by force of will? - No, it just seemed to you that someone was standing behind the door ...

And when you watch a strong melodrama and you are torn apart from pity for the hero, from longing for love, from the inability to help - is it really willpower that plunged you into such complex and powerful feelings? Which, by the way, again make your heart beat strongly, muscles tense, hands clench, and tears flow ... No, this picture on the screen upset you so much.

And if you burst out laughing at an anecdote - what is it, did you force yourself to experience joy and exultation from the exact word and the funny hero by force of will?

Our feelings are what rules our state, and feelings are not subject to willpower - because they are the product of the work of a completely different force: the Force of Imagination.

And attempts to cope with them with a strong-willed effort of 90% are doomed to failure.

That's why it's impossible for 90% of humanity to lose weight by exerting willpower - we bet on the wrong "horse", gentlemen!

It's time to admit this to ourselves and learn how to manage yourself - lose weight, get fat, quit smoking and start doing gymnastics, etc. - with the help of imagination. Because it is it that gives rise to violent emotions in us, which become a guiding Star, a Dream with a capital letter, forcing us to finally do what we used to expect in vain from willpower.

Imagination gives rise to the power of motivation in us - and the job is done! Like a bull on a string, we follow our Dream. Lose weight? It’s easy to lose weight if a bright picture flashes in your head at the sight of a pie: I’m dancing and spinning, light, slender, flexible, with a chiseled figure! A weightless skirt tickles my legs, a light breeze blows around my open back. Admiring spectators admire me - am I on the street? at a dance competition? on the stage? My soul rejoices - what a pie here !!! Nah, I tell him, and walk past him, indifferent to his scent. Because completely different smells overwhelm me - the smell of the sea and summer (I'm on the beach, and my chiseled tanned figure catches the eye against the backdrop of fat women), or the smell of waterfalls, mountains and forests ...

When the imagination "slips" a motivating picture at the right moment, saliva instantly stops flowing at the sight of food, because our brain is designed this way: we can experience only one emotion in one unit of time.

And the imagination is a mechanism that can be easily developed and trained (and this activity is so much to everyone's liking that one does not have to "force" oneself). The training will consist in the fact that you need to come up with a picture, gradually bringing it up to bodily sensations- and this is aerobatics! At first, you are unlikely to be able to feel light and flexible - even in your imagination, your body will not bend where it does not bend.

Therefore, imagination, like everything else, must be trained in stages. First, create an image in which you are happy, for example, how the scale shows a number that is seriously less than the one that upsets you. So you stood on the scales, chatting with your girlfriend and a little worried, you don’t want to look at the number ... Okay, you say to yourself - and cast a glance down. O!!! Whole 3 kg!!! Wow! If it goes like this, then k... I will weigh... And k... I will become lighter already by....!!!

These emotions that you have included in yourself with the help of imagination - this is the main value. After all, emotions are a chemical process in the body, and by including yourself in the emotional mode "I am delighted with how easily I lose weight!", you will turn on the chemical process in yourself, which will lead to harmony.

"I'm losing weight easily and pleasantly," - that's the refrain, that affirmation, I repeat which you include in yourself the image of yourself - light and flexible, dancing or conquering peaks. And the image will do its job - to lead you and improve your body.

Because that's how we're made.

Reading 10 min.

The creation of images most often occurs through self-hypnosis. The brighter and more emotional the image, the more reliably it will be recorded in the subconscious (in scientific language it sounds like “excite the dominant”). And then this image (“excited dominant”) will do everything to incarnate

