How to deal with overeating and gluttony. Eating disorders or how to deal with overeating

Hundreds of diets, dozens of expensive exercise equipment - and the problem of obesity in society is growing. We all get fat and get fat. How to lose weight? - a question that has been ringing in my head for many decades and does not find an answer.

Read this article and you will receive answers to such questions:

  • How to lose weight? How to deal with gluttony? How not to overeat?
  • Why do some people not overeat, and I can not deny myself a piece of cake?
  • Why most of all want to eat after 18 ?
  • Why the more I eat, the more unhappy I feel?
  • Which diet is best? And why don't diets work at all? Where Do Diet Victims Come From?

Less than 100 years ago, people were still dying of hunger. Today, hunger is basically impossible to imagine.

No, some people, of course, are dying of hunger somewhere far away, in Africa. But with us it is enough to have a couple of thousand hryvnias a month and you can get your daily bread in any store. At the same time, a new problem arose: how to get rid of the desire to eat more than necessary. After all, it's all - well, so tasty!

Why do we overeat?

Let's take a look at the problem of obesity from the perspective of psychology. And for this you need to understand the work of the human body.

Man is born and lives with the need to satisfy his desires. The basic desires that literally all living organisms on earth have are to eat (in the sense - to eat), drink, breathe, sleep and maintain a normal body temperature. There is also one more important desire - this is procreation. Birds, cats and mice, and humans have these desires. But the latter, since he is a person, also has additional desires, thanks to which a person is actually a person. Depending on the vector, a person has, for example, a desire to create a family, a desire to find love, a desire to be richer than others, a desire to have power and fame, a desire to know the world and learn the laws of nature, etc. All these desires are a human superstructure, thanks to which all scientific discoveries are made and the world as it is.

Nature has figured out how to make a person develop, and not stand still. So, when satisfying their desires, any person immediately becomes pleasant and joyful, and life becomes beautiful. It's simple, for example, a person walks through the desert and suffers from thirst - “to drink, drink, drink” - beats in his head. Suddenly he sees a stream and he has the opportunity to drink, he rushes there and drinks water. The moment he realizes his desire to drink water, he is happy. Do not think that this pleasure is some kind of ephemeral or superficial, we actually get a portion of endorphins into the blood. Our body itself produces for us this hormone of joy, which scientists call a natural drug. We are happy on a physiological level, we are happy, we are satisfied with life.

The satisfaction of all other desires of absolutely any person is arranged according to the same principle. When we are hungry, we eat even disgusting buckwheat with great appetite and feel joy. When we want property superiority over others, we feel great joy buying a brand new car to the envy of all our friends. When we want fame, it is incredible pleasure to become an actor or singer, who is listened to by thousands of viewers.

But any joy is not eternal. The endorphins injected into the body end over time, and our life again becomes gray and ordinary. In order for a person not to just walk through life, as in a horizontal straight line, there is a mechanism in nature that can be conventionally called "doubled". Simply put, when we received endorphins in an amount, conditionally, 1 piece, the next time we already want 2 pieces, then - 4, then - 8, and so every time more and more. So, a person who dreamed of any car, just to drive, and who bought a Zhiguli for himself, wants more in a couple of weeks - he already dreams of some kind of Mazda. And having achieved this, he begins to want Mercedes. So, a person who dreamed of performing on the stage of a small city theater somewhere in Zhitomir, having received this, begins to dream of leaving for the capital and going on stage, albeit a small, but still the capital's theater. Having achieved this, he is already planning a transition to the Bolshoi Theater. And having achieved this, he wants to go to some New York and perform on Broadway. But once he dreamed of a small theater stage, and this gave him great joy, a lot of endorphins. Now, having visited the capital, he no longer feels them, since their number is too small. The person is dissatisfied, he feels unhappy.

We live in the ascending order of our desires. We are not walking in a horizontal straight line, but we are scratching upward. This law of nature made us an evolved person. We have gone through a huge history from the simplest invention of the wheel to modern cars, trains, and airplanes.

So, what does obesity have to do with it?

We are all, each of us, addicted to endorphins. But not everyone can get them from additional, human desires. Not all of us can buy a car or go on stage. For some reason, we have not been able to get endorphins from real, human, additional desires. But you really want to enjoy life too, to be happy too. And then a person begins to get endorphins to satisfy hunger.

At the beginning of this path, when we eat, precisely by satisfying hunger, we experience happiness and joy from satiety - endorphins entered the brain, the hormone of joy made us happy. Having eaten, as they say, "from the belly", we are completely satisfied with life. Note, because the desire to eat arises precisely in the evening, after the notorious 18 o'clock in the evening. Why? When we come home from work unhappy and exhausted, we just need to please ourselves somehow. How? How? It's simple - open the refrigerator.

It is good if a person receives endorphins through the realization of additional desires, and if not. Then he finds them at the lowest level - on the animal. By simply consuming food. He becomes directly addicted to the refrigerator, like a drug. Unfortunately, there are no exceptions to the “double” rule. The first time we run to the refrigerator, not because of hunger, but for a new dose of joy, begins a direct road to excess weight. To increase, twice, more and more - food no longer pleases us, but we cannot stop, we cannot resist endorphins, which our body requires twice as much each time ... And if in the beginning we had enough to saturate a small bowl of soup, now soup, and fried potatoes with two, no three cutlets, and a bowl of salad, and an appetizer in the form of a cake or two, no three bananas are used, and all this can be washed down with a liter of Coca-Cola.

How is it treated?

When people who are not addicted to food hear that they are coded for obesity, it causes them a grin and disbelief. But in fact, this is so - a person's dependence on food is so great that it is comparable to dependence on drug addiction or alcohol, so it is not surprising that the market offers in this way to get rid of an abnormal craving for food.

All kinds of diets are a solution to how to limit food. But regardless of the meaning of the diet, from the set of ingredients that are included in it, this is not a way to cure a disease, but only to influence the consequences.

If we have a stomach ache, we must treat it, and not drink an analgesic - every modern person knows this. The same should be done in the case of dependence on food. After ridding a person of endorphins, we make him terribly unhappy. Of course, for some time a person keeps on the joy of losing weight, but this cannot last forever, since there are not enough endorphins from this joy, which means there is no happiness. And it is natural that a person, even having lost a little weight, breaks down, reaches for food, which ultimately leads to even greater suffering, self-condemnation and scourging.

Remember any restriction of a person from food, which means from endorphins, is a path that threatens to turn a person's life, and so not very happy, into a real hell. Taking away the only opportunity to get endorphins, a person runs the risk of not just falling into melancholy. He begins to have psychological problems: he becomes angry and unfriendly. And if such fasting continues for a long time, then real illnesses can occur: stomach ulcers, persistent colitis and constipation, in women often - hormonal system failure, female diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc.

It is much better to go the other way - to find where you can get these very endorphins, except for food. All additional desires of a person give much more endorphins and therefore, if a person receives them from the realization of himself, from filling his vectors, he will not be so dependent on food, he will not have a desire to increase "twice" and he will not sweep away everything from the shelves of the refrigerator.

To the greatest regret, it is very difficult to find your additional desires in the modern world. Society imposes on us general, fashionable desires, and in pursuit of them, we do not get a drop of endorphins. It would seem that the person has a good job - and he eats too much. There is a family and children - and he eats too much. In fact, the desire to overeat is a signal that we are not doing what we need, not living our own life. Remember the moment when you most want to run to the refrigerator and analyze what at this moment you are doing or what you did before - most likely this is the thing that actually does not bring you any pleasure, but only dislike.

At the same time, the modern world provides many opportunities to realize oneself, find one's own, personal desires and fully satisfy them. People of the 21st century have a lot of choice and free will and can and should get much more pleasure than eating food in unlimited quantities.

If you find it hard to find yourself and your desires, you can take two free lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Do you sometimes have a desire to eat another candy or cutlet, and then another and another? How do you feel after that? Surely, after a while you feel a heaviness in the stomach, bloating. And, besides, also reproach yourself for your incontinence.

Signs of overeating are experienced by many people, but often overlooked. Overeating is both self-pity and self-indulgence, as well as a variant of greed. Overeating is one of those bad habits that enslave a person, that is, a person cannot control the nutrition process, does not control himself. It manifests itself as heaviness in the stomach, loss of performance, drowsiness. The digestive process slows down and the stomach stretches too much. The result is bloating, intoxication, and general discomfort.

With an excess of food, the body is poisoned, it cannot get rid of the processed residues in time, so the liver and kidneys are overstrained when they process these residues. Excess food rots in the intestines, forms putrefactive fluids, which are excreted through the skin, respiratory tract, and intestines. When overeating, the acidity of the stomach and duodenum is disturbed.
Food hygiene implies interaction with a useful product, and it does not depend on quantity, but on quality. But when overeating, metabolic processes are constantly in tension, so our body is moping and capricious. When overeating, he experiences an overload of the digestive organs, blood poisoning with decay products, a decrease in the mental and physical potential of the individual.

Fold your palms in a boat and lean them against each other - this is the volume of your stomach. Now remember what you eat during the day - will it all fit in your palms? The stomach has folds, and when it is stretched with food, they are smoothed out, that is, the stomach is stretched. In this case, his blood supply is disrupted.

So, overeating is characterized by the following symptoms:

- a person eats everything quickly;
- continues to eat, even when he is already full;
- eats a large amount of food;
- Feels hungry, regardless of whether he has eaten or not;
- Feelings of guilt after such a meal;
- all the time eating something in small pieces.

Why does this obsessive desire arise?

The first reason is poor nutrition. Eating fried, fatty and refined foods. Drinking water during or after meals. Since water, together with food, quickly leaves the stomach and at the same time useful substances are not absorbed. Eating too much spices as they whet your appetite.

The second reason is an unhealthy body. That is, he lacks minerals, vitamins, so the need for food increases. Therefore, watch your diet, perhaps the body lets you know about some of its desires. For example, an increased love for baking signals a lack of B vitamins, and for chocolate - about hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). The body needs to be helped, but rationally. That is, do not eat a kilogram of sweets, but prefer honey, dried fruits. Eat whole grain bread or cereal instead of brownies.

The third reason is psychological. Food distracts from sad thoughts, drowns out stressful conditions. If a person does not receive enough love, then he begins to increase the consumption of sweets, since the center of love in the brain is fueled by sweets. Often people compensate for their lack of fulfillment by gluttony, a person has some abilities, but he himself does not believe in them and does not realize them. As a result, energy accumulates in the body, which is fixed by food and increases body weight. Sometimes a person eats because of emotional dissatisfaction. Not intending to solve the problem that has arisen, he simply seizes it.

Psychologists believe that this compulsive eating behavior indicates secrecy, psychological and physical discomfort, a long stay in a state of insufficient food. People with such an eating disorder experience low self-esteem, feel helpless, because they cannot control what is happening. They are more likely to fall into depression, they have difficulty sleeping, a tendency to suicidal thoughts. Such cases of overeating often occur during times of irritation, sadness, anger, excitement.

In addition, in childhood, all of us were taught that we must not leave food on the plate, we must definitely finish eating. These stereotypes also lead to overeating.

The less food has entered the stomach at one time, the better it will do its job, and, accordingly, the food will be absorbed more efficiently. It is known that the ancient Romans ate once a day and also went hungry once a week. And the ancient Greeks ate twice a day. The transition to three meals a day occurred as well-being increased. That is, the amount of food consumed depended on the economic situation, and not on the person's need for food. But it is necessary to eat food exactly when a person feels hunger, and not when he is sad, "for the company", while watching a movie or because it’s a holiday and everyone is eating. All this leads to overeating.

And although the results of overeating are masked, in the end it is always dangerous for health and longevity. But moderation in food is the norm of our behavior, as well as an alternative to diets.
To become moderate in food, you must learn to feel your real desires.
So, first of all, you need to learn to distinguish between psychological and physical hunger. Do not forget that with the help of food we simply restore the body's need for energy.
If a person eats because of physical hunger, then one can expect physical saturation, and if he seizes his emotions, then expect psychological peace. You need to feel the difference between these types of hunger.

So, do not eat during the day, you should feel when you are really hungry. Physical hunger is signals from the stomach, weakness, mild headache, remember this feeling. Of course, this is already an acute sign, every time it is not at all necessary (and even harmful) to bring oneself to such a state. But you need to know it in order to compare it with distinguishing between the capricious "want" of your stomach and the real need for food.

Then you need to determine the satiety threshold - for this, eat on a schedule, your hunger will get used to the regime, while it is important to catch the feeling of satiety, and not eat more food. Remember this feeling, and follow it in the future. Well, and of course, do not forget that the signal of satiety comes only after fifteen to thirty minutes, so eat slowly, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Then after a while you will feel full.

You can try to get rid of overeating yourself, or you can turn to specialists - psychologists, psychotherapists.

If you decide to deal with this problem on your own, then follow these rules.
- drink water in small sips during the day;
- do not eat "for the company";
- eat slowly, chew everything thoroughly;
- avoid fast food;
- start eating only when you feel hungry;
- concentrate on food, do not be distracted. Don't read, turn off the TV;
- eat only while sitting;
- when you are tired or hungry, do not eat for the first fifteen minutes;
- do not turn food into a reward;
- eat in small pieces, enjoy your meal;
- do not eat until you are full.
And also, if you feel that you are hungry again, get distracted - talk on the phone, watch a movie.

You can try slowing down your food intake. After every third bite, it is necessary to set aside the cutlery until the piece is swallowed, the pauses should be gradually lengthened. It's best to start lengthening them at the end of the meal.

Start your meal with a raw product, consume more honey, vegetables and fruits, nuts - energy food. If you feel very hungry, then divide the meal into two stages so that the interval between them is thirty minutes. After eating the first portion, wait, if the hunger has not gone away, eat the rest.

Find yourself an interesting business, then the emotional sphere will be filled, and this will help you not to think about food all the time. For example, start running or sign up for a dance, knit, embroider, do yoga, paint, or just read books. Be sure to move more, walk in nature. Try to solve your problems, don't run away from them. Remember that food, no matter how delicious it is, will not help boost your self-esteem or get rid of the problem. But if you get rid of this obsessive desire, you can actually praise yourself.

Love yourself, your body. After all, you do not want to harm him, and overeating, as you can see, destroys our body. If you love him, then you will eat healthy food, in small quantities, only when you feel real hunger. Try it and you will see that you will feel great both physically and psychologically.

(Photo: Lusoimages,

How to deal with gluttony? I had never thought of such a question before.
And it was like this. I have always loved a lot and delicious food. Since childhood. No, I was not a glutton, for the time being, the funds simply did not allow. It never crossed my mind to gorge myself on a trough of pasta, because I like to eat tasty and varied.
She lived like everyone else, treating herself to a red fish on holidays, and on ordinary days she modestly ate food no less common for an ordinary Russian.

And then something interesting happened. I started earning more by being successful enough in the career ladder and becoming a qualified professional consultant. I was able to afford to buy the notorious red fish and caviar every single day, my soups were thick and nourishing, the second was fat-red-meat, there were all kinds of salads all year round. Well, there is always a pie, a cake, a candy for tea. And there was a lot of everything, delicious, I put myself on noble plates, the food field was breathing heavily, because there was nowhere to breathe, I was falling into a blissful sleep, I remembered Russian drinking songs.

Then it got even more interesting. It turned out that with this lifestyle, more precisely food, weight began to gain. It was strange for me, because I have never suffered from a problem with weight. Having added 10 extra kilos, I felt inertia in my body, I could no longer run up the stairs after 2 steps. Having decided that I just need to eat less, as Maya Plisetskaya advised all suffering, I faced another interesting problem.
I couldn't eat less. I was already tired of all the delicacies, I rejoiced at the simple boiled potatoes with herring like a child, but there wasn’t enough to cut it, the feeling of hunger didn’t leave me for a minute until I had eaten the required amount.

Large amounts of vegetables and fruits made me sick, I physically could not eat bran and so on.
And at some point, an absolutely correct thought occurred to me: in order to overcome gluttony, you need to return the stomach volume to normal. Any glutton's stomach is stretched out for large amounts of food, and until he receives them, a person experiences hunger.

And the good old DIAPHRAGMAL BREATH helped me in the fight against gluttony and in the glorious cause of returning the global stomach to the right size. For people like me, dummies from anatomy: the diaphragm is an internal muscle that holds the internal boundaries and participates in breathing. With shallow breathing, we work the muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle. And with proper, deep breathing, the diaphragm is involved. The belly is pulled in and out, not the chest.

Simple exercise: Lie on your back with your knees bent if this is more comfortable. Try to breathe deeply, pulling in as much as possible and pushing out your stomach as much as possible. It is ideal to feel as you exhale, how your stomach literally "stuck" to the spine, and while inhaling, try to make your stomach look like a watermelon. Even on the exhale, when the stomach is pulled in as much as possible, you can hold your breath. First by 8 seconds, then increase the interval. If you feel dizzy, shorten the interval between inhalation and exhalation.

What else, besides the fight against gluttony, is this exercise useful? To many.
First, the cardiovascular system is trained. Those who have suffered from shortness of breath will soon feel positive changes.
Secondly, all internal organs are massaged. After all, many diseases, incl. inflammatory, occur from blood stasis and insufficient blood circulation. This massage promotes gentle cleansing, oxygenation and nutrient saturation of the internal organs.
Thirdly, when the breath is held, the capillaries expand and, with the subsequent inhalation, the whole body and skin are saturated with oxygen.
Another positive point that follows. With chronic inflammation of the internal organs, drugs may simply not reach the destination, since blood circulation is sluggish, stagnation simply occurs. Diaphragmatic breathing will help a lot here. But in case of acute inflammation, physical activity is contraindicated!

Well, about the fight against gluttony. Diaphragmatic breathing helped me a lot. Whatever they say, it was this exercise that contributed to the restoration of a distended stomach.
It was enough 15 minutes a day (daily and regularly !!!) and in the next week I felt positive changes. I can also note the surge of fresh strength from this exercise, it very well relieves fatigue after a hard day, the head clears up.
Gradually, the weight returned to normal. But then I had to use another simple remedy suggested by the pharmacist (thanks a lot to her!).

I want to note, more precisely, a banal thing to write: no matter how much the urge to overeat, it is better not to start. It happened for me, perhaps, because in the difficult 90s I had to starve. In the literal sense, at times there was no money in the house, even for an extra loaf. Perhaps I always had a fear of being hungry. And having received the money, I let it down ... you know where. And then I still struggled with the consequences.
In addition, the glutton gradually ceases to enjoy delicious food. Everything becomes boring, boring, and all that remains is the need to fill the stomach. The festive table is not happy, food in a cafe or restaurant is not happy.

I also want to note a positive thing from the past gluttony. Oddly enough, but in any problem there is something positive.
I lost my fear of being hungry. I am no longer tempted to eat delicacies every day. I learned to appreciate simple everyday food, I began to pay special attention to vitamins and healthy products. And I'll eat the delicacy on weekends and holidays. And I take it calmly. I spend money on other values ​​that are important and interesting to me.

I would like to highlight for those fighting gluttony. Don't buy appetite suppressants. In a beautiful jar, there can be narcotic and simply harmful substances that are addictive and various pathologies. You can buy special herbal preparations (corn silk, flax seed, and others). Although I myself have done without it.

Yes, one more important point. Don't jam problems! Control your condition, it is better to take valerian or milk with a spoonful of honey. Or just drink a glass or two of pure water (this is very useful) /

Uncontrolled binge eating is a disease that occurs for several reasons. The disease brings a lot of trouble and can ruin your life if you do not take up treatment in time. To correctly determine how to deal with gluttony, understand the causes of its occurrence.

All phenomena have reasons, because nothing happens just like that. If you neutralize them, it will be easier to deal with the consequences. Treating symptoms is wrong. It is important to immediately find the source of the problem.

In most cases, to blame:

  • abrupt refusal to eat or mono-food;
  • boredom, provoking frequent trips to the refrigerator;
  • stress and overwork at work;
  • addiction to junk food (for example, fast food).

Bulimia: Dangerous Enemy # 1

What is bulimia and how does it relate to overeating? With this word, experts call a mental disorder consisting in uncontrolled eating of harmful and high-calorie foods and the subsequent attempt to cleanse the body with vomiting or other unpleasant procedures aimed at "emptying" a full stomach.

Bulimia is a disease that requires serious treatment. It is based on an almost manic preoccupation with food, and it is expressed not only in gluttony, but also in conversations about their own weight, fear of gaining extra pounds. Thus, the disorder is of a contradictory nature: the patient cannot deny himself his favorite treats, again and again steps on the same "rake", but is constantly looking for ways to get rid of what he has eaten.

Bulimia symptoms are:

  • Lingering guilt - you beat yourself up, but lash out at food over and over again.
  • Depressive moods - overeating leads to melancholy and discouragement.
  • Inability to control your behavior - attempts to break out of the vicious circle do not lead to anything.
  • Self-criticism - the patient realizes his own mistakes and scolds himself, but cannot cope with the problem on his own.
  • Expectation of approval from the outside - dependence on the opinions of others leads to constant attempts to improve and get rid of what has been eaten.

Severe bulimia can lead to hospitalization. Its signs are much more obvious. Among them:

  • Deterioration of the condition of teeth, hair and nails.
  • Weakness and muscle pain.
  • Swelling of the parotid gland.
  • Sore throat feeling.

How to deal with psychological gluttony and irreparable harm to our health? The sooner you see a specialist, the more chances you have for a cure. If you feel that your health has worsened, hurry up: the count goes on for days, or even hours!

Learn more about our weight loss programs:

Causes of bouts of binge eating: fasting for the stomach

An attack of overeating can occur with a sharp refusal to eat. If a person wants to lose a little weight, he often takes too many measures at the same time. Among them are unbalanced diets, in which the body is abruptly transferred to a fast food ration.

Such measures often lead to backlash. After the end of any diet, a person begins to eat his favorite dishes, as a rule, in large quantities at once and can no longer keep himself within certain limits. His body riots, experiencing artificial hunger. Our body seeks to stock up on as many nutrients as possible, including fat, in case the "hunger strike" repeats. In such cases, the question often comes to the fore: how to stop gluttony?

Losing weight with a mono meal is especially dangerous for people of average constitution, for whom it is better to replace diets with a correct diet. Our nutritionists often face the consequences of trying to lose weight on their own. Today I went hungry on a buckwheat diet - I got rid of a couple of kilograms, and tomorrow I gained all seven. The body from such tests can go into the "food binge" regime, when a person ceases to control himself and eats everything that catches his eye.

How to deal with bouts of gluttony: melancholy and laziness

Sometimes people get used to eating large portions and often do it just out of boredom. An interesting movie and goodies on weekends and then on weekday evenings become a habit. How to overcome this kind of gluttony? There is only one answer - to radically change your life so that it is interesting! Find something to your liking, take a walk, don't sit in four walls in front of a blue screen!

  • Tired of spending your weekends at home? Go for a walk in the park or go to the forest - breathe clean air and enjoy the beauty of unspoiled nature.
  • Do you want to keep yourself busy with something interesting and useful, and not sit for days on end in front of a computer monitor or TV? Take up painting or handmade - create and infect others with your passion!
  • For outdoor activities, choose pool swimming, yoga or stretching! Regular exercise will not only help you keep your figure slim, but also improve your health.

Uncontrolled binge eating as a reaction to anxiety or fatigue

It's no secret that people overeat when stressed. When you are sad, anxious or upset, there is a temptation to eat to the bone. If this method of dealing with troubles has been delayed, and you no longer fit into your things, urgently change your life!

  • Do not fall for provocations and do not look for problems - it is much better to remain optimistic in all situations.
  • Find ways to distract yourself from routine and stress - with hobbies, going to the theater or cinema, walking, and heart-to-heart talks with family and friends.
  • Do not be left alone with sad thoughts - find someone who will listen to you, will become a real support and support in all troubles.

Also, severe hunger can occur after intense intellectual work. An overworked brain requires compensation for energy costs. Especially in such cases, you want everything sweet and so high-calorie!

Coping with Gluttony: Pest Foods

Fast food can also cause overeating. Fast food is very addictive. That is why you want it more and more. In addition, such freeze-dried foods saturate the body for a short time, and after a couple of hours you are ready to swallow the elephant again.

Very often, if a short time is allotted for food, a person tries to eat as much food as possible. At the same time, every free minute will be used for a snack for fear that then there will be no time for this. So the desire to get enough of semi-finished products and quick food from eateries, having stuffed a huge portion in a few minutes, can turn out sideways for everyone who wants to lose weight.

How to get rid of gluttony

How to stop binge eating? There are several ways, and not all of them are related to diet. It is important to understand that only a set of all measures will give a long-term positive result.

  • Every time you feel like eating, think about it: is this what you want, or are there other reasons? Your body may need water or simply to relieve stress. Each time you ask yourself and find the right answer, you will notice that you are eating less.
  • Do not drive yourself to severe hunger. In this state, in one meal, you can eat more than you need, because you have been waiting for this opportunity for so long. Large portions affect the size of the stomach, they simply stretch it, and you get used to overeating.
  • Eat in small portions, but at least every 4-5 hours.
  • If you read or watch TV while eating, it becomes very difficult to control portion sizes. The result is overeating.
  • Don't rush to eat. Be a foodie. Tasting the dish will help satisfy your hunger and not allow yourself too much.

Gluttony: how to stop and break the habit of eating everything at once

Tip # 1 for all losing weight: change your lifestyle! Together with him, your figure will slowly but surely change - it will become slim and fit. Remember: only you are the master of your body, and you decide how it will look.

  • Don't buy a lot of food at once. Keep your fridge low on food, but it's good for you. Leave traditionally festive dishes for an occasion, do not pamper yourself every day. Otherwise, you will run to the refrigerator not because of hunger, but for another mouth-watering delicacy.
  • Try to organize a varied life for yourself so that you don't have time to get bored, think about food, and then ask how to deal with gluttony. Don't sit at home in your free time. Take a walk, socialize, exercise, and vacation away from home.
  • Change your thoughts about food. Life is beautiful and varied. We eat to live, not live to eat!

How to get rid of gluttony with folk remedies

There are a lot of means for losing weight "from the people", but only a few are effective. Here are some ways to help you fight overeating.

  • Warm water, drunk between meals, perfectly blocks the feeling of hunger.
  • Aromatherapy is a pleasant and rewarding experience. Combine a few drops of orange, grapefruit and bergamot scented oils and enjoy the rest after a hard day.
  • Herbal decoctions are another way not only to calm down the “rebellious” stomach in anticipation of new portions, but also to improve health. The infusions used to reduce appetite are based on marshmallow, flax and corn silk, and lingonberry leaves and field horsetail help to remove excess water and harmful substances from the body. However, before using such "folk" remedies, it is necessary to consult with a specialist - even useful herbs have their contraindications.
  • How to deal with overeating and gluttony on your own? After eating, it is good to rinse your mouth with water or even brush your teeth. It calms the taste buds and you won't want a supplement.

When faced with the problem of gluttony, it is best to seek help from a specialist. Competent treatment will help not only get rid of uncontrolled bouts of overeating, but also bring your weight back to normal.

Fighting an illness on your own is good, but you must admit that it is much better to trust professionals. Don't play with your health! If you feel that this problem is close to you, contact us and get advice from our specialists absolutely free. Do not be left alone with your gluttony, call us and we will definitely help you.

Every person experiences a feeling of hunger when the body does not receive nutrients for a long time. This physiological feature is considered quite natural. However, there is a category of people with an increased and constant appetite. In this case, hunger is always present, regardless of the amount of food received. From here, gluttony develops and, as a result, problems with excess weight begin.

The reasons for overeating

  1. Consequences of the diet. Many girls push themselves into frames, wanting to get rid of excess body weight. They are addicted to diets, limiting the body in the right carbohydrates, proteins and complex fats. In the process of losing weight, the body begins to react violently to changes, not agreeing with them. When the diet ends, a massive meal begins. The body seeks to replenish everything that it has not received for many months.
  2. Lack of sleep. During a night's rest, leptin, a substance responsible for the excitability of appetite, is produced. Due to lack of sleep, the production of the hormone is significantly reduced, leading to a constant feeling of hunger. If sleep deprivation develops into a chronic form, severe gluttony begins.
  3. Disorders of the psycho-emotional background. There are people who eat up negative emotions. They literally do not leave the refrigerator, pressing on high-calorie foods. Women with mental disorders suffer from a similar feature. Failure to deal with stress leads to the fact that food becomes a kind of psychologist. Even if you start to meditate and put your emotional background in order, gluttony will not disappear anywhere.
  4. Lack of vitamins. In most cases, increased appetite develops during the cold season, when the body needs more food to keep warm. The main role is played by vitamin B, which is found in carrots, meat, cereals and legumes, cereals, vegetables. In combination with a lack of amino acids and omega acids, hunger is constantly present. This leads to binge eating, which can be eliminated by normalizing the daily diet.

Binge eating symptoms

  • systematic overeating;
  • inability to control portion size;
  • frequent use of the supplement;
  • inability to catch the moment of saturation;
  • depression after a meal "to the bone".

Signs of gluttony

  1. The amount of food eaten is uncontrollable when you are eating in front of your PC monitor, TV or listening to music.
  2. A food platter is always at hand and is replenished as it is empty. A person constantly looks into the refrigerator to taste "something tasty".
  3. If you don't eat while watching a TV series or movie, anxiety begins. The same applies to the inability to do mental work without a new portion of the treat.
  4. A glutton is characterized by nighttime snacks, so after 23.00 the refrigerator door starts slamming in the apartment. At the same time, I want to use the most forbidden fruit, for example, a cake.

To exclude constant overeating, you must follow an integrated approach. Let's talk about everything in order.

Don't skip breakfast

  1. Never give up your morning meal. Breakfast helps the body wake up and activates metabolism. Start your awakening with a glass of cool water.
  2. About a third of an hour after rising, cook the cottage cheese with berries or muesli. Some girls eat porridge for breakfast, which is right. Breakfast should be 40% of the total daily diet.

Normalize your diet

  1. If you prefer to sweep food off all the shelves of the refrigerator, now is the time to get rid of this habit. Create a five or six meals a day.
  2. In this case, you should get 3-4 main meals and 2-3 snacks. Eat strictly by the clock so that gastric juice is produced at a certain time of the day. The body itself will send a signal "Time to eat!"
  3. Change the menu every week, eat a variety of foods. Pamper yourself with delicacies, do not give up sweets completely. If you really want to, you can eat a slice of yogurt cake or a handful of candied fruits in the morning.
  4. Be sure to include cheese, eggs, cottage cheese of any fat content, and other milk in the diet. Also, the menu should contain meat, seafood, beans, cereals, fish, seasonal berries and fruits, vegetables.

Have a snack

  1. Never go hungry. Get in the habit of snacking on healthy foods before meals. If at work it is not possible to fully eat, carry food in containers.
  2. As a snack, it is good to use an apple, banana or pear, grapefruit (burns fat). Low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, bread with red fish, dried fruits, nuts, a granola bar without sugar are also suitable.

Eat desserts

  1. A person prone to gluttony regularly consumes sweets. They, in turn, help in the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. If you remove chocolate and sweets from the diet, apathy will begin, performance will drop, and the general condition will worsen.
  2. If you crave goodies, use dark chocolate. Get in the habit of keeping it in the refrigerator at all times. The daily dose is not more than 30 grams. In this case, you need to feast on the morning.
  3. An alternative to chocolate is a caramel-topped apple. It is enough to dip the washed fruit into the composition and bake it on the grill. Prepare casseroles with cottage cheese and berries (with sweetener or honey), eat dates in moderation.
  4. An alternative to sweets is ripe strawberries or a milkshake based on them, banana, grapes. Always have a small serving of nuts on hand to snack on every 4 hours (20 grams each).

Follow your drinking regimen

  1. You can deceive the stomach with any liquid that you need to drink at the time of a raging appetite. At night, use kefir or low-fat fermented baked milk, and pure water or herbal tea will also cope with the task.
  2. In the first month of fighting binge eating, drink at least 2.8 liters. filtered water per day. When all signs disappear, reduce the amount to 2.4 liters.
  3. Get a juicer. Prepare fresh carrots, cabbage, celery, strawberries, oranges and other citrus fruits, beets. Thus, you will overcome hunger and saturate the body with extremely useful minerals.

Sign up for a gym

  1. Physical activity suppresses hunger, so start exercising. Sign up for swimming, gymnastics, aerobics, or stretching. Start attending a dance school or boxing section.
  2. It is important to devote to training at least 4 days a week, while the duration of training is usually 1.5-2 hours. In your free time from the gym, walk in the fresh air, run.
  3. If it is not possible to buy a subscription, study at home. Argue with your friends that abs will be pumped up in 5 months. Set a goal and move towards it.
  4. A jump rope, a hoop, squats with a barbell, lunges with dumbbells act as effective home workouts. Follow the video tutorials.
  5. When your appetite starts again, lie on the floor and start pumping your abs. Do at least 3 sets of 20 times, then stand up and evaluate the result. You will notice that you do not feel like eating at all.

Stick to food hygiene

  1. If you are a gluttonous person, do not accept an invitation from friends to sit out in a pizzeria or any other establishment of this kind. Otherwise, allow yourself only 1 slice of pizza. Find someone to control you.
  2. In order not to overdo it with a portion, do not sit down to eat on an empty stomach. Fill it with a glass of kefir or water 20 minutes before a meal, a banana is also suitable.
  3. After eating, leave the table immediately, do not add any additive. Chew food at least 30 times throughout your meal. Focus on the sensations, watch the movement of the tongue and jaw.

Always have breakfast, do not give up chocolate, switch to proper nutrition. Do not eat in noisy environments. Never eat while watching TV or working on a PC. Do not turn off the lights, this atmosphere encourages overeating. Even the most ordinary bread will seem incredibly tasty.

Video: how to beat gluttony