The creation of images most often occurs through self-suggestion.. The brighter and more emotional the image, the more reliably it will be recorded in the subconscious (in scientific language it sounds like “excite the dominant”). And then this image (“excited dominant”) will do everything to be embodied in life. The subconscious mind will work for you, even when you sleep, when you eat or when you ride the bus. The dominant thing is that something most important is highlighted in the brain, the most important reaction of the current moment, and everything secondary is inhibited and ignored. The dominant is (like everything related to the subconscious) another manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation and also helped our distant ancestors to survive in the wild. The principle of dominance does not allow the existence of many equal foci of excitation in the brain; it transfers all the energy of the brain to the execution of only the most important task at the moment. The dominant allows you to concentrate on one thing, suppressing and ignoring everything else. If you have a strong desire to eat, then you will only think about food. But if at that moment a fire suddenly starts, the focus of excitation will move and you will forget about food, and you will run with all your strength, taking your legs away from the fire. Moreover, the dominant focus of excitation not only suppresses other foci, but also takes away their energy. Roughly speaking, the more you wanted to eat before, the more you will now run away from the fire. But if the animal has not so many dominants (i.e. needs) - to feed, avoid danger, mate, then a person has an insane amount of needs . Here are physiological needs (hunger, thirst, sexual desire, the need for warmth, light), and the need for security, and the need for love (to be in a group, not to feel alone), and the need for respect, and the need to explore (thirst for knowledge ), aesthetic needs (craving for beauty and order), the need for self-realization, etc. Each of these biological, social, spiritual, etc. needs can become a dominant need, and our task is to make sure that the dominant does not arise on its own under the influence of some external factors, but arises at our desire.

Dominant fight against excess weight

That is why, in order for the brain to allocate its resources to solving the problem of losing weight, our FIRST and MAIN task is to excite the dominant of the fight against excess weight. With this action, we will drag all the possibilities of the brain to our side! We will make the subconscious mind work on this task, and at every step it will look for and find solutions. How we set up our subconscious (with the help of emotional images), so it will work, that's what it will achieve. But look how we're doing now. Suppose that you want to be slim and beautiful, but if an emotionally colored image of yourself full is rooted in your subconscious, or if you do not believe that losing weight is generally possible, then there is no doubt that in this case nothing will come of losing weight. The desires of consciousness (mind) are nothing compared to the ancient power of the subconscious, and in this case you did not want to pull this power to your side. To avoid this, you need to create a vivid, emotionally colored image for yourself. In our case, the main goal of creating an image is to see yourself losing weight, to see how the fat has disappeared from your body. Start with a statement: “Every second I get rid of fat”. Then imagine the fat draining like water from your body. How it melts like snow under the rays of the sun. Evaporates like water on glass on a hot day. This image of fat draining from your body is very useful to keep in mind during physical training - the effectiveness of training increases by 3 times. If your imagination is well developed, then you can go further. Imagine that the fat gradually evaporates from your body, and now your body has reached the conditions you need! It has lost weight! Be sure to positively reinforce this image of yourself as slim and beautiful (you will cause delight in yourself). Next, imagine yourself as brightly as possible: you are slim and beautiful, get out of bed in the morning, stretch, do exercises, pour water on yourself. Here you are walking down the street and they are looking at you, you see your reflection in the window and smile at him. So you come to work, employees compliment you, congratulate you, start asking you how you did it. You meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time, he does not recognize you at first and exclaims: “God, this cannot be! How did you lose weight!”, “It’s a miracle!”. You feel pride and confidence from the changes that have taken place. It is with this state of joy and happiness that you must reinforce the image of the future. You need to call the desired image 10-30 minutes per day(you can 2 times for 5-15 minutes). Use the time of a trip to the subway, fixed-route taxis, taking a shower, etc. for this. There are a lot of opportunities to allocate 10-30 minutes a day. It is highly desirable to evoke such an image early in the morning - the morning mood sets the tone for the whole day.

Lose weight interferes with the brain!

Recently, Newsweek magazine (No. 56, 2005) published studies by British scientists from the universities of Newcastle and Edinburgh on the problems of excess weight. Experts set out to understand why dieters first lose weight, but, as a rule, after a while the lost kilograms return.

For several years, numerous studies have been conducted on thousands of people who want to lose weight. As a result, an unambiguous conclusion was made: to lose weight and avoid the return of lost kilograms to a person does not allow the BRAIN (subconscious). As soon as a person gains excess weight, the brain “reprograms”, gets used to its new image and begins to perceive extra pounds as the norm! All attempts to lose weight are interpreted by our brain, accustomed to excess weight, as a threat to the very survival of the body, so the brain automatically slows down metabolism. And after a while, no matter what a person does, the lost kilograms return.

Those. the serious problem is that, even after losing weight, a person, as a rule, still perceives himself as full, sees himself full in the future and considers this the norm. So, after many years of research, scientists have made a discovery: to lose weight and, most importantly, to achieve In order for the lost kilograms to never return, you can use the following method - you need to enter a new optimal weight norm into the brain that controls the human body, imprint an image of your ideal self into your brain. If this is achieved, then you can lose weight without even changing your lifestyle, without changing your eating habits. The body itself will gradually change the metabolic rate and bring the weight into line with the new optimal norm. Just because now the brain will perceive extra pounds as a threat to the very survival of the organism. I repeat this most important position once again - you need to drag the subconscious to your side at any cost, make it see you in the future slim, thinner and young. In scientific terms, you need to excite the dominant weight loss.

If you are not getting images, then there is an easier option.

In my sports practice there was such a case. A young 16-year-old boy had a congenital heart defect. He was a smart, kind, well-read guy, he won regional olympiads in mathematics and chemistry among schoolchildren. But due to a heart defect, he never played sports. Physically, he looked like a dystrophic, wore glasses with thick lenses, the girls avoided him, and he was very worried about this. And at some point he got tired of it. He put a photograph of the famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger in front of a table mirror and began to engage in figurative performance every day, strictly for 30 minutes a day. He looked at the photo of the muscular Schwarzenegger, then at himself in the mirror, and tried his best to imagine this powerful body in himself. Six months later, he looked completely different. He did not, of course, become a bodybuilder, but he also ceased to be a dystrophic. Now he was a fit young man with fairly strong and voluminous muscles. To be honest, this incident struck me then, because the guy really couldn’t go in for sports, but he was able to change his figure only with figurative representations. The power of the subconscious is truly limitless! Later, when I began to recommend the use of this method, I began to receive, for example, such reviews: “And about the imaginary desired figure. I also read this in your mailing list. I found a photo of one super-model, cut it out and glued my face to it, and every day I looked at myself in this form for a very long time, carefully examining and admiring my new body. And finally, I could close my eyes and see myself very clearly, in color, with all the details. But, I must admit, it did not happen right away, quite a lot of time has passed since the release of your mailing list. But then, Oh, MIRACLE! My stomach began to melt by leaps and bounds! But, true, it was not too big, but I wanted to make it FLAT! And this is despite the fact that I have not changed ANYTHING, neither in nutrition, nor in physical education. I didn’t really lose weight (I didn’t have such a goal), I just wanted my stomach to become flat, and it did! Without much effort." (Valentina D.) Yes, the power of the subconscious is truly limitless! I must immediately warn you - the most important thing here is practice. At first, the brain responds reluctantly to a new task - bright scenes, ideas, images are hardly drawn by it. Don't worry - it's normal. Just keep practicing, and very soon everything will turn out beautifully and brightly. Such figurative representations are very effective and have been used by athletes for a long time. American psychologist Alan Richardson conducted such an experiment. He divided the student basketball team into three groups in order to find out what is the best way to work out serves. The first group trained as usual, the second (control) did not train at all, the third also did not go to the gym, but engaged in a mental representation of the workout. Checking a month later surprised many - in the second group there were no improvements, but both the first and third groups showed the same improvement in results - by 20%. In our country, mental training is recommended for athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. Many people know about A.A. Kharlampiev, one of the founders of sambo wrestling, an honored coach of the USSR. Sambo is a very traumatic sport, and our sambo wrestlers have accumulated considerable experience in the fastest recovery after the most serious injuries. Kharlampiev usually recommended for a speedy recovery to mentally work on the injured leg as often and more intensively as possible. He also recommended lying with his eyes closed to mentally work out throws in all details. It turned out to be so effective that sometimes an athlete, who was forced to stop training due to an injury, later, starting training, surprised everyone with new tricks. Of course, this is not for the lazy, it is very hard to mentally work in such a way that you sweat. But the healing of injuries is incomparably faster than with passive lying and sports results practically do not decrease. As water takes the form of a vessel, so the subconscious mind will create our life depending on the images (dominants) that we put into it every day. It's like putting one drop of red paint into a jar of water. At first you do not notice any effect - the color of the water does not change. But gradually, continuing to drip from day to day, you see that the water becomes pink, and then red. We must take care of the contents of our subconscious and cleanse it of harmful and negative ideas much more thoroughly than, for example, brushing our teeth. If some disturbing and limiting image gets into it, then it will begin to act according to this image - we will experience fears and insecurity. Clean out this idea, with the help of an emotional image, excite a new dominant and all the uncertainty, as if by hand.

